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Everything posted by Brac

  1. I didn't think Bose would even tell anybody any specs. No way it has 1200 anything.
  2. just looking for a hand with a small non-audio purchase. PM thanks
  3. Special price for the right member. Shoot me a PM if you need them.
  4. Thanks for all the great input, gonna give Emotiva a call today.
  5. Have a great summer. Don't be a stranger!
  6. Let us know how many people point out that RF-7's are not a Heritage Speaker. Nice looking speaks! I've always wanted to hear a set.
  7. Off Topic, have you received the Th115's yet? How much power do they want? Good deal, these should go quick.
  8. Brac

    What I Got Today!

    Just got the new Direct TV Jeanie upgrade. Total Cost of $49.00. Pretty impressed with some of the changes, remote support for way more stuff (even Outlaw Gear). Has 5 tuners in it. Allows PIP of any 2 channels. Strangest part was they sent an installer that knew what he was doing, gave me a Cinema conn kit. (which takes in wireless network and give you a wired network) Have to think of some use for this. Also gave me a second remote (both RF) this unit will clone the remote to a second unit. Has a 1TB hard drive and a SATA connection in the back if you want to add more. The only negative I see is they did away with the toslink and force you to use dig coax.
  9. Man, I was sure you guys were gonna talk me into doing it. The only other plus side is I would have 5 years of warranty on the new UMC-200. Have to think a bit....
  10. Was just reading some reviews about the UMC-200 and it is getting good marks, but no one seems to compare it to the UMC-1. I hadn't really considered one at all because I was saving my upgrade card for an XMC down the road, but I was on the Emotiva website and they now have an "upgrade for life program" So the options are: use the card for an XMC save $600 use the card on a UMC-200 save $240 (get upgrade for life 25% discount) then buy an XMC-1 with a $374 discount. Total savings $614 not to mention UMC-1's are selling for more than the after discount price on the UMC-200 so free upgrade... Thoughts, opinions, rants, raves?
  11. Holy crap, you'll be a dead man if your wife reads this! You against used?
  12. That was a good fast sale! You have an old set to get rid of now?
  13. does the TV have an antenna in? It's old school but you could get a channel modulator
  14. The write up said $6000.00 it also said the buyer cheaped out on the finish and used something that ruined it.
  15. Came across this vid, thought I would share. Quite the horn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6bkaVGnvpE
  16. My thought exactly! I really think he should give the horns away, to someone more deserving who appreciates them and would never even ask such a question. (poor things, It's abuse I tell you)
  17. Don't you have to fix the car weather you buy another or not? You won't get much for it without fixing it.
  18. I would give the khorns to a fellow forum member, and buy the bose setup!
  19. wow! If only I could talk myself into going for a 5 hour drive!
  20. There are at least a few different "loss-less" file types that you can use. I myself use FLAC. You should get about 3 cd's per GB so you will need around 100 gigs of space and some type of player. You will want to rip on a desktop and then transfer, I use WINAMP. I'm sure others will chime in but this should put you on the right path.
  21. It would actually be good for the sound, thicker of stiffer walls is a good thing!
  22. I run the KSP-S6 as surrounds in my Khorn HT, I like them alot. The one he pointed to on audiogon looks like a great price as long as they are in good shape.
  23. You'll have to show me this part of the Constitution, I must have missed it.
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