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Economy- about to really hit the fan?


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My name is DiscoDuck and I am a Liberal. LOL Go cry to your therapist about it Duck. You've already been run off the board before cause you were too ignorant to even defend your Libby ideals, even if you could they based all on fiction, brainwash & scaring the elderly. Still brainwahed enough to think that tax cuts in a slow economy are a bad idea. What liberal hogwash.

Dentten makes my case clear. He cant argue facts and realism so he attacks the intellect of the opponent. The libs invented the tactic and see how they go rabid when its turned on them. How's it feel libbies? MUHAHA If any Libby actually say something that aapeals to common sense then i'll Counter. But that not happen on this sorry Lib campaign post yet. LOL

Just cry in your beer Libbies. You got AL I'm not a Robot Any More Sore coming again. And others get ready to hear how W caused this mess in 1 1/2 years and that the deficit is all due to tax cuts. And tax cuts are evil because they cause these big deficit and blah, blah. What hogwash. LOL And what better place for all the crap than on an Audio Board. LOL


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Therein lies the issue in a nutshell: Public service became an occupation. Those lawyers you mention are incapable of representing themselves much less the public; how many every practiced law effectively? How many simply received a law degree while studying political science on their way to assuming their 'rightful' position as politicians. You are also correct in that it is our fault. The American public seems intent on voting in the same idiots over and over. What more could you expect when most are incapable of paying attention to anything longer than a 30 second sound bite.


HT - Klipsch Synergy Premiere

Audio - Heresy, KG4

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"If we continue to elect,

over and over and over ad nauseum, the same "tiny slice" of public viewpoint contained

in the minds of lawyers, then you will get what we have."

Great again Denteen. And Which Party is the Party of the Lawyers and Intense Litigation? DA DEMOGOGUE PARTY. So to get rid of the Anti-Americans and Law School Drop-outs like Al Sore, Vote Republican.

That Simple. I rest my case. Wink.gif

But I still want to hear the Econ facts on what specifically George W did to cause the slow economy and

bad market. What was it in 1 1/2 years. The tax cuts? LOL Hell if the Dem Libbies wouldnt have sliced the Cuts to death we would have more Econ Stimulus as far as the Pres Actually can do (and that in reality is very little).

Come on Libbies. Instead of ideals, Metaphysics and calling the opponent ignorant, where's the realism and facts. Ann Coulter is dead on with her new book. LOL


Go Forth and Hump the World

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"Forrest -- Yup. I absolutely agree."

Thank you Denteen. So then you do agree We need tax cuts for Everyone Especially in a slow economy I presume. And Where's Larry the star Economist on this one. Another Deficit Mongerer. Get ready for the AlSore & Tom & Dick rubbish on the Looming Deficit at 3% rates now. LOL


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Denteen, does Gov create more jobs or does the private business sector create more jobs? Does consumer spending stimulate the economy more or does Gov spending Stim more?

I dont need to write a 1/2 Page of Jabberwhacky like you to make a case in realism. See. The Private Sector creates more jobs. A lot more. And if the jealousy of their riches weren't so great on the Libby agenda we'd have more jobs. Do poor people provide more jobs than rich people? This is common sense and the Libbies defy that with brainwashing and Big Brother Gov.

And your wrong. The Consumer has been holding up this economy. Tax cuts create more pull for Goods and Services just like low interest rates. Jobs are created through demand. We have the supply of labor.

This is a business capital spending slowdown and market sentiment burst. What is your solution. Having the Gov make up more Jobs out of nowhere? You dont have much substance when it comes to real solutions. Just like the Demogogue obstructionists. LOL

Your solutuion is to let the economy struggle and let the Demogogues take over. Like Daschle you one sad motor mouth clown. Wink.gif


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Denteen: "The principles of the Enterprise - for which one gets an MBA - have virtually no overlap

with the principles of Government."

Maybe that the problem with Gov Libby. LOL Get ready for a Brand new day. The Gov can only dream of being managed effectively and efficiently and we now gots the man to do it. Move to France if you dont like it loser. LOL


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explain why a tax cut is better than a pay increase in the long term."

A TAX CUT IS A PAY INCREASE CHUMP. A Pay increase for those who are motivated to Work. MAN YOU LIBBIES JUST DONT GET IT. LOL

NOW EXPLAIN how the Gov creates jobs so efficiently like you say. LOL


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Look like Denteen has retreated back to his dog that look like a lion's den. Hardy-har. Stick with something you know a Little about in the real world Denteen- Audio and Electronics.

And go start a business and hire or try to hire people.

