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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. Hey Cal, I know where you can get a pair of Quartets. $500! You just have to go to Yankeeville to get them! 🤣
  2. First, I'll say, if the warranty is near the top of importance, buy something else. Most manufacturers will fix defective new product. Plus, obsolescense can happen to anything, but usually there is a valid substitute. That's how you keep a '54 Ford and a '54 Khorn going. I have a pair of Heresy IVs and 3 Heresy Is left. I will recommend the H IVs wholeheartedly. However, you should find a way to listen to all of them before you buy.
  3. Yeah, in general all tube amps produce more even order distortion and less odd order distortion, with SS tending to do the opposite. Yet, all good amps will produce so little distortion, none should be audible. My first CD player, in 1983, was a marvel in most ways, but also had an edgy, brittle or crunchy sound in the background. All of my modern disc players have lost that. Perhaps the D/A converter in your digital source is not doing a good job. I'll also recommend you look at a good disc player that can decode 24 bit/192 kHz and higher sources. 24/192 retired my Thorens TT.
  4. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true! At 101 dB/w/m, you NEED 20 watts (108 dB peaks at 4m/13 ft), 50 would be grand. I'd use the Marantz. It should be smooth and sweet with your Chorus. I have not heard one, because it's black. I will wholeheartedly recommend any of Yamaha's receivers or integrateds that come in silver, the upper end of the range. I love the sound of my R-N600A driving my H IVs.
  5. All 3 Belles are still available. The Mac amp and preamp are sold, as are the K-400s. There is interest in the Quartets, but nothing final.
  6. "WE" don't know squat. Some of us know there have been experiments with the La Scala. What else is new? No one but Roy knows if there will be a change to production models.
  7. OP, don't modify them until you get them working and you listen to them for a while. Actually the Type HIE is a Type AA with the woofer cap changed to raise the Woofer to squawker crossover point for the K-700 horn. https://products.electrovoice.com/binary/EVM-12L Series II EDS.pdf From the graph in this spec sheet, you can see the woofer has a rising curve and hits about 102 dB/w/m around 3k Hz. Klipsch voiced this speaker for outdoor use (and there it sounds great). The squawker and tweeter are run at 104 dB/w/m. A hybrid crossover more like the Type E will voice it more like a home Heresy and make it better for indoors. However, that rising woofer response curve may need a steeper low pass filter. This is a DeanG job. I had a similar pair of HIPs (same crossover and components). They were ported and still pretty bright. @ClaudeJ1 may be able to help you design a port to extend the low bass limit to home audio limits. He likes that woofer for that. He has developed a mod for the Heresy cabinets with that woofer and a port and a corner that you might like. Otherwise, that woofer is popular with guitarists and not suitable for a home edition Heresy.
  8. These prices are a little dated, but close. I would classify the plain, decorator version as grade C. Klipsch Heritage used prices ver 2021-08.xlsx
  9. Crossover repairs are generally easy because of the point to point wiring design. Schematics are available on the forum. K-77-M diaphragms are not normally sold in pairs. Beware of eBay sellers that sell poor performing copies. You MAY need one, buy one. My 2nd La Scala pair cost me $500, years ago, because a loose wire in the crossover kept a driver from working. They were Type AL and I replaced the crossover fairly soon. The K-55-M squawker drivers are good ones and are unlikely to be bad. You'll just have to get a multimeter and test. However, apparently a K-55-V/PD-5VH diaphragm can be slightly modified and fit if necessary. The K-55-V/PD-5VH is still in production. I also suggest Type AL-3 crossovers. I doubt they are available anymore, but new grilles to change the color for my second pair were quite inexpensive (~ $20 each). They are held on with Velcro.
  10. Klipsch claims 48 to 20k Hz. Mine are solid down to the 49 Hz G. Bass below that to E, is still good. I don't hear over 14k, but mine are not deficient up to there, anyway. I'm running a Yamaha R-N600ASL and before that a Technics SA-300. Wherever you read 70 to 17k was wrong.
  11. The K-400s sold. More is possible next week, depending on the YL's desires.
  12. XLR/balanced cables are a technique for cancelling noise in long cable runs, especially in high gain circuits like microphones. Nothing else to it. Depending on the EM environment around your system, they may or may not reduce noise over RCA shielded cables. They will not make things worse. Try them.
  13. That is just the thing I was looking for. So, 2 tubes, run in parallel as SET can make 45 watts? I did not know SETs could be paralleled, thus the question about broadcast tubes. And I was curious as to whether a broadcast tube could sound good.
  14. They're not Klipsch. They have elements of Al Klappenberger's Universal, but the 48 uF woofer caps throw me and I'm not seeing all the circuit connections in your pic. What does the front and rear of the squawker horn look like? This could be the product of a carpetbagger that moved to Baxter (?) TN to build Klipsch "upgrades" and similar speakers. I can't remember his name, now.
  15. I don't think the humidity in Costa Rica (~80%) will be damaging.
  16. Might have been paired with an organ.
  17. This is actually a question about tube amp design and performance. Have you seen an audio amp designed around a 3-500 or similar triode?
  18. Why isn't/couldn't high power broadcast tubes be used to build a high output SET amp? Say 50 watts from a 3-500xx? I still think 50 watts of good power is what Heritage speakers ought to have.
  19. OK, its a new year and we need to get more of Gil's gear sold! Prices listed above. Make us an offer!
  20. Is this circuit nonsense? If not, what might it do?
  21. That receiver is probably putting out 40 watts, or so, per channel with all channels driven, so you might well use more power, though I doubt you NEED it. Look at 5-channel power amps from Acurus, Parasound, Integra, Emotiva, Marantz, even Rotel. Stay under 150 watts/channel, because your speakers can't handle more and these brands will be under-rated. Also, remember, double the power and get 3 dB more per speaker. Three dB is a just detectable difference under loud conditions. Meaning, even 150 w/ch will not add a shattering increase in loudness (not quite 6 dB). But that increase may require more subwoofers in order to maintain balance.
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