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Everything posted by -js-

  1. um, no, I had not thought of that. I do believe it. and have no problem with people maximizing value for whatever they're looking to sell. but when I'm interested in buying, well, that puts it in a little different light. thanks for pointing that out.
  2. ain't that the truth! yeah, based on what I've learned following you guys, they all are a bit high I think too. and goodness knows I don't really need to spend anything on any of it right now. {trying to convince myself a little here} ... over a few months' time, I haven't seen many come out in the market in my area. I could be patient, wait & see, but who wants to do THAT ?!?
  3. one of the sellers just returned my call. yay! said when he started this sale, he wasn't knowledgeable in this area. he was away from the phone for about 1 hr. when he came back, he had gotten 5 calls on these - one from Little Rock, mine, and one from Gulfport who says he is driving up. based on interest, he & lead contact for family/estate, have decided on asking prices of $2000 for the Khorn pair, also $2000 for the Belle pair, and $1000 for the C-WO pair. doesn't know anything about working order etc, but says appearance-wise, they are in excellent/like new condition. dang it. he is learning too much about what he has. I was hoping to get away with offering a nice price for the whole package that he had no idea about.
  4. thanks very much. as I am pretty much a newcomer to the Klipsch enthusiasm, I've been reading a lot here, not much elsewhere, and checking you guys out, with all your stuff, posts, gear discussions etc, and developing my idea of where I would like to be with what would be my dream system. with the electronics - still very much wide open. but with the speakers, that arguably may be the most important components of the whole thing, I'd absolutely love to move up in the Heritage line. not sure if I'll ever have enough room for the Khorns, or really for mush more than what I have now. just love the look of those beautiful Khorns and the Belles. they have become my faves overall. LS are very nice but the Belles have a look that is more attractive to me. I almost can't sit still waiting to see if I get a call back. just wanting to keep calling like I'm trying to win a radio call in contest or something! and my GF smilingly gives me grief about my "obsession" with speakers... I just haven't narrowed my focus on the other parts of the puzzle just yet. and with these, like when I got my Heresy pair, being right in my backyard - they don't come up very often in my area during the short time I've been looking for them
  5. not affiliated with seller. but with this kind of 'inventory' coming to market in this area... OMG!!! looks to me like Khorns & Belles 1st & 3rd photos. 2nd photo I guess is a CW. I don't know for sure. already called for more info. waiting... waiting... link
  6. yep. dang - that's the kind of job I need. now that there's an opening... hire me as the next new coach. I'll agree to a one year deal if you get the money right
  7. sure - makes perfect sense to me. agree +100. thanks for the detail oldtimer. and IDK anything about the Swedish model of which you speak, but methinks I like the principle of it.
  8. no kidding. wow - all these places that are so far away from me oh well - I guess it keeps me from spending more. possibly much more
  9. I agree with this as well. seems like we are the last ones to realize that we don't know what we don't know. experience is an excellent teacher - albeit sometimes a very painful one
  10. sure - but not just directed re the younger folk of today but more toward everyone in general. just my opinion, but maybe isn't that situation - where the penalty isn't really that much compared to the gratification gained from doing <whatever> - isn't that situation one where the penalties should be re-examined? for example - say, a speeding ticket. if the penalty is $50, not much deterrent from driving however fast I want. now, if you raise the fine to say, $200, $300... yes, maybe that does border on excessive, but to me, that is a much more painful deterrent and much less worth the time recovered by driving faster.
  11. ^ ^ ^ THIS ! very much agree. also agree with the post from Zen Traveler that you quoted - that the older I get, the smarter my parents get. a WHOOOOOLE lot of truth in that!!!
  12. slightly OT but... just IMO, isn't that how the legal system & penal system should be structured? I vaguely remember the cop show Baretta (sp?) with Tony Blake. wasn't his motto "don't do the crime if you can't do the time?" shouldn't the penalty be a deterrent against any perceived benefit of committing the crime?
  13. -js-

    RIP Arnold

    I'm not a golf fan, and only a lukewarm occasional follower at best. but he was someone that I had a lot of respect for. a good ambassador for sports in general, and seems like a great one for the sport of golf. will surely be missed. RIP sir.
  14. I think this is a link to the page Dallas, The Colony 'dealer' CL nice looking CW 1's in walnut looks like.
  15. yeah. seemed like they used to be a whole lot o fun. now, not worth the price if/when you have to 'pay the man' the next day.
  16. what I remember, it was a fabulous show. play list probably couldn't have been better. light show etc was just unbelieveable. wish I remembered more about it. I do remember that I had a fantastic time. and, as someone else has already said - it's a good thing I gave up some of the habits of my younger days.
  17. I'm your huckleberry... how do you know James?
  18. 1st concert - would have been one of Boston (1st album tour), Foreigner (1st album), or Styx - maybe Grand Illusion tour. that time frame was when I was old enough to drive myself and got the parental OK to go. had a great time. best show? IDK - several that I do remember that are in the running. and one that I don't remember much at all - Pink Floyd, I think Division Bell. wow... what I remember was fantastic. best one that I remember well - saw Elton John just last year I think or '14. Fabulous show!!!
  19. -js-

    $500.00 K-Horns.

    Don't ya? LOL. Man, somebody nearby SOOO needs to jump on this. If only I was closer...
  20. Yeah buddy, I heard that. I guess for me it started on me when I listened to my girlfriend's brother's CW's. I scored a Best Buy pair on basically 2 for 1 sale, and it was really on then. I had it bad. Then I added my Heresy pair, and OH MY!!! The women folk think I've lost my mind :-p Very happy for your score! I may have to add these to my list to try out.
  21. That's great to hear Jay. Awesome looking speakers. I wish I could have been able to try to make a deal. Glad you made a deal on them.
  22. Chuck - would you mind sharing with what models specifically you decided on? I'm doing the 'research' into a smaller, more basic HT setup and am curious what you have that you like so well. thanks.
  23. that's awesome Dave. I can just imagine I would be quite in awe not just in being asked/selected to own that, but when you get to the work effort of it - I don't know if I would get much work done for all the time I would be distracted by the "hey! wow! check this out!..." moments that would dominate me. not sure if I would get any real work done at all.
  24. that looks really nice. so for someone who still has a tremendous amount to learn in the whole area, this is a "power amp", correct? as opposed to a pre-amp, AVR, or anything of that sort, right? so what do you use to send to this guy you built here, where you have your signal sources connected, assuming you have a tuner, phono, maybe CD/DAC and so on? also - how much power does this fella turn out? connected to your KLF-30's or your CW's, neither of those probably need very much power to get them rolling, do they? btw - excellent job - looks really nice, and your comment that if you can do it, go ahead & try it - offers hope to someone like me thanks for your example, and feedback
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