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Everything posted by ryanm84

  1. I agree with Max. Early to mid 90s I went to a party at a friends house. Someone rolled up with their Chorus for the music that night and they rocked all night long. Lots of rock some hip hop and they just kept going.
  2. I will play along. "It is always Nice to see you" Says the man Behind the counter To the woman Who has come in She is shaking Her umbrella
  3. Speakers would be. A lot like the jelly of the month club - the gift that keeps on giving!
  4. I own corns and haven't heard khorns. That said, the corn has to be one of the most versatile heritage speaker. From what I've heard, no sub needed, no solid corners needed, and even in larger rooms with tall ceilings, the corns will make your music sound really good. Don't get me wrong, in my next house I would look for corners for khorns but I won't mind my corns in any room.
  5. I will sometimes touch my turntable wood base before touching my stereo if I feel like I have built up static. I'm not worried about damaging my equipment, I just don't appreciate the shock.
  6. Good point. Most, if not all, powered subs have their amps attached to the back wall of the sub's cabinet.Yes, but the point that the poster was making speficially mentions "Tubes" and the theory is.. if I walk up and flick one with nothing playing, I would hear it's "microphonic" distorion. I say, "There are better things in life to worry about." They only thing better than what I have would be a set of Jubilees with a furniture grade finish. Only quoting to say that that is one KILLER set up!!
  7. Kg4 can sound really good if placed in the corner. Even when I bought mine in 1990 I had a Sony AVR that got the cops called on me more than once. Off the wall is ok, that's where I have mine now. Corner is better. Mine could probably use a cap replacement as they are bone stock and 23 years old. Still plenty of bass with a nice turn of the volume button.
  8. This just looks hilarious. I have kg4s so trying to picture these in real life just makes me laugh. I've had the kgs forever and they are pretty hefty by themselves. I moved the corns by myself several times including up 4 or 5 stairs. Now that is what I call fun!
  9. Big thumbs up. Clean and uncluttered with great looking components. I love the wood plinth and cases. Really classes up the equipment.
  10. Not so much a revolving door as an "evolving" door. Add academy for a center and I have a 5.0 system. This was when I was still in Phoenix the day I bought the Corns. Wife heard me say they were big but she just about divorced me when she saw them next to the other "big" speakers that we already had in the living room!
  11. The meter was the problem. I grabbed a new one and had no issues. I had no reason to believe that the old one wouldn't read correctly. Good exercise for me to get this squared away and give some confidence that my electronics aren't at risk and that I don't have an immediate risk in the house in general. Thanks all for your ideas and input. Really helped narrow down the problem.
  12. I contacted the landlord last night. He doesn't believe it's a problem with the wiring. He makes a good point about the appliances and other items plugged in probably wouldn't work with such low voltage. That said I'm going to swap out my volt meter and check again. I don't want to get a ball rolling if its my test equipment that is mis-reading values.
  13. Damage is what I'm concerned about. The treadmill is under warranty and they will replace components for another 6 years but that makes the unit unuseable and somewhat dangerous as the speed varies while you're on it. None of my other electronics are under warranty and I'm not really keen on damage to them.
  14. It's a 200 amp panel with approximately half the slots open. I am however, unsure of the quality of work done on the house during the reno. No screw in fuses. I may give the electric company a call to see if they can take a look.
  15. You should build the cabs! I'm in north central jersey and will help! I need a project. I just sold a pair of Cornwall B crossovers and if I hadn't, I might have built me a second set, just for giggles.
  16. I think you would want at least 3/8 inch. Any thinner risks breaking when moving or setting heavier type items on top. Plus 3/8 tinted would look awesome.
  17. No gfi being tripped or breakers tripping. The house was apparently renovated in the medium past - outlets that I'm looking at are copper wire (Romex). All that I've checked are wires twisted around the side screws like I've always done. I haven't checked the panel. Can I use my multi meter there to check the incoming voltage? I wonder if they haven't taken the panel to its max. I'm going to see if there are any slots left and how many circuits they have for lights/outlets.
  18. I'm renting an older home. I have a treadmill that doesn't hold speed and is out of calibration. When I call the company my error message indicates a possible power problem. Out comes the multimeter checking the offending outlet but then multiple outlets around the house. I never get a reading over 90. In fact most are in the upper 70s and mid 80s and fluctuate quite wildly. I don't think I'm working the meter wrong but I guess I could be. It's not my house so I'm inclined to do nothing to fix the situation. However, I'm worried about the performance of my electronics whether its the treadmill, stereo, or plasma Tvs. Is there some safety concern I'm overlooking here? Either damage to my components or threat of a short or fire or anything like that?
  19. I've built bookcases and a tv stand out of the oak plywood from menards. Furniture that has been moved across the country twice. It holds up very well. I would personally use it again. That said, while I lived in Phoenix and there was a woodworkers source a few miles from my house. 3/4 4x8 sheets of cherry, walnut and maple. Now you're talking!
  20. Well under $500 quickly went away with new parts and walnut veneer! But they are mine now. Probably couldn't sell them for a massive profit but don't need to and if I get my way, will make up a nice 5.0 or 7.0 system in my next place. Now if I could just stop dropping $$ on Oppos, sacds, and such!
  21. And there are some deals to be had when looking at Cornwalls. Found mine on Craigslist. Picked em up locally for less than $500. Of course, I bought new crossovers and refinished them in walniut...
  22. I heard Cornwall IIs 25 years ago and they rocked all day long. Two very large rooms with one speaker in each and you could barely stand the volume and thump in either. I had KG4s since then and last year picked up a pair of corns. Now there is no comparison, but the discussion of needing a sub with a pair of some other klipsch speakers stops here in my opinion. Sure you could go that route but for cost and space, a pair of corns will do a grat job and not need two solid corners for placement - thus corn (er) wall.
  23. I've read this thread a couple times now and want to confirm a thought or two. I've got a wireless network and my Denon AVR. I should be able to add an air port express and then stream from either my ipad, iPod, or iTunes from my windows laptop. Is there an app that is needed to make this happen or will synching of all these devices with airport express work?
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