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What's wrong with "cat-boy"??

Mighty Favog

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So this is way OT but I'm really worried about this.

7+ years ago a kitten was found on the street in the slums on Cincinnati. A co-worker brought him to the office and said "Your cat is in the conference room!" I told the co-worker "I don't have a cat. I can't have a cat!"

So that afternoon I took the 9-week old lil' guy home in an open box in the back seat of my car, dirty nose and all. When we arrived at my house he did his little discovery bit through every room. Later I looked in the box we brought him home in and he had done his "business" in that box. Oh wow, he's a keeper. He's been a 100% indoor cat ever since.

Over the years this guy has grabbed not only my heart but that of my live-in girlfriend of 8 years. He has learned to comminicate with us beutifully through gestures. I've even tought him to do a lot of "dog" tricks: sit , waive, speak, roll-over, fetch and to come when I whistle for him. Most of our friends still find this amazing. He's no couch potatoe and is a very interactive guy.

Three years ago we got him a friend (another cat) from a rescue shelter and they have been good friends.

He's a good mouser after he plays with the critter for a few days and was still proud of the "kill" by lying the body in the hallway an sitting next to it saying "Look what I did!!" In the winter he sleeps in my lap when I'm watching TV, smells my breath to see what I had to eat last and as a kiss he'll smell and gently knibble on my ear. I then tell him "Thank you".

But now he's in trouble. He's been losing a little bit of weight (1or 1 1/2 lb out of 10 lb. over the last couple weeks) and Sheila says he has sewer breath. I can't tell since I have fall allergies and can't smell very well right now.

I did some internet searches and that is doing nothing but scaring me. Sheila is going to see if he can get an appointment with the vet this afternoon. We haven't kept up with his shot because I lost my job when they were last due and he never gets out or has had fleas, ect. The only other problem he has was a urinary track infection some 3 years ago but we've been feeding him Hills Science Diet C/D ever since. He does fine with it (though he's not in love with the taste) but it made the other cat gain about 5 lbs.

This loveable bundle of fur is my first pet of my own I've ever had and this guy is the closest thing I have to a son since I have no children of my own.

Any clues or past experiences?? Please help.


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Hi Amy,

It's hard to tell. The boxes are in the basement and we don't go down there a lot. Sheila tells me there wasn't a lot in there last time. The other cat (Kingston) doesn't eat a whole lot even though he's rather large (but active and fun).

He does spray once in a while near the outside doors of the house, but I'm sure there is another cat out there that he's trying to impress. He does miss the box sometimes but I think for him that's normal too.

The kidney infection I can deal with. Giving Deposition (Depo) anti-biotics and all...it's when I start reading about feline leukemia, kidney disease, stomatitis, diabetes etc. that's when I get scared.

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Have you had the cats checked or vaccinated for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). We lost an indoor cat to FeLV after I brought home an injured feral kitten that I found while working on the Navajo Reservation. It took a few years but the older (11 years old) cat began to lose weight and become more lethargic. The vet diagnosed FeLV. At that point there was nothing we could do. The younger feral cat lived to the age of 22 though. We never really knew how the first cat got the disease (it's viral). If the kitten carried the virus, I don't know why it never developed the disease. I hope in your case that it isn't FeLV but it might worth checking if you haven't already. Good luck.

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He was testest for Leukemia when we first got him and he's not around any other cats but his 3-year buddy (who was also checked).

For the last few weeks Depo has been tapping my leg to tell me he want's something (something he's always done) but I/we couldn't figure out what he wanted. He would also sit in my lap and rather than just curl up and lie down he'll just sit there and meow at me. He's been a lot more vocal lately too at us. He's also not eating as much.

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I'm not an expert either, and don't want to alarm you as well, but Depot is exhibiting the same kind of things my indoor cat, Rozzie, did .

It turned out to be a liver ailment and was not treatable. [:(] A way to check is if the skin around the ears (at the base of the ear) has a yellow, jaundiced (SP??) look to it.

I'm sure it's nothing as serious as in my situation, but just wanted to share what I have been through.

Get him to the Vet !!!!


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Just got back from the Vet....says that one of his kidneys is rather small. They did a CBC, Chem Screen, administered 100cc's of fluids, Penicilin inj. and some Clavamox drops.

They won't get the blood results back till tomorrow and they gave us some more antibiotics to give him X2 per diem (not bad, when I take my insulin I'll give him his meds too). It all depends on the Ph level in his blood.

I didn't know this but he's had his regular shots as needed with the exception of FIP. We decided against it because we no longer have other cats hangin' around outside as we did.

His weight has droped to 8lb 8oz. where he normally weighs 10lbs. even.

We'll know tomorrow but for now I'm trying to get a urine sample in an empty litter box (just need a tablespoon or so).

