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Everything posted by TheEvan

  1. Let's see, orchestrations of simplistic & uninspired "compositions" and subsequent endless noodling? Nahhh, not unless they include a hit of acid for concertgoers as part of the ticket price...
  2. I'm still not clear on the bunker. From the plan view it shows to be adjacent to your listening room (which appears to have Khorn fronts, Lascala center and rears and ....perhaps Heresy sides?). On the elevation is it the double doors front and center on the upper level? Regarding teh server, count me another one who is hopelessly lost. I suppose I get the concept, but how does my collection get sucked into the creature?
  3. I think you'd gain the most by replacing your preamp.
  4. I just inspected mine and the R has the same notch. Due to my physiogomy I wear the R a bit deeper than the L. The L is fine, BTW. Sometimes I use mine in a demanding work environment...high-rise window cleaning. A few times I've pulled an earpiece out abruptly by catching the lead on my rappel device or some such, and I've not been particularly careful about how I store them. They've proven themselves more rugged than I would have thought.
  5. Fantastic! Perhaps there is hope yet for the rest of us. Sorry for the hijack, but this reminds me of my all-time worst "almost". A man I used to do lots of business with built a home behind his mother-in-law's unusual place. It was the ultimate "house of the future", built in the early 60's. I think it is a mere 8,000 sq ft. The entire place was straight out of the Jetsons and had never been updated. It features a most unusual indoor pool. it also had a whole-house audio system. Mike showed me the master console for it which consisted of a Mac C-22, a neat-looking Mac component for distributing the signal to the different rooms, a Mac tuner, a reel to reel and an old Weathers TT. There were, if memory serves, 6 Mac amps, possibly more. all utterly pristine. Unbeknownst to me, Mike moved her out of the place and into his and subsequently cleaned up the place to sell. When I heard about it I inquired about all the gear. He THREW IT ALL IN THE DUMPSTER. Almost.............
  6. Everybody talks about the huge, low distortion sound the Klipschorn makes. True enough. I notice lots of rockers on the forum. Makes sense. But my first experience with Klipschorns was playing a new classical guitar LP at a friends' house. She had just inherited her folks' piano black gloss 50's khorns with a Mac C-22 and 225. My program material didn't make a "big" sound, per se, but I was transfixed. The realism and purity just grabbed me like nothing else ever had. So, they don't just do big well, they do intimate as well. And very, very well. Next time I heard them it was big orchestral music with organ. Oh man.
  7. It took me awhile, but I've done the deed. I'm trying hard not to gush, but what's the use? The program is great, and the sound is prfct. It's giving me that "I am really" there feeling tat is so different from listning to a typical recording.
  8. Amazing work! The sapele is just lovely. Normally you see such only on guitars and other small, pricey pieces. (Next time, be sure to dust the bottom of the doghouse before taking the photo). I'm seriously impressed.
  9. I'm not a recordist, not even a hobbiest. But I have an assortment of organ recordings. Yes, you miss the "body" of some of the ranks, I suppose. The professional recordings have a richness not showing in such fulness here. Still, I could sense the space with more reality than those recordings. I felt like I was there, it drew me in and got me emotionally involved with the music, rooting for the performer, holding my breath until the end...all things I experience at a live performance. I get the same sense with my comparatively crude field recordings of the Maasai. I suppose the ultimate expression of this would be true binaural, but this sure did the trick for me. Naxos records all of their guitar recordings in a particula church in Ottowa with two mics, straight in, with really great results. They've found the sweet spot for performer and mics. Every new CD they simply rinse and repeat.
  10. Sorry, I was unclear, Dave. I was simply making comparisons in order to 'place' Raff's music in the musical lexicon. I'll use this opportunity to offer one more well-deserved Bravo.
  11. Downloaded, burned and now playing on the big system. That's a great ensemble. The music is pleasant enough. It could be a Mendelssohn wind piece. It could, but it's not, but what is? Again, the sound is amazing, so realistic and 'present'. The extraneous sounds don't detract, at least not to me. They just let me know I'm part of a live permance, with emphasis on 'part of'.
  12. Very impressive! I record my classical guitar playing with an Octava and get pretty nice sound. But this! I just listened again and the house is spouseless for the moment so I listened at what seems the actual level, based on the volume of applause. Wow. The sound is fantastic, the pedals really 'blow' (uh, not in the pejorative) and the performance moved me, exhilarated me and brought tears to me eyes. It makes me think Klipschorns were designed to reproduce a good organ. Again, a big bravo. On to the next download.
  13. I got the Widor downloaded and burned so I could listen on the big system. All I can say is BRAVO! Nice performance and great, natural sound. All that with humble Octavas???
  14. Dang. Is that f'real? You'll have to admit the Conte quote sounds a bit fanciful...or perhaps wishful.
  15. Very, very impressive. How did you & Bob figure out the parameters for the balancing network?
  16. What is the the exact depth of the cleaning tool for the Image? Mine fell out of the case on a flight. I very gingerly cleaned my nozzles once with a flosser-pick. If I knew the exact depth I could attach something (like wrapping with tape) to stop it at that depth
  17. I have that record, Larry, for an age and a day. It really is a sweetie. In my opinion, a system that will stand up well to all that classical has to offer (full-scale symphonic, choral, operatic soprano, organ, recorder, clarinet, oboe-some of those woodwinds are nasty difficult to reproduce well) will stand up to anything other genres can throw at it.
  18. I don't know that particular model but it sure is pretty! I have a DD tank (an SP 10-SME3009II arm) that, to my ears, far outpaced my Rega and looks like it will last generations beyond me...
  19. The only 'proper' finsish for a real guitar is a French polish of shellac...the real old-fashioned stuff gathered from bug crap. My real guitars:
  20. Though I grew up with a house full of tubes (Dynaco stuff driving sand-filled wharfedales) I never got into them myself until I bought my K-horns back in the early 80's. I had to take the guys' whole set, like it or not. So for about $1800 I got K-horns, Technics SP10 table w/SME3009II arm and FR m/c cart, an FR step up trans, Paragon E pre, Marantz 8b, Phase Linear amp & pre plus a Stax earspeaker & box. Comparing the Phase Linear with the Paragon/Marantz set was an utter joke. Like comparing crap & gold. I sold the PL stuff rather quickly.
  21. WOOT, there it is! Congrats I'm all set with my Image, thankyouverymuch, but I know a number of others have been waiting patiently, or impatiently...
  22. I've continued to experiemtn with the tips. I'm finding that whatever gives the best seal is, in the long run, most comfortable. If the seal is marginal, I want to keep jamming them in deeper. The best long-term comfort seems to be fewer insertions & leaving them in one spot. Anyway, the double flanges give a reliable seal and are working out to be the most comfortable. I find I can listen to intimate & quiet classical guitar music at low volume when riding in a noisy truck at highway speeds. That's pretty good isolation! I had them in for four comfortable hours yesterday.
  23. Which finish? why the only proper finish for a real guitar (ie, a concert classical) is hand applied French polish. Of Course.
  24. I had the 4000 preamp (with the 400 amp) as it came with my KHorns. Also in the set I bought from the guy was a Paragon E pre with Marantz 8b amp. Calling the PL a sonic turd is putting it lightly. Lifeless, grainy and the sound hurt my ears.
  25. Am listening to Barry Phillips' wonderful CD Cello on my Zune I just got yesterday. It sounds spectacular and produces the considerable mid and low bass on the disc with ease, weight and authority.
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