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Everything posted by fenderbender

  1. That is 6's biggest fear come true....because 7,8,9.....
  2. Maybe Michael's eating some really nummy natchos and drizzeled some cheese on the U key.....what he meant to say was Nm, Nm ,Nm......
  3. ohh, I Know According to the nature of quantum superpositions, your cat is both alive and dead.......oh wait that was that Schrodinger fellow, never mind.....
  4. I love all the blue note MM reissues!!! but they tend to get pricey ....I have about 100 japanese reissues that sound almost ( 95%) as good, some better. I also have quite a few 1st/2nd edition blue note, prestige, colombia issues that are the bomb, but they are hard to come buy and very expensive!!! If there are titles on the AP/MM reissues that you want, I would not hesitate, they sell out quickly! Not just the Blue note series but the fantasy 45 series is amazing also.....
  5. Gla51 is the jedi master of this....his wall of voodoo has khorns/forte stack, belle/heresy stack and corns.....I have to admit that it sounds frigging amazing, but Marshall has put about three years into tweeking it just so.... I have a 2 pairs of heresy II's that are running off separate amps-same source and if I play with it enough to get rid of the comb filtering, it sounds pretty nice. (you must have separate amps for each set of speakers or it will be close to impossible to get it right) My room has some challenges to it so I'm better off one pair at a time but given the time/listening room .....GLA51 has proven it can sound amazing!!!
  6. I read that bacon grease is the preferred A.K. lubricant for the Russian army......Works great on a Glock 40 also []
  7. How many times have you used your guns to actually, specifically protect yourself from evil people? Well if you wanted me dead, better shoot from across the street or from a sniper position (I don't know any evil people who wants me dead that bad) Butttttt....If said evil doer is trying to mug/capture me and has a gun to my head......I presently know 8 different gun disarm scenarios and practice them 2-3 times per week with one of the best in the business. More than likely I will shoot the evil guy with his own gun than get shoot myself. I feel much more comfortable carrying a small blade......If you get jumped at night/blindsided...I doubt that the aggressor will give you time to pull your gun and us it affectively ..... home invasion? well you roll the dice you take your chances......
  8. "the right to bear arms"..... well what about the pour helpless bears? don't they have a right to their arms? how the heck are they going to forage for berries? Ever try to catch a salmon with just your mouth! The pour things will starve to death!! I am appalled at all of you!!! .
  9. There are other parts?????? Of course they have other "parts". Like brains & personalities. Good grief.....I get so sick & tired of women being viewed like this - AND ON THIS FORUM NO LESS!! Tom Brains and personalities??? thats what my buddies and my dogs are for!!! [][][] Please don't tell my wife or I'll be sleeping with the dogs on top of my Klipcsh collection, out on the curb.... [:'(]
  10. Don't forget to look for a 2505...it is the exact same amp with blue meters, the 250 was styled to look like the mac tube 275......just a thought
  11. You guy's couldn't have forgotten Mitch Miller!!!! .
  12. The MC-250 is actually a favorite of many on this forum....I regret selling mine, it was a wonderful (classic mac) amp!
  13. Sorry about your buddy being taken... that white van scheme has been around as the Nigerian Prince scam....If it sounds to good to be true, it is.
  14. I gotta say that I do agree with dean on several of his points..... I often find myself chasing the "great recording" rather than the great music. I do get very frustrated because my system is so darn revealing, that only certain recordings sound great and I pass by a lot of other music... i.e. G+R appetite for destruction sounds like GARBAGE on my main system, I loved that album!!!! Can't stand to listen to it.... out of a thousand cd's only about 30-40 pass muster, my vinyl rig gets me much better results, I'd say about 50% sound really good, and yes there is some crapola also, but I've spent a lot of time and money chasing down great recordings. I love my K-horns , when it's great it's really great, but as soon as the cash permits, I'd love to get a pair of Sonics Animia's, 2 way monitors( probably similar to the Jamo's)....they are truly superb and sound great with just about any amp and just ok recordings....
  15. That's plain wrong. CECA....you just aint right [][][][] Funny as $hit, but just not right!.....I will now clean up the beer that shot out of my nose, thanks! [][][][][][][]
  16. I'm as scitzo as ever in my music taste.....I'll go from listening to all steely dan, to all Moterhead, to all pink floyd to all louis armstong to metallica....etc my wife thinks I'm nut's, "especially when me and the dogs maash out to slipknot!" I guess I just love a lot of different music, but I'm that way in most things.... I do go through phases for maybe a month at a time when all I'll listen to is hard bop, and I think that my tastes are changing, but bam!!! all of a sudden I'm back to zepplin with colter!!!
  17. I did forget to mention that I currently own a very very rare Sansui AU-111 (gla-51 being one of the only other people on earth [] to have one) It's a 6L6-GC with arguably the best vintage iron produced.... As far as vintage sound goes, I've heard nothing vintage that can touch it!!! It's hooked up to a pair of heresy II's and for old 60's 70's rock, it's like going back in time.....
  18. I love sansui with klipsch....great match!
  19. Congrats on reaching your goal!!! For further fat loss and increase in muscle definiion, I have been doing little cardio, but a ton of functional exercises, like russian kettlebells, tire flipping, sled draging, sledge hammer hits....and my new favorite is the TRX .... The TRX is basically a set of adjustable straps, with handles/loops on one end....and hook the other end to the top of a door or joist, tree limb.... Kind of like working on the rings in gymnastics, doing pushups on these works 10x the muscles as regular pushups....there are about 100 movements you can do on them...and you can do a circuit for 20-30 mins. keeping your HR in your target zone...... http://www.trxsuspension.com/?gclid=CP7lx-W875oCFQVinAodaDsaIw just a little tip that I have paid my trainer $$$$ to learn
  20. you should find that you will also be able to taste the finer nuances of the beer....the malt seems maltier, the hops, hopier!!! [] [] []
  21. Yeah and 87 hours of Jenna Jamison extras, would lead to some serious Carpel Tunnel [:$] [] [] [] []
  22. Hey Budman, I like the way you think! My wife hates it, but I like it!!!!
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