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Everything posted by CWOReilly

  1. Just ran across these browsing this morning. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354471201733?hash=item5288214bc5:g:ikgAAOSwxO9jpMs9&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAkLCA2ZHcBjdeJIS%2BUQ5YyccinfH3BZyIydvEUr%2F431t%2Fha5nKJeTm9cZNg7gwT4fzzZi7ddRZBfwq2y50M9dDKEO37IqcMcGBsQmIMMCnfk7dImkB1IHA8bdDWLBOjVXYxLFpWdnx04Y7l%2BZCJtjcr5zL6o0f1ZnYEMhffTsKEhAXjQRYWLrvVA40U%2Bdh%2BCN7Q%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7CoyeynYQ
  2. Ha! I was heating one to take a warp out one afternoon and a friend walked in the door. Asked what I was doing. I said I was taking a warp out if this Asbury Park…. As I showed him he grabbed it and wadded it up. Now it’s art…..
  3. I bet it sounded great! Party on!
  4. Despite the sensitivity I’ve found that 15+ watts have sounded better, but some amps just don’t sound good. I have a pair that I use when renting cabins or small events and have been through lots of amps to settle on a 100 wpc class D. Got a third amp you can try?
  5. I remembered them from browsing for speakers. Don’t see oak Belles much. Kinda stuck with me. 😉
  6. Scam. Here’s the real listing. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/426976516314852/?hoisted=false&ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post
  7. New/better pic. Removed table and stands. Pitch back on 35mm film cores.
  8. The continuity problem can play with the OCD for sure. Made me hate the first Zeppelin set. Since I had only own Aja and some greatest collection it didn’t bother me. When I finally started getting all the vinyl it was like a surprise! As for Nightfly it’s been in regular rotation for years. Love it. Our pizza delivery driver asked what it was too….
  9. So far I have it LCR setup with some rs3 surrounds. Later today I’ll get the other HII setup. Need to round up stands since I’m trying to keep the HIIs somewhat even in height. The center is causing the most trouble since it’s sitting on my turntable table. I may wind up taking the table away so I can push the center back. The space is really too small for 5.1, but it sounds great so far.
  10. I’ve had the Citizen box for years, but love the vinyl too. Hard choice. I vote both. 😉
  11. Sounds like the coil has come loose from the spider. I’d replace with OEM if you have no repair shop nearby. The replacement cost vs repair cost is probably close.
  12. How are they still posted?
  13. CWOReilly

    Chorus in VA

    Well they’ll be listed here first. I’m just north of Atlanta.
  14. You may be able to spread them open slightly with a precision screwdriver. Just a thought. I’ve had issue with binding posts being irregular. ymmv.
  15. That is way high for 601s. At least they are black.
  16. CWOReilly

    Chorus in VA

    They are just too nice to be hanging around by my work bench. I keep putting things on top of them and it’s hard not to bump them. Don’t wanna scuff the walnut!
  17. CWOReilly

    Chorus in VA

    I was considering listing mine at $1500.
  18. 73 sounds about right. From seeing your pics in another post first thought is they are HBR that someone “finished” and lost the labels. IIRC the extra stamping means military import/export.
  19. Sounds like you need to open the doghouse then. I’d get genuine replacements and none of the “generic” replacements. If they had Dayton caps who knows what maybe in the doghouse.
  20. How do your LSI sound compared to the LS? My personal experience with LSI that were in service tend to have loose connectors, loose screws, loose mid drivers, maybe dry gaskets. I’d go through and disassemble and clean everything before replacing drivers. Could be debris in the doghouse. Could be crossover.
  21. All lubed up and ready to play!
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