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Buddy Shagmore

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  • Interests
    Music - (listening, writing, performing, guitar) motorcycles, aviation, photography.
  • My System
    Yamaha A-S2200 integrated amp, Yamaha CD-S2100 cd/DAC, Schiit Lokius Tone Control, Klipsch Chorus II's. Marantz 2245

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  1. Not sure what your budget is, but I can highly recommend the Yamaha A-S2200 integrated amp. They power my Chorus II's. Happy hifi enthusiast here!
  2. I really like Schiit products. I have their Jotunheim headphone amp, Bifrost DAC, and Lokius tone control. All use XLR connects. Very enjoyable with my HP-3's.
  3. I'm still enjoying my HP-3's. I do get some pressure point fatigue from the headband after an hour or two of quality listening time. I'm looking into adding some padding. They sure offer a good dose of listening enjoyment. Anyone else here have 'em?
  4. I'm sticking with Tidal. They are dropping bankrupt MQA and going FLAC. A good move, no question. I like the user interface and feel comfortable there. Always been happy with their sound quality thru my hi-fi and head-fi gear. That should not change with the switch.
  5. Hugot, welcome aboard the Schiit train! I like my Lokius tone control so much in my main system, that I bought another for my head-fi system! One is silver, the other black. The head-fi system is great for those moments when you are jonesin' to have a quality listening experience, but don't want to disturb the family. I am highly impressed with Schiit's quality offerings.
  6. The Schiit Lokius tone controls may be the answer. Not a lot of scratch, and dead quiet. Has XLR connects, if that matters to you. Love mine, and wonder why I waited so long to add to my system.
  7. Klipsch HP-3. Sadly, out of production now. I love mine!
  8. Here is my A-S2200, CD-S2100 (w/DAC), and Schiit Lokius tone control unit. All use XLR connects. Speakers are mint Chorus II's.
  9. I have a A-S2200 integrated, so no experience with the 5000's. The upper end of Yamaha is Japanese high fidelity arguably at it's finest. Very happy with mine, and while it is not quite top of the line, it's close. The 5000's are not too common, as it's too expensive for some of us. But somebody out there must have them! Did you pull the trigger?
  10. Happy Yamaha A-S2200 owner here! This is a high end Japanese unit that never fails to satisfy my hi-fi jones. Mine replaced a vintage Marantz 2245. It is paired with mint Chorus IIs. XLR connects is a nice feature. Highly recommended...and they come in silver!
  11. "Theme For A Movie That Never Happened" by Eric Clapton. Instrumental acoustic guitar with an orchestra behind him.
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