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Good Bye my Friend


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Joe (Young Buckster's brother in law) and Joey at 12 months (pic added from hard drive)

(yeah I know I should've gotten a different picture ....)

ps. Cropping this image would make a nice avatar. I can't remember how to do that as I haven't been able to update my profile for months... and had to send my latest one to Amy (Unger Forum admin) to upload.

Thanks again Youngbuckster for keeping us posted.

pss. This picture is labeled "Which Joe is having more fun?"

psss. This is actually Joe (Young Bucksters brother in law) with Joey. Post edited


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Unfortunately, I only get on this forum sporadically, sometimes going a year or two without posting. Life gets in the way. But when I got on the other night, and started reading posts, I realized OB wasn't there and did a search. Came up with all the bad news..took a couple of hours tonight to take it all in. He always liked the Hendrix tapestry I had in my music room pictures, and I told him I should get him one. Now I kick myself because I didn't. As everyone here stated, he will be sorely missed. I always got a charge from reading his posts. He may have come on strong, but I got the feeling that he was a "softie" inside. And I mean that with the greatest respect.

Harry O, thank you for all your go betweening. (is that a word??) and Jeff, thank you for sharing some insight about your father, and the pictures. This forum will always be grateful for his participation. God Bless.



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My son in law gave me a Cd the other day, Sticky Fingers, I thought of OB as I played it, when the song Wild Horses came up I felt sad and happy at the same time, and a little sick.

We could use more people like him around. [;)]

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Yeah...i miss OB too....he was a stand up guy....i shared on the forum when my wife traded me in for someone else, and right away OB was inviting me to come and hang out at his place if i needed to get away. i wish California and New York weren't so far away because i would have loved to take him up on that......I teased him often about his love of the Stones....yeah, he's definitely missed around here.....in his memory, i used so many periods to separate my thoughts in this post........Steve

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  • 6 months later...

I hope this doesn't bring up too many painful memories of our good forum friend Rob's (Old Buckster) passing. It was Black Friday 2 years ago today that I returned having just scored the 4 disc Led Zeppelin Box Set in very good condition that I read Harry's post from Thanksgiving night below. I knew without reading that Rob had lost his fight. I was