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YK Thom

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Everything posted by YK Thom

  1. I told her how much new one are. She suggested I keep an eye open for a used pair. Funny enough, hearing how much new ones were seemed to give her an appreciation of the value of spending a few thousand used.
  2. The old adage, just when you think you've seen it all... If you are like me and have been married a couple decades you know what I'm talking about. Wives never cease to amaze. I was sitting at the table reading some posts and was looking at some Khorns. My wife walks by, takes a peek and says " those look nice, who is selling them?" She didn't realize they were speakers. She thought they were (in her words - lovely cabinets). Told her what they were and showed some other photos. She likes them because of the corner placements and looks and dosent mind if I get a pair! Wow. I showed her LaScalas and the Belles which I thought she would like. Nope...too fat, meaning wide. Just about fell off my chair. Of all the speakers she would like, the biggest most monstrous powerhouse out there. So now the search begins. Young guys, never assume you know anything about women; After 28 years I still get blown away.
  3. That is odd. I have the same centre and have not encountered this. I'm using a Marantz AVR, how much if any difference that would make I don't know.
  4. Those Palladium are the ticket. Wowthats my cinema stuff the palladiums are upstairs and out in the open. I need to make a video of those as well. Pretty serious cinema set up all the same.
  5. I also know the truth about free firewood. No such thing.
  6. Great purchase, theylook fantastic. The Belles are the heritage speaker I'm holding out for. Along with the Palladiums, they are the most attractive speaker Klipsch ever made.Could be waiting for a while due to my location- more or less need to find a pair popping up in Alberta. Once you get settled would love to hear how they are in the room. Just bought a new condo with hardwood flooring and am dreading/looking forward to how things will sound (area carpets and such- or not). We move the end of August. As well, do you find them satisfactory for music or do they need a sub? In a perfect world a speaker taking up that much real estate shouldn't.
  7. One of the great American bands which I have never seen.
  8. There are a couple very good concert DVDs. Queen was known for for their sound system back in the day- which they designed and owned if I remember correctly.
  9. YK Thom


    An honest question: do these sort of cables really work? I have only ever used the stock ones.
  10. I think we used to refer to that as being being well rounded.
  11. I have a friend here in Yellowknife with that exact model. He uses them to power ProAc 2.5 s and it is a beautiful thing. Jazz sounds so remarkable with the combo. Mind you I have a split personality when it comes to sound, I love both the classic British and American sound. Edit Aside from sounding wonderful, it is a beautifully made piece of equipment that looks amazing as it glows In llower light conditions whilst you are listening.
  12. My mother was not into tubes. Are we talking amps or the band?
  13. Well, then you'd have to ask for the admin to insert a link that will automatically calculate the exchange rate, up to the minute....man, that would be hard. I'm sure we could link an exchange calculator. These days it only needs to go down. Like many I'm getting worried and not happy as I see some great products slipping out of my potential grasp ie used Belles and/or Palladium P17-bs.
  14. I have been listening to classical for a lifetime (about a fifth of my cd collection). As mentioned before there are a few very distinctive periods that had certain sounds. This package deal does look good - if you have the dough and are willing to take the chance you may end up with the sort of collection some of us take decades to amass. I did notice that there are a number of operatic discs, which may or may not be to your tastes (not mine). If you decide to begin collecting material on your own instead of this package deal, I would strongly suggest you start with the Baroque period. In my experience many find this the most accessible. I would recommend anything from The Academy of Ancient Music conducted by Christopher Hogwood. They have a unique approach- the traditional arrangements played on period piece instruments!! All the discs from this ensemble are incredible, and sound pretty much the way people would have heard them originally. And contrary to what some say, I think classical sounds wonderful through Klipsch speakers. A nice way to try it out fairly inexpensively: pick up "The Baroque Experience" by the Academy. It is a five CD collection that will really give you a feel. It has been one of my favourites for the past 25 years.
  15. Thankfully not. They Peter out mid August. From the last of June until then they can be problematic, especially out in the bush when you are fishing. Pretty nippy for them here in the winter. Google up NWT Ice pilots. I chum around with a few of the lads; it will give you an idea of what things are like here.
  16. Nice, right on the Tennesee River. Looks like a lot of nice boating down there. Gotta just love the American South. I like to think of it as my future homeland - for at least six months a year when I retire. My father had a place for many years outside Tampa Florida. Have always found that southerners and northerners ( believe it or not),are quite similar.
  17. Wow, I thought ours were bad. Southerners sometimes confuse them for hummingbirds. By southerners I mean southern Canadians ( a bit of an oxymoron. All about latitude).
  18. Anything rabid is very dangerous and should be dispatched on sight.
  19. That is high and funny. All in the landing. Brought back a memory from a misspent lost weekend when I was in my early twenties. My parents had a cottage up in the Haliburtan Highlands in Ontario. My father had bought a new motor for the boat, can't recall the size but it was big. My brothers and a few friends of ours went up for what was more or less a Molsons beer commercial weekend. Spent the Saturday waterskiing like crazy. This one buddy of my youngest brother was skiing for the first time and had a knack for it. We were doing a crazy corner whip where you would let go and try and time a slide into shore. He misjudged, was wearing some of those at the time new lightweight shorts style bathing suit and wiped out in the exact wrong position. More or less gave himself a forced thirty mile an hour enema. I still laugh remembering him do this odd hopping,galloping run sort of thing up the hill to the outhouse. He was there for quite a while and whenever we get together ( pretty rare after all these years), the story always comes up.
  20. When I was his age...we were half mad as well. On the bad side of 50, nope. Don't bounce or recover like I used to. Looks like a hoot though.
  21. Always liked them myself, very intelligent. We don't have them up here though. They were quite common in Ontario where I'm originally from many years ago. They have adapted to urban living quite well. Here in Yellowknife foxes are the most common urban creature.
  22. Holy crow!!!! As I slide into old farthood I sometimes forget the thrill of being young, fearless and immortal (we thought anyway). Alabama is a beautiful state. What lake is that, I have google earth at the ready.
  23. Sad but true, however the kids that do spend a lot of quality time with parents and grandparents tend to be more well rounded. It is at this age their personalities and values are being shaped (as well as tastes).
  24. I had one of those back in the 80s. Amazing, wish I still had it.
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