D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 ---------------- On 4/29/2005 4:36:24 AM edwinr wrote: I wouldn't attempt to drive a Klipschorn with >> these. You would need a single driver horn design like a Lowther or >> perhaps a Loth-x to do justice to your music. ---------------- The only umbrage that I take is that a Khorn will EASILY drive to rather suprizingly LOUD levels off of only 1 electrical watt, so I can only surmise that you do not have Khorns. I believe that the Klipsch recommended minimum wattage is 3 watts for the Khorn, but in my experience and space, 3 watts (average) on the amp's meters proves to be far TOO LOUD for serious listening. DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thebes Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Yes this subject has come up before. I do believe some of the more eccentric members of our forum have weighed in on it before, and let me see if I can remember who they are and what they said...oh yes, here they are: -------- Reeeally my dear chaps. It is as apparent as the Queen's bum that you colonials have absolutely no proper appreciation for civilized discourse. It seems obvious that this Nosvalves fellow is an ill-mannered, ill-tempered soul with only the barest acquaintance with, oh how do heathens say it, oh yes, "letters and ciphers". I say, on this side of pond, we have long since determined that these so called Klipschorns are merely large lumps of logs harvested in the brooding forests of the Yukon, shipped to some dreary outpost in some backwoods village called, of all things, Hope. One presumes, the manufactures of such monstrosities does fervently hope that they produce better sound then some South Sea native clanging on a piece of iron rod. The better sorts here, of course, have always placed out faith in good old English Oak and truly superb Lucas Electronics. Well ta, tah. ---------- Merde, zout alors, ecoute! I speet on you and your l'amoire wit de Klipsch which must be le Boche, le no? In Francais we have little teeny tiny speakers to go with our teeny, tiny bodies. Sauteed with a bit of garlic, a soupcon of onion, a gram or two of snails and we have a delectable mixture we use to listen to our Jerry Lewis albums. And zee SET (pronuciated as SETTA-empahsis on the A you le miserables excuses for audiophiles). C'est le obvious it is the tout ta le tout of all electronics, invented here by one of our superior scientists. Ah but I must be off. The vin ordinaire is breathing and my chez la femme is calling out to me. Bon chance, viv le Bose! ----------- Well now, hold on just a minute there pardner. Excuse me just a second got to tighten my belt some because I got a whole lotta chawen to do about some of these here furineers thata been coming in to our Forum and raising a ruckus. Now Im a peaceable man, but what I caint abide is some fancy pants haven the gumption to be atellin us about what we should be arguing about in the case of Merucin loudspeakers, so to speak. Take that fancy pants feller from the U of the K. Im a respectin the British tars, a more hard working, big hearted common man youll not find anywhere. But I gotta tell ya, them upper crust folks is just plain mean. Nancy boys I think they call themselves. Puttin down the wood in our speakers. Now its just common sense in these parts that ifin you dont aneed a buckboard and a team to be awhaulin them thar speakers a back to the ranch, well you might just as well not bother. And Lucas Electronics, well, shucks, I owned me British motorcyle and let me tell you straight there advertisin slogan the Prince of Darkness was nuthin but the plain truth. Why every time I found myself headed home after the sun cum down I got to a knowin what they meant. Im also not furgettin about you little sissy Frenchies. This heres a big country and we need a big sound to fill it. Thats why we like Solid State. We need big watts for a big sound. Now why would we be aneedin somethin with the funny sounding name called Set, why I can hardly get my mouth around it,. Dont be a getting me wrong now, met me a pretty little French fillie at a cat house down in NuOrleans and finer figure of a women I did never see the likes of. But you all uve seen that thar picture here in this thread of them thar speakers they make over there. Why there crooked! Confuses me like watchin a one legged duck swim in a pond. Ramble about all over the place. Now inna my book if you caint draw a straight line you got no business telling us how to be a runnin power to our amplifiers. Well, the dinner bells a clanging. Gots to go. You all be good now here. --------------- Great Googly Mooley!. I just finish up runnin a fare from Fulton Street over to thoirty thoid and thoid. Sittin my cab right in front of a hotspot soes I fires up da laptop and check inta da forum. Deres a major cat fight going on over in 2 Channel wid all dese Brits, Frenchies and cowboys runnin