Then find out how much of a nightmare the Gov has made it for those trying to supply jobs. That another thing. They need to eliminate all the fees and paperwork to hire people and simplify the tax code its riduclous.

Bring it on Libbies. I have my own business and know what it's like out here in the real world. Nobody knows American capitalism better than a company owning pornographer. LOL


Go Forth and Hump the World

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"I'm pretty sure I can just let that ridiculous expression stand on it's own."

Hey Denteen returns and he must now look like Tom Daschle - a constipated hyhena with hemmoroids. LOL

"I'm pretty sure I can just let that ridiculous expression stand on it's own."

No Libby. Expalin in your best terms why the statement that tax cuts are pay raises is ridiculous. Dont be a true Libby. Explain why as far as the Gov goes why this is not Best for the Economy right Now. Explain how the Gov can take that same money out of our pockets and magically transform it into more jobs and higher pay.

You just admitted the Private Sector supplies 80% of jobs. Actually More. So explain how the Gov supplying 50 or 100% of jobs is better for us all. Please do Explain and don't evade the questions or write off statements with your liberal nonsense and dirty "I'm smarter than you tactics". Pleas teach me O Great Liberal Genious of the World and Knower of Everything from Dusting resistors to Disintermediation in Government Spending Practices. LOL


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Originally posted by forresthump2:

Denteen, does Gov create more jobs or does the private business sector create more jobs? Does consumer spending stimulate the economy more or does Gov spending Stim more?

disco - First off, let me say that smarter people than we have debated economic theory and reality with different conclusions. So ours is one more if the mix IMHO.

The private sector creates more jobs. Both government and consumer spending at varying times can stimulate the economy. Specifically for you forrest, Defense and Infrastructure spending are examples of government spending that stimulate economic activity directly and through supporting industries.

I dont need to write a 1/2 Page of Jabberwhacky like you to make a case in realism. See. The Private Sector creates more jobs. A lot more. And if the jealousy of their riches weren't so great on the Libby agenda we'd have more jobs. Do poor people provide more jobs than rich people? This is common sense and the Libbies defy that with brainwashing and Big Brother Gov.

Disco - I have never heard a liberal argue the position that poor people provide more jobs than rich.

And your wrong. The Consumer has been holding up this economy. Tax cuts create more pull for Goods and Services just like low interest rates. Jobs are created through demand. We have the supply of labor.

Disco - This can be true but our current economic state despite the glib talk show it's not neccesarilly so. It's a little more complicated than the simple minded reasoning. We have had both tax cuts and vanishingly low interest rates but we still see frequent large layoffs, a stock market in tumbles etc. Your last statement I believe answered some of this. With a relatively large supply of labor the dynamics involved with the current job market mitigates the advantages of low interest rates and tax cuts.

This is a business capital spending slowdown and market sentiment burst. What is your solution. Having the Gov make up more Jobs out of nowhere? You dont have much substance when it comes to real solutions. Just like the Demogogue obstructionists. LOL

Disco - Where is your solution? You make a surprisingly intelligent statement in the first sentence yet you fail to offer your own solution.

Your solutuion is to let the economy struggle and let the Demogogues take over. Like Daschle you one sad motor mouth clown.

Disco - Huh. Let the economy struggle? To do nothing would be more typical of recent conservatism. Their position has always been more of a free market approach. Are you know saying the "Demogogues" are the real conservatives?

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"I don't believe, based on your postings that you posess much native understanding of

Government as a theory, an institution or an operation."

The troble with the Libs like Denteen is they want Gov to own the people instead of the way it should be. We own the Gov. We shareholders. We Elect a Ceo (pres) and a Board (Congress). We have Income (Tax Revenues) and Expenses (mostly Gov Pork ie nonproductive items not providing the most return to we the shareholders). The Pork spending is what to attack. Not tax Cuts. And how do you Choke the Snake? You cut off his blood supply with tax cuts. Then he has to reduce his eating to live. Gov is a corrupt organization that uses our tax money to pay back the people who put them in office. And that usually just a few.

So Denteen Question #2, if Gov is so far from a business as you say and business provides 80% of the jobs then why don't we give more money to business and the consumers that buy their products.

I know you will agree with me on the wasteful spending by GOV. But if you think that cutting off the Gov tax revenue is not the best way to get them to cut spending, then you dont know how GOV operates. Wink.gif

And why do Democrats attack the deficit before they attack spending? Every time.


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Originally posted by forresthump2:

Denteen: "The principles of the Enterprise - for which one gets an MBA - have virtually no overlap

with the principles of Government."

