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weight loss for old farts

Paducah Home Theater

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There are a number of approaches to managing body composition.  Comes down to whatever works in a sustainable manner.  Just keep in mind that at age, it becomes relevant to enter into the exercise schema cautiously.  Most of us have existing medical considerations some of which really warrant close medical management.  The bones, the muscles, the nerves and vessels are not young whipper-snapper vintage.  I have shoulder joints devoid of cartilage for example.  If you harm yourself in the process of trying to get better you lose ground instead of gaining ground.  Is that new pain a simple muscle pull or or tendon strain or a pinched nerve?  Everything matters. 


Of all the topics discussed here I'd contend that alcohol consumption is the most important.  It is all empty calories and those calories go down the gullet quickly leading to at least a temporary caloric excess and that causes fat reserves to develop.  One 'binge' can lead to weeks of extra effort removing that fat.  Alcohol in modest moderation is the best message. 


Understand also that a conditioned body requires less fuel to do a simlar amount of work.  If you are out of shape and move a woodpile in 10 minutes you actually burn more calories than if you did the same chore in good condition.  Why?  Conditioned muscles are more efficient.  They require fewer calories for any given workload.  In our youth we took good conditioned bodies and did tons of work and burned lots of calories.  When older we may condition the body but we do less work with it (usually) so we really do not need loads of calories.  Fats, sugars and alcohol - all are fast carbs, high in caloric content, that will lead to new fat stores if not used (burned) shortly after being consumed.............. and any of you with diabetes must deal with an entirely different set of rules. 


Getting elderly is not for the faint of heart.

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Following this discussion has been interesting as I have the opposite problem- 30# underweight and can't gain no matter what I do!  Don't be envious though.  I don't like being so thin!!!  Guess no one is happy with their lot.  Meanwhile, check out what Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) consumes:






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(Total food and liquid consumed for period X) - (Total sweat+burned+peed+crapped+farted for period X) = (amount remaining, either plus or minus for period X)


This is all you need to know. Weigh yourself naked every day to view results at the same time of day for consistency. You will find that a reduction of 66% of food intake

based on what you consumed in high school will stabilize you and less than that will reduce weight.

It does take a while to resize your stomach and that takes a lot of balls.


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Know your metabolism and eat accordingly...... eat processed food very rarely, our ten thousand year old systems cant handle it, eat organic if you can, cook from scratch as often as you can, eat seasonally, make your own bread with real whole grains not stripped wheat, never put soda or pop in your mouth, unless you make your own, don't dare touch what they call unsweetened beverages, drink as much water as you can, make simple dishes that are full of flavor and are fast, learn how to cook at high temperatures to save time, and use good oils, eat a hardy breakfast everyday with good proteins, never have sugar for breakfast in any fashion whatsoever... unless its a small amount of carbos combined with a protein... fruit included, Do a digestive tract cleanse and a juice fast ever couple of years.... don't want to explain this one...

Edited by juniper
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You're the man MLO. Just the fact that you are wanting to do something like this for your health and your relationship deserves the highest respect.


I am 35 lbs overweight, and I never had weight issues before. Thursday, I went and bought some workout clothes and got a YMCA subscription. I'm right there with you, except I don't have the scoliosis. What I have is chronic love of food and I sit too much. 


I had an epiphany a few years ago while walking from a parking garage in a big city to some destination within that city. The epiphany was that city folk are thin because they walk their butts off. I live in a small mostly rural town, and I can literally drive to the front door of any place I want to go.  Hell, I don't even have to get out of my car cause of drive thru's. I think country folk would be better to park in the farthest spot when we go to the store. We also need to walk and bike etc. 


I wonder how long it would take for me to lose that 35 lbs if I lived in an apartment in Chicago.

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its what's in the calories that counts....... good whole food, if you can find it, or make it... Not many heavy Japanese or Indians out there that struggle with their weight in their older years... for two very different reasons, one uses spices to clean out the system, the other uses clean simple food...

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I had an epiphany a few years ago while walking from a parking garage in a big city to some destination within that city. The epiphany was that city folk are thin because they walk their butts off. I live in a small mostly rural town, and I can literally drive to the front door of any place I want to go.  Hell, I don't even have to get out of my car cause of drive thru's. I think country folk would be better to park in the farthest spot when we go to the store. We also need to walk and bike etc. 


I wonder how long it would take for me to lose that 35 lbs if I lived in an apartment in Chicago.

I've been to Chicago, and I noticed this. All the girls downtown were HOT. Walking was said to be the key, but you're also looking at highly educated highly paid younger people who care about their looks and has access to plus can afford really good food. You don't see that nearly as much in the country.

What sucks is when you mix these professional jobs with rural transportation. So basically I drive my truck to work and I sit there all day. I used to be able to participate in certain activities that balanced this out, but due to the bad back and sleep problems, most of those have flown out the window. I guess that's why I started the first thread, was bummed out because I'm having to learn how to do crap all over again. My go-to activities for staying fit have been banned and I'm having a hard time adjusting. Keep hoping that I can find alternative exercises that are as effective as stuff like squats and sprints more than anything.

But yeah I'm 35 pounds overweight too. Or at least I normally am. My ideal weight based on past experience is 165-168. Nowadays I usually float around 200 to 205 unless I get _really_ sloppy.

Anyway, just got out of the hospital for the steroid injection. Hopefully most of the pain will subside in a few days.

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