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Everything posted by babadono

  1. I almost bought one, do you need two for stereo? But then I remembered I'm still making payments on my speaker wires
  2. Listed in Michigan Upper Peninsula but map shows Windsor Ontario across the river from DEE TROIT? These are a few hundred miles from each other.
  3. I would say yes and no. Yes the dry areas are getting wet, in fact so much rain so fast it causes flooding. And no because where we really get our water here in So Cal is from snow melt in the Sierra Nevada mountains and I don't think we got any snow from this.
  4. Morning all, Well it's Moanday, back to the old grind literally. Rained here in So Cal most all the weekend. Could not even get out to grill a steak. Weird for So Cal in July. Got lots of inside chores done instead. Of course it caused the inevitable floods cuz we don't know what to do with water out here. By the Grace of God my homestead did not suffer too much just a little erosion. But here comes a new crop of weeds.
  5. The TADs get down low enough to cross over from a KHorn bass bin?
  6. I'm no expert but I think the "back chamber" or "doghouse", the chamber that the back side of the woofer is in, should NOT have any damping material in it. It should be airtight though. This is a bass horn not a sealed direct radiator.
  7. So its walnut stained oak? I'm with others, didn't know they made oak veneer RF7 IIs.
  8. babadono

    Old Age

    According to your avatar its you all the time Sorry couldn't help myself.
  9. babadono

    Old Age

    i’ve been old my whole life then. "You were just born old".------ Peter Bailey( to his young but adult son George in 'It's a Wonderful Life').
  10. He charged you $195 and it is not completely fixed?(No display light). That is BS. As far as checking the 24VAC 50' from the transformer, put a 1k resistor across your meter leads to make sure the circuit will draw current out of the transformer. If there is something wrong with the transformer or wiring you will read 0 volts or damn close. Sounds to me like when the thermostat was calling for 'COLD' and 'FAN' one of those was shorting out the 24 volts.
  11. wilbucd, Have you tried 'search tempest" or other similar to search all CL?
  12. does anyone have any idea how they used to make these lines on the laser logo - are these painted on -heat stamped - I always wondered - Ah just a guess here but.... maybe with a laser There not just for eye surgery anymore.
  13. That's walnut? Don't look at all like my walnut KHorns. Just sayin
  14. Hard to name just 5....... 1. Steely Dan 2. Pat Metheny 3. RTF 4. Floyd (BTW which one's Pink) 5. Uncle Eltie (yea sorry too many memories to not play EJ)
  15. FreeSpirit, I been meaning to ask you are those the Bloody Moos in your avatar?
  16. Them there's the "decorator" model I reckon huh?
  17. You can tell that by the veneer pattern on the front? Damn you're good
  18. Tasdom, I was going to PM you this question but then thought everybody might like to know. Are the veneer chips only in/on the edge banding? That's a relatively easy fix. Sweet deal for someone either way. GLWS.
  19. When I built my house 5 years ago I wanted to use PEX but was advised against it by my super. He said mice and other vermin would chew on/through it.
  20. Just goofin' on ya. The second sub is still in the garage getting cleaned up. All used, owned by someone else equipment gets a thorough going over before it comes in the house. Wife's orders, don't wanna lose any bush stacking privileges.
  21. Careful when cutting and stacking the "bush"
  22. I can hear the artists and producers back then saying to each other "only people with really good speakers are gonna hear that". Isn't this one of the reasons we're all in this hobby? Great to see you back Cal Blacksmith. How's them KHorns doin' ya?
  23. Good Morning All, Success! This second one is in really good condition. Turned out to be about 10 hours round trip, pit stops and talking with seller included. Thanks be to God for a safe and fruitful journey and return. I'll post pictures when I get it cleaned up and in the family room.
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