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Everything posted by geezin'

  1. Hmmmmm.....now they're not. A mere 12 hour drive.
  2. Can a hearing aid expand range? Or when it's gone it's gone? Just curious I'm not there.....just yet.
  3. Marked sold. Hell I could live with the cosmetics for $300.
  4. I have a question...maybe dumb but I'll ask anyways. Why does the LaScala have an issue with bass? Never heard any so I must go on what I hear. Is it a physical limitation or simply the way the speaker was/is designed? BTW I think many people overplay bass. The music I hear is clouded and muddied by the amount many dial into it.
  5. Yes. There is no single simple answer to the question of current inflation. Other than the greed inherent in the system. I believe a major contributing factor is big business attempting to recoup losses from the 2020 slow/shutdown. I can't do that so stop trying to make me pay for it. The money is gone with the time. Let's gather up the remains and move on. Sometimes sh!t just happens and it's irrevocable. Sucks but it is truth.
  6. I wish they'd have known what they were doing. Sad to have lost all those great old trees.
  7. Nah the dump guy would have some new speakers....if he got 'em before someone else did.
  8. ^^^^^ And there you have a definitive answer. Go get 'em.
  9. Heading out to pick up the winning powerball ticket. I'll get back to you.
  10. Why doesn't anyone tell the story of a glorious late summer evening ride through the mountains with a nice companion? It's always some catastrophe. WTF is wrong with you guys?
  11. Rather get splattered than have a coronary sitting on the couch. Not to say I take unnecessary risks but a safe (i.e. boring) life is one I have no interest in. Raced open class MX for decades and held 14 landpseed records along with a few other disciplines. Been clocked at a certified 178MPH........on a Harley. Well that's what he gas tank said. Adrenaline junky I guess. Nothing like a close call to wake up the senses.
  12. A few of mine. A couple of them are pretty scary on the boil. There's more but don't wanna eat up too much bandwidth.
  13. Empty but cheap. https://baltimore.craigslist.org/ele/d/dundalk-bass-bins/7385537538.html
  14. Save money. Diagnose....then repair. Be sure your money is spent well.
  15. Yeah I'm waiting to try that. Hope it works out for him.
  16. Partly sunny mid 60s and 51° dewpoint. What a relief. Gonna jump on the Harley and run some errands. Yeah that's it.
  17. My 2 cents...which may just be what it's worth. Attend to the finish. Set them up and listen. For a year. Then decide if they need help or not. I know squat. Other than rushing into changes you can easily miss what you seek. Enjoy.
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