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Everything posted by klipsch4life

  1. If a few of you fly into Little Rock on Southwest (cheap) I can pick you up at the airport and take you to Hope. I work for Caterpillar and can haul some gear if needed in one of our trailers (for you Little Rock guys) if you are taking large stuff to demo. KG
  2. Get Well. OB...You still haven't ridden in the Vette! (which I expect you to do at the next Hope get-together). My prayers are with you... Kevin G.
  3. I too had an Exmark when I lived in Memphis-27 hp 52" cut. It was great. I paid about $7500 for it and gave it away for $3500 when I moved to Hot Springs. Great mower, and like Michael, it was actually fun to mow the yard! I had 2 1/3 acres, so it was a fun couple of hours... Can't go wrong with a commercial model-built to last. KG
  4. I drove from Hot Springs to my office in Little Rock today and there was a lot of damage in between. Lots of trees down and houses without roofs. I'm glad everyone is ok. KG
  5. I saw a 120" flat panel last year at CES and I thought that was HUGE... This thing is gigantic!
  6. I hope one of these shows comes out on video...Any good Stones shows on DVD, OB? KG
  7. Please count me in ! BTW, did I pass the initiation, Dee??? KG
  8. Had the Turducken last year- didn't really care for it. Went to my mom and dads in MO and had Strawberry's ribs- I was thinking about you Dee!!! KG
  9. I didnt' make it to the bathroom, Bob...that sounds interesting. I had a great time meeting everyone and putting a face to a name. I look forward to the next time or a road trip to Hope like we talked about, Dee.. Kevin
  10. ok- I'll pull a few teeth and join you.... KG
  11. I will try to make it. I will be wearing khaki's and a royal blue Caterpillar polo shirt. Kevin
  12. Anyone ever used a WE Transformer in their system? Any thoughts? I have a friend in Taiwan that uses one between his turntable and amp and says it really improves the sound. I didn't think the frequency response would be that great on something that old... KG
  13. What pre-amp are you running with the MC240? That will make a huge difference. If you're not using one then that would be my next purchase. KG
  14. I guess I should pay an extra hundred...It was my idea... oh well... KG
  15. OB Mines the smallest motor available in '67.. 327 300 hp, but I like driving it more than a big block. Much nicer in town and in the mountains and 435 horses ( which was really closer to 500 horses). I have a buddy of mine from MO who is a restorer and judges at Bloomington every year, and he said mine was one of the nicest '67's he has ever driven. I'm off for a drive now... KG
  16. You know, I gotta say '67...C2......hey, what did you expect??? KG
  17. I'm heading to Hope for the festival this weekend, but I'm going to forget about taking the vette. It's supposed to be over a hundred Saturday. KG
  18. I agree with you Mike. I have the 2900 also. I've seen them on Ebay for $200-300, and the audio and video quality is great. KG
  19. OB I read in one thread that Jim Hunter was moving the museum pieces to Indy, that's all. Nothing about the plant that I know of... I talked to Jim at CES, but he didn't give me the skinny on anything else... You would think that I (me me me, Amy) would be the first he would tell...[]
  20. Does anyone know when Jim H is going to move the museum to Indy? I need to go to Hope and see my niece and nephew, and I want to get there before the history is gone... Kevin
  21. Great Job! That 1/4 round really sets them off. Please don't post anymore pics...I don't need to think about any more projects!!!!! KG
  22. Are you talking about jennychan4028 ? Well, on second look he is in Hong Cong... Not sure, then...
  23. Dee The sad part is Raye Ann couldn't go with me, so I had an extra ticket. 5th row center in the orchestra pit area. Couldn't find anyone in LR to go with me on a 2 hour notice! Great show...
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