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Everything posted by Soundthought

  1. I think you'll like it, Josh. Ahhhh. the Stereotech story. Hmmmmmmm. Huh... Tell ya what , man. I'm gonna have to get back with you about that tommorrow. A "friend" just stopped by to "visit" so i'm going to have to redirect my attentions to her and call it a night around here. BTW. I bumped up an old thread in the General section concerning my Stereotech/Chorus combo. Gotta go. Regards, John.
  2. Hi. I own 2 of them. Personally, I think they are a very well built piece of equipment. (Interesting story behind Stereotech, BTW). I've done extensive comparison with a variety of classic speakers and this receiver. It does justice to everything I threw at it. From my Magnepan MG2s to my Infinity Kappa9s, it didn't strain one bit. (now...if I could only find a mid driver for my ML1cs, I could really check it out) ha ha. Anyway, I compared it with my '76 Cornwalls and my Chorus 2s. Both offered an excellent performance. The CWs sounded great with most music venues (depth, imaging, ect), but the Chorus2 really put on a show. They mated well with the Stereotech. Shone, would be the word. I remember that I was so put back by the sonic characteristics of this synergy, that I left the system hooked up for several days. LOL....that's usually a good sign, for me. Anything that stays hooked up that long, is for the most part, a winner in my book. I pretty much can tell if something mates well within the first hour or so. Nice piece. IMHO, definately a collectors item. I have both of mine stashed with some of my finer/rarer amps and receivers. Enjoy. Regards, John
  3. Heh.... Pretty funny, huh? Yeah..... I'm 33 and I feel the same way as the poster does.
  4. Cool, Getech, can't wait to see the pics. This has always been an issue for me. I ranted and raved about it a few years ago. Think i'll refrain, this time. Regards, John
  5. Whoa.... A new speaker. OMG. What to do? I must have it. Of course, it has to be used and at an unreal discounted price.....but, hey.... i'm all for it. LOL. So what is it?
  6. Congrats Triode, A small note concerning stereo and mono Khorns. They are different. The mono designed Khorn has been engineered to augment the bass sufficiently enought to fill a room by itself, whereas the stereo design cuts the slot width in half to accomodate having 2 bass bins in the same room. Enjoy. Regards, John
  7. Well, I finally got my hands on these 2 pieces that i've been wanting for a while. Yeah! Found them both within 3 miles of me, on the same day. They are close to minty shape and were bought for a reasonable price. Initial impressions are mixed. The HK, so far, hasn't really done anything special, as it were. I've hooked it up to a few different sets of speakers from a few manufactures. Not really being swept off my feet with this one. However, i'm planning on doing a complete pot and connection cleaning, upon which time i'll be re-evaluation it's performance. IOW, i'm going to give it the benefit of doubt. We'll see. Now the Scott, OTOH, really started to fill out after a few days of use. (Man, this thing runs hot. wow) Don't know what to say. I've been really happy with it's performance, thus far. As it sits right now, I can't bring myself to unhook the current speaker compliment that is in place. LOL. It's funny because one of my favorite ways to evaluate amps is to hook them to various types of speakers. But, in this case, i'm pretty mistifyed by what it's doing with the current set. .....and they are really nothing special. (Yamaha NS-5) Go figure. Anyway, i'm just happy as can be to have finally aquired both these fine pieces that i've been longing for. Just had to share. More evaluation to come. Regards, John. P.S. When I cracked open the case on the Scott, I was a little dissappointed to see all the original Scott tubes in place. BUT, happiness soon came in spades when upon pulling the heat sheilds off the 12ax7s I discovered that they were......Telefunkens.
  8. Hi. Just a thought. Maybe you could get a multi-speaker selector and run it off the zone outputs. (From the receiver) Simply select the output desired from the "on screen" display options menu, then switch the selector to the desired set of speakers. Heck... You could even run a few different sets if you wanted to. Regards, John
  9. I hear that, Dean. Klipsch is known for a lot of things, but linear response is not one of them. I don't know this for a fact, but I have always thought that perhaps the Klipsch designs were voiced closer to the response of the average human ear. ????? Hmmm I wonder. Never investigated it, though. Regards, Johnny music
  10. I've overheard my teens talk about getting me some new sneakers, but i'll be happy with a good hug and a card.
  11. LOL. Now why didn't I think of the garden hose method. Brilliant. I love it. Heck...Now you've got me thinking of taking it to the next level. I mean, isn't it obvious? ? ? "Self Serve" car wash. Now were talking about getting some serious, deep cleaning action. Ha They even have those nifty mat holders to clamp your records down. Just watch your fingers with that high pressure.....or you'll feel the real skin effect.
  12. It's cool, I got this one. You want to use the surround back out puts. Those also double as the as the zone B. So, for example, if you were not running 6.1/7.1 you could use those outputs to implement another set of speakers in another room (zone . Since your intention is to run 6.1, you must sacrifice the ability to use that output as a second zone. The surround B is so you can set up 2 different side surround for different types of 5 channel surround listening. One set in the corners and one adjacent to your listening position as required per different types of surround mixing. Hope that helps some. Regards, John
  13. I have a Nak 4A and a pair of Monitor 10s. It is a decent match. Good soundstaging with nice imagery. The 2 way passive radiator design of the monitors coupled with the hot running low power Nak offer a pleasantly voiced, full range sound. I'll tell ya though....while the receiver IS very nicely built, it's not quite the 5A, which is to say, a completely different critter. It like the difference between HK330 and HK430. Same mothers, but different fathers. Ya know what i'm saying? IMHO, You will enjoy it, but it isn't nessesarily "all that" as it were. Don't get me wrong, it's worth a turn around the track. No doubt... But, what they are asking seems to be pushing the top end of the price range for all that gear. Heh...OTOH, it might be worth it just to spend some time with those Monitor 10s. They are pretty cool in how they look and perform. I own all of that series of Polks and i'm not planning on parting with them anytime soon, if that says anything, Regards, John.
  14. Cool. Looks like alot of work, though. I wonder what the end result would sound like. I'll bet it's quite an experience. I've toyed around with the idea of folding a couple of small horns in the attic space above my family room. I read somewhere that it is becoming popular in the far east.
  15. sigh..... Same as Fini. Someday, i'm hoping to be able to park a car in there.....someday.
  16. I feel about the same as Max does. It really comes down to application. Both speakers do many things very well. IMO. Though, I must admit, I really don't have any idea what stereo matched Khorns sound like. My pair are from '57 and were engineered for mono use, so the bass augmentation is double that of the newer designs. Plus, i'm running a K-5-J mid lens, so the mid range has a different feel than those of later years. Well.....I guess I can't really make an accurate comparison. Ha Ha Ha. Heck with it. I Love My Old Horns. Regards, John.
  17. I'll second that price quote. Too bad you have to part with them. Good luck with your sale. Regards, John.
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