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Everything posted by JBCODD


    What I Got Today!

    Sounds delicious. I'll try that when the second batch ripens. All out of the first. Sent the last of them north to Colorado when my granddaughters went home.

    What I Got Today!

    Yes indeed. I pruned the tree aggressively last winter so there are not too many in the first fruiting. They are larger than last year, though. The second fruiting looks to be a bumper crop, if I can keep the birds offa them.
  3. "Return ofThe Son of Mr. Pepperhead" The Covid Vampire Alfalfa version, 2020! Brought to you live (or undead) from Rancho Twopacabra, Chandler, Az. Made with the help of two of my granddaughters, Braelynn Joy Walker and Guinevere Sky Walker. (Yes, her parents named her Sky Walker)
  4. Dang, if this was in Az I would jump. GLWS.

    What I Got Today!

    Also harvested the first fruits from my garden and they are now becoming gravy. 'Maters, peppers and figs. Zesty. And two sets of grandkids visiting. This is slowing down the Forte deployment, but the girls are providing entertainment.

    What I Got Today!

    I finally got the Forte speakers which my daughter picked up for me last year at an estate sale in Co Springs. She got them on the last day so they were a screaming deal ($225 for the pair). My wife drove up to visit the grandkids and brought the grands and the speakers back. I thought that they were black, so I was going to use them in the garage, they are veneered (walnut?). So now they will prolly be used in the house. Maybe next to the La Scalas, as a change of pace. I'd give them about a 7/10, as there are a few dings and rubs, but no crushed corners, and the stands are good. Looks like the edge banding has been re-applied using a rubber cement type adhesive, with some squeeze out. Will have to carefully razor this off. And one badge has a shallow bend.


    NOS protein source:


    Mid-American Savagery:
  9. Gots to agree with the @Schu. The price I paid for my 1978 La Scala pair in 2017 was just a shade over the retail price when they were produced. So you will take an immediate hit, but you can enjoy them for a few decades and get yer money back when you upgrade.
  10. As this link (*.BS) clearly shows AMT-1 has been directly linked to COV-19. Even more so than 5G. And only your EXTREME Centric bias leads you to believe that this would sound better than the set up endorsed by my favorite heroic political leader. Furthermore.... oh, sorry. This belongs in the Covid thread. My mistake.
  11. According to anecdotal evidence (car & bank thermometers) we are a degree or two cooler than downtown Phoenix, but a degree or two hotter than the "official" news temp.
  12. Triple digits today in my little slice of the valley uv da sun. 100 degrees, with a forecast of hotter in the next few days. Tried to register a newly purchased vehicle today. Usually only takes an hour or so here. MVD had been closed for three days to implement new hardware and software. Went to the local office. Coved strikes again. They are seeing customers by appt. only, and no same day appt available. Had to go to a third party service provider. Four hours and two trips to the provider later, mission accomplished. Good thing the new-to-me vehicle has a good AC unit. ('09 Honda Fit, five speed manual. Much more nimble and economical than the five speed Toyota Tundra pickup which will now see duty on weekend kayak trips and church clean up days.)
  13. JBCODD


    Brought to You by Liberty Medical......
  14. JBCODD


    A shirt my sister had made for me after learning of my 'Rona illness. My family has few sacred cows...... Note the digeridoo.
  15. Check with @Fido. He stated in another thread that he uses one.
  16. JBCODD


    You shout out Hello! and the reply is as stated
  17. JBCODD


    That is known as the "New York Echo"
  18. JBCODD


    My wife LOL'ed at both your posts. So did I.
  19. Well after two weeks uv coughing up a lung, two visits to my Doc, a chest x-ray, a course and a half of anti-biotics, a scheduled covid test (which was de-scheduled when I reported for it because either:I was too young (61)' not hot enough (99.8), had not left the country (all the foreigners at the Grand Canyon did not count), or not enough test kits to go around) I had a Cat Scan with contrast (cause the CXR was scary looking, thought all the Marlboros had come home to roost with the "Big Ca") I have been told that I've gots the Covid (Cat Scan impression: "ground glass opacities with bronchiectasis and atalectasis consistent with Covid pneumonia) That's a relief. Thought for a day or two I had cancer. Luckily I'm just "walking wounded". The symptoms aren't exceedingly bad, but I tire easily and ache. Time to enroll in a quit smoking program, as the scan also showed early permanent damage to the lungs, prolly from 40+ yrs of tobacco abuse. Thank God for small problems! I've been on pandemic leave since the symptoms started, and prolly have another week to go with the isolation. Glad my employer values their minions.
  20. Heh...heh...heh.....you said hard on.......heh...heh....heh....
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