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Panasonic Plasma Buzzing Noise


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DVI is better than VGA, is that right ?

Yes DVI is better than VGA. DVI is digital where as VGA is analog. DVI can be exceptional when connecting a TV display to a computer with the best control of picture adjustment and quality DVI can be better than HDMI.

No buzzing or sound coming from my Panasonic plasma display.

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My old Kuro definitely would generate some heat too it was a very light buzz that would only occur with a large white screen. My new one doesn’t buzz but it will slightly flicker maybe 1 time out of every 6-7 movies and uually only for a second or two but I only pop on a movie once in a while downstairs in the living room I usually watch tv shows there or just listen to music.

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My 1 year old Panasonic Plasma doubles as a Space Heater; nice now, not so nice in summer.

My Panasonic plasma does not put off any noticeable heat.

I just remembered that I once saw something which related plasma buzzing to altitude, the higher the altitude where you live the more likely buzzing problems seem to occur from what I read.

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My 1 year old Panasonic Plasma doubles as a Space Heater; nice now, not so nice in summer.

My Panasonic plasma does not put off any noticeable heat.

I just remembered that I once saw something which related plasma buzzing to altitude, the higher the altitude where you live the more likely buzzing problems seem to occur from what I read.

I'm only 25' above sea level...myth debunked.

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I've seen references online to a defective transformer causing a buzzing noise on some units.

A few minutes ago, I checked my Panasonic plasma (2011 VT-30, 65") with the sound muted and all windows closed, and it's totally silent.

You can feel a bit of heat on your face if you're within two feet of the screen, but in a country where we heat our homes for eight of twelve months in most years any heat is useful.

The picture quality is the best I've ever seen on a TV, and when watching shows that show large sweeping vistas, like Hawaii Five-0, I sometimes pause the PVR for a few seconds to enjoy the sight.

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