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Everything posted by Shakeydeal

  1. I would say the preamp is extremely important. Maybe even more important than the amp in some situations. You can certainly benefit from replacing the Marantz. Shakey
  2. Thanks muel for the detailed report. Shakey
  3. HPower, What tweeter are you using? What made you decide on the B&C midrange driver instead of the Selenium? Shakey
  4. Nice setup you have there. Congrats and enjoy! Shakey
  5. That looks like a Cornscala-wall xover in your boxes. Did you originally have the Crites xover? If so, what difference did you hear when you swapped them out? I have the CS wall on order. Thanks, Shakey
  6. Since you probably have less than 50 bucks in this thing (just a guess), I would say retire it and move on. Buy a nice used Rega. Shakey
  7. Yeah, I guess that's what it's all about. All we really need to do is read measurements, listening be damned. If you can hear degredation with a "Y" connector, you will hear it with a switch box too. Adding more parts to the signal path is never a good thing. But make sure the "science" is right, or you will never be happy............. Shakey
  8. I guess this turned into a metallurgy thread? Shakey
  9. What you want is one that will do "nothing" to the signal. If it were to amplify it, would you really want that? I would forgo a switcher of any kind and resort to just changing interconnects. Shakey
  10. We were at the Bristol Rhythm and Roots Festival in September. Lucinda Williams was the headliner, but there was a ton of music over a three day period. This has turned into an annual event for us. Shakey
  11. Just know that such a device compromises sound quality. Good luck with your search. Shakey
  12. They certainly are beautiful. But why do so many insist on butting them up against the wall? They sound so much better positioned into the room. Shakey
  13. Try pulling those CWs out into the room. You might be surprised at how much better they sound. Shakey
  14. Agreed. These speakers are just begging for low powered tube amps. Shakey
  15. I had a pair of VRD monoblocks a few years ago. I foolishly sold them when I changed speakers and needed more power. They were some of the best amps I have owned. I would love to have them today to drive my Cornscalas. High value for the $$ indeed. Shakey
  16. Sounds like you are building a pair of cornscalas. Shakey
  17. Normally I would say that is a joke, and it is. But I would gladly take Bill back in favor of what we have now. Hillary, OTOH........
  18. Every speaker I have ever owned has benefited from isolation. Not only will you get better bass response, but better image focus and stability too. The comment about La scalas being too heavy to benefit from spikes is just plain wrong. Shakey
  19. I use a PS Audio Power Plant Premiere. Works great for my front end stuff, I don't plug my amps into it. Shakey
  20. I agree with mustang guy. Sounds like the pot, a good cleaning might help. Shakey
  21. Krell and Klipsch. The stuff nightmares are made of..... Seriously though, all you need is a good tube amp. Take the money you would use in buying an active xover and tube amp, sell the Krell and buy one really good low power tube amp. You will be amazed at how much better they will sound. Shakey
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