around. Wadda dem bums know! Freakin pansies! Wouldnt last a New York minute inda neighborhood I grews up in. Listen up wise guys! All dat edukation aint taught ya squat. Ya want musik yas gots to have sum Klipsh in yur walkup. Ya wannum heavy, like a good Checker cab. Yur speakers, deys got to be able handle wid poize drillin in da street, da dump trucks goin by and da rumble of da subway. You know wadda I mean? En whats up with all dis SET and Solid State baloney. Ya power da boxes wid de old push and pull. Ya know, sort of like me and da missus on a Friday night. You push she pulls, you push she pulls. Ya got it ya buncha schmucks. Ah forgetaboudit. What you freakin clowns need is a good couple a two tree in da kisser. Got a fare here wants me to run him down to da Bowery. Hey bub, can you believe dese freakin bums on da Forum, I gotta tell ya , been drivin a cab for thoirty years and deese guys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ben. Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverSport Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Maybe someone just wants to hear an opinion today...maybe opinions given before are no longer valid...maybe that's what a discussion forum is all about...a forum to discuss. Danny this is not aimed at you...actually not at anyone in particular but I am so tired of hearing do a search of look it up, Google it, etc... Sometimes you do a search and cannot find EXACTLY what you want. With new members joining daily, peoples tastes in music changing, peoples tastes and equipments needs, wants, desires changing by the minute...perhaps you just want to hear what the latest thoughts on this are. What if your opinion changes...what if you knock, praise whatever, some gear now but later, for some reason your mind changes? Doing a search gets you "olds"...sometimes we want "News!" Soemtimes we want the anecdoteal rather than the scientific...sometimes we just want to stir the pot...SO WHAT! Isn't this what a forum is all about? And if you care to disagree with what I have said, well...that too is what a Forum is all about. Sheeesh! Just my .02... Bill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mike stehr Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 "So it is. We use PP and SE amps at Casa Hardy all the time; even sometimes solid state amps. Different sources, different speakers. Fun to change around and not difference in tone and in texture. Couldn't imagine being locked into one format. I will say that I tend to return, sooner or later, to the SE 2A3 Bottlehead Paramours and my 1974 Cornwalls." Yup. Right now, I'm enjoying Technics SU-V78 integrated amp I just picked up for 5 bucks. "New Class A" whatever the hell that is. Has one big ol' stereo power amp module with a fan behind it of all things. Of course it's got the bass boost feature. Not bad sounding, still trying to debate whether it has a better sound than the JVC integrated I picked up free yesterday. I think the JVC's better..... But I can't deal with being married to one topology of a amplifier, even speakers for that matter.....it's all part of the fun. I'll listen to a SE 6BQ5 one day, a SS amp the next, a class T amp another day. Then listen to the 2A3 amp, and wonder why I have all the other crap.....JMHO.....preference of tone..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dodger Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Greetings: Dan - I understand your point, that's why I used all of the terminology that I did to try to prevent.. With Silversport's good take on it, Thebes, and Mike Stehr, Plus yours and my thoughts, we hopefully will. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parrot Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 ---------------- On 4/29/2005 1:10:22 PM D-MAN wrote: I believe that the Klipsch recommended minimum wattage is 3 watts for the Khorn, but in my experience and space, 3 watts (average) on the amp's meters proves to be far TOO LOUD for serious listening. ---------------- Klipsch's recommended minimum is a 20W amplifier for the Klipschorn. Edwin does indeed own Klipschorns, which is a much tougher feat in Australia than in the US. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ben. Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 BIll you are, of course, correct. There are certain people who post here that cannot, for some reason, abide by another's preference for the sound of lower powered amplification. This thread has been civilized, but one wonders how long it will remain so. When said members repeatedly annoy and ridicule others for pure enjoyment, I think that goes beyond a discussion of the matter based on the merits of taste and preference. Do you think the members in question really care about whether or not SET users (especially the outspoken few who remain here) have systems that are performing well, subjectively or objectively? The content of the posts make me think otherwise. In short, it gets old. It's chased away too many members who really offered alternative viewpoints, but just didn't feel like dealing with the constant baiting and games. Moderators recognize the problem, but their hands are somewhat tied, as no rules are technically being broken. I understand that, and really hold no one at fault, other than the members who stifle reasonable discussion with the childish tactics they employ. Of course, I have the freedom to ignore these threads and posts. I just seem to lack the ability... Preemptive retort: It's not about political correctness, or about anyone being offended. It's really about mutual respect and mature discussion. They're just metal boxes that make electrical waves bigger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 I have the original 1975 Klipschorn flyer and it clearly states the minimum wattage required is 3 watts. Let's see, according to what you said, minimum of 20 watts, stated maximum is 100 watts, say that's some power handling now isn't it!? DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parrot Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 2-Channel Audio : Have questions about amp and speaker matching? Ask them here. Clearly Edwin's listening observations are a perfect fit for the stated intentions of this Forum. They simply serve as an answer in advance to the question of does a low-powered SET amp match well with a Klipschorn. D-Man: Can you scan that page? I've never seen anything other than 20W minimum. Maybe it is the difference between "required" (which might be another way of saying "bare minimum") and "recommended minimum." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 If I had a scanner, I would love to. But unfortunately, you'll just have to take my word for it, cause I ain't got one. I understand that PWK DID indeed say that 20 watts was required; but on the same topic, I beleive that he also said "what this country needed was a good 5 watt amplifier", too, but that was not a minimum wattage requirement to result in a flat frequency response which is what is printed in the spec sheet that I am referring to. DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parrot Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 I don't doubt your word, D-Man. Just wanted the context. I think what PWK meant was that THERE ARE NO GOOD 5-watt amplifiers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Yeah, but I took it to also mean that IF you HAD a GOOD 5 watt amp, that would be fine for Khorns. DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dodger Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 edit: no difference, no matter what Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 One of the DFH articles on the matter (I'm still looking for more): DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3dzapper Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 D man, Can you take a digital image of that page? Oops, you already did! I HAVE BOTH SET and PP DHTs, I like them both equally well. For most listening, *** triodes are best. Unless you feel like headbanging then PPP is best. Unless you like Class A SS which is best. Unless you are filling an auditorium when AB SS is best. Unless it's hot out when Class T is best. Etc, etc, etc, ad infinum. If it sounds good, it is good! Rick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seti Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 How many watts was the Brook 12A 2A3 Push pull monoblocks 2 X 2a3 a channel ? Freedom Of Choice A victim of collision on the open sea Nobody ever said that life was free Sank, swam, go down with the ship But use your freedom of choice Ill say it again in the land of the free Use your freedom of choice Your freedom of choice In ancient rome there was a poem About a dog who found two bones He picked at one He licked the other He went in circles He dropped dead Freedom of choice Is what you got Freedom of choice! Then if you got it you dont want it Seems to be the rule of thumb Dont be tricked by what you see You got two ways to go Ill say it again in the land of the free Use your freedom of choice Freedom of choice Freedom of choice Is what you got Freedom of choice! In ancient rome There was a poem About a dog Who found two bones He picked at one He licked the other He went in circles He dropped dead Freedom of choice Is what you got Freedom from choice Is what you want Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Dope from Hope article # 2... DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 A little more on the subject... DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D-MAN Posted April 29, 2005 Share Posted April 29, 2005 Apparently, in the 70's PWK was having trouble with higher wattage SS power amps blowing tweeters... DM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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