He's got a lot of tarter around one of his back teeth so we need to get his teeth cleaned anyway when we figure out whats wrong with him.

For now we're (Depo and I) are locked up in my study waiting for a sample and listening to George Winston's "Plains" CD on the second system and to all the rain going on outside. He's napping after all the excitement at the Vet's.

Sheila and I were maybe going out to eat or something for our birthdays (mine is Saturday and her's is Sunday) but not now. The bill so far was $200 but that's a a small price for our kitty-boy.

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Just got a call from the Dr.'s office...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Depo has complete kidney failure. Sadly, the regiment that they want us to keep with him for the rest of his life is just more than we can keep up with or financially afford. They said that his type of kidney disease is not painful (kidneys are too small rather than too large). The reason for his passing is nothing that anyone has done wrong, he had a bout with kidney infection about 4 years ago and it permanently damaged the cells of the organ. Kidney cells are not regenerative so things could slowly only get worse.

Sheila and I have decided to just keep him at home where he's most familiar and comfortable and let him pass naturally. I just wish I knew how long this will take.

As a short epitaph he has been a very dear and comedic friend for many years and I will never forget him or the love he has taught and shown me. His rare ability to communicate with us was phenomenal. He had the character that I have seen in no other animal. He can never be replaced; to try would only downplay his importance in my life and those who also love him.

I'll write more about him later.

Note to self: Happy birthday Tom....

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Happy Birthday, Tom!!!!

Sorry about the news, Tom. I was faced with the same decision with Rozzie. The constant care and the financial burden would have been too much.

I didn't want her to suffer so I had to make the hard decision to put her to sleep.

I support your decision in letting Depo pass away at home but don't let it go too long, ok??

Take care, Tom!!


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Happy Birthday, Tom!!!!

Sorry about the news, Tom. I was faced with the same decision with Rozzie. The constant care and the financial burden would have been too much.

I didn't want her to suffer so I had to make the hard decision to put her to sleep.

I support your decision in letting Depo pass away at home but don't let it go too long, ok??

Take care, Tom!!


Sorry about the bad news Tom .

Pets , no matter what they are become members of your family .

My cat almost died from a urinary blockage 2 years ago . Since then he has been on a diet of Hill's S/D . My vet is happy with his condition since his surgeory but warned that after something like that he is predesposed to it happening again .

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What a tough situation. As an animal lover, I've been there. It really is depressing. Though nothing can replace a friend in the same way, just keep in mind that there are many good animals out there who need owners like you. That's my attitude. We lost a beautiful female lab, and my wife and I were so down about it. I insisted we go adopt another dog right away, not out of disrespect - but out of love for the companionship of a good pet. Well, we adopted two boy pups - brothers - and they are great. We still miss our beautiful girl lab and will always remember her.

For all of you who are animal lovers, let me give you one bit of advice. Our beautiful girl lab was sedated for an ordinary check-up. She was big and a little feisty, so the sedation was for handling. Well, she had a bad reaction - maybe over-sedated - but in any event, that's what took her. That crushing episode really brought home the power of sedation. I will never, never allow a vet to sedate a pet unless necessary. Teeth cleaning and "handling" issues are simply not important enough to take that risk. Do not consider sedation to be low risk, or you might end up like we did.

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An update....<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

One of the options is to give lil' Depo subcutaneous fluids (Lactate w/ ringers) at home once or twice a day for the rest of his life. We decided to do this for now and see if he improves. He'll be getting about 100-150cc's each time. Everytime we go to the Vet anymore for this I wind up crying either on Sheila's shoulder or with my arm wrapped around the cat carrier with him inside.

The needle that we need to use is gawd awful huge! It's about 14ga. (I use a 30ga for my insulin). My brother and his wife did this same regiment to one of their cats and she lasted another 7 years. They got to the point where they didn't need to do it everyday but only 3-4 times a week. A bag of fluid will only last about 3 days, this won't be easy at the $25/bag they are charging (I really can't even afford that). Shame we can't get this at Petsmart.

Here are some of the results of his blood work:

Creatinine: 19.1 (norm is 0.8 - 1.8)

Phosphorous: 14.5 (norm is 2.5 7.5)

Anion Gap: 37 (norm is -2 20)

Those are the number the Doc was most concerned with. He said the Creatinine has built up over a long period of time becauce if it spiked this high in a short time it would have killed him.

Right the lil' guy is lying on the receiver in my study while it plays George Winston's "Montana".

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I had a cat with some type of organ failure and we gave it a 1/8 tab of yellow lasix every day. She hung on for nearly a year that way, until one night her lungs filled up with fluid and she died in my arms.

My thoughts go out to you in the declining health of your feline friend. My three kitties are very dear to me. Do what you can to make the last days good ones.


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