Maybe that the problem with Gov Libby. LOL Get ready for a Brand new day. The Gov can only dream of being managed effectively and efficiently and we now gots the man to do it. Move to France if you dont like it loser. LOL

Your boy is gonna give to us like his daddy huh? As for moving to France, why were you guys still here during 8 years of a duly elected President. That "Brand new day" isn't new by the way. It's called banana republicanism with the shrub junta in the White House. Remember, the majority of Americans did not vote for this cabal.

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I'll give you DisciDuck that W is a realist who will not pretend like Slick Willy that he can do as much as the average Dumb joe voter thinks he can. Hell Slick Willy made you idiots think he was doing something when de didn't do a damn thing but the Family Leave Act. Some legacy. Cigars and big butted women are all the People remember in him. LOL

But Discoduck let us talk on an issue more dear to your Liberal Heart. Lets see, foaming at the Mouth Liberal,

Likes Disco music, Has huge crush on Slick Willy. Oh Yeaa. How about Gay Rights? Wink.gif


Go Forth and Hump the World

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Hey welcome back Forrest. Great to see your return. Wink.gif

Although Forrest may be somewhat abrasive, he brings up a good point. Why do liberals as above agree that business and the consumer do a better job at running our economy, yet they support policies for bigger government with more control over our lives? hmmmm.


live long & prosper

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mdeneen- WOW!!!! You have officially gone off the deep end/left end in your views on wage increases over tax cuts. I thought we weren't that far apart earlier but now I know we are.

Tax cuts give every american a portion of the money they earned back and then allow for.....hold on here... the freedom to piss it away on beer, crack and a nice piece of *** or invest it in an asset like a down payment on a new home or a new car or heaven forbid sock it away in a 401K or mutual fund that may fund one's own retirement. Foresthump2 is right here, tax cuts are pay raises! and no rational economist can argue otherwise.

Pay/wage raises are paid by who??? Not the government! They would be paid by business owners who already have a work force that shows up everyday with their own free will. Consumers would then pay inflated prices to cover the incresed costs for goods and services. Raise employees wages/salaries and watch prices for those goods and services they provide rise right in line....I think this is what they call inflation!!

What you are saying is even worse than the government's taxes or "redistibution of wealth" it is the governement arbitrarily/artificailly raising minimum wage which results directly in inflation.

If wage increases are such a good idea why don't we propose $100,000 as the new minimum wage and watch what happens to prices. Is this concept that difficult to follow? I think I know where you are going with this, once the pay raises go into effect and those people get taxed you generate a increase in tax revenue for the Gov. but big deal everything will cost incrementally more due to inflation.

Mdeneen, I think you would be much happier in France or Canada where taxes are higher and beer and wine are plenty. Two economies, governments that are driven by the redistribution of wealth and government control. I will say that those Canadians got great beer for their tax dollars and nationalized health care.. what a joke....(read no choices) gov. tells you where to go and heaven forbid you need or have a special medical condition.

This is becoming futile.


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I have a few observations, but here's the first.

It has occurred to me that the concepts being used by many in this debate are antiquated- the Industrial Age is over. The working class vs. investor class dicotomy is inadequate- what about the educated people who work for a living with their heads? These people have no advocacy groups (no unions, advocates for the poor, or chambers of commerce) and are currently getting the shortest end of the stick. We are in the beginning of a Post-Industrial society- our concepts and arguments need to be redefined. Would you define industrial societies in agrarian terms? Manufacturing is dwindling segment of the economy- information and services are taking over. Many of the past arguments oppose each other but are both wrong. We need to change the way we think about our economy.

Best wishes to all- let's try to be respectful to each other.


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Originally posted by forresthump2:

I'll give you DisciDuck that W is a realist who will not pretend like Slick Willy that he can do as much as the average Dumb joe voter thinks he can. Hell Slick Willy made you idiots think he was doing something when de didn't do a damn thing but the Family Leave Act. Some legacy. Cigars and big butted women are all the People remember in him. LOL

discorules - Hmmm. Sorry, just another dumb *** who is a little partial to Pres. Clinton's peace and prosperity terms in office. Keep trying though, I may like wars, recession, and a new Gestapo like bureaucracy in Homeland Security and zi Fatherland Initiative.

But Discoduck let us talk on an issue more dear to your Liberal Heart. Lets see, foaming at the Mouth Liberal,

Likes Disco music, Has huge crush on Slick Willy. Oh Yeaa. How about Gay Rights?

discorules - Shhh...just between me and you. The disco is where you hooked up with girls, not get drunk with the boys. Oh, one more little secret, any man obsessed with another mans sexuality has some issues to come to terms with. Don't worry though, I support gay rights.

This message has been edited by discorules on 07-23-2002 at 02:23 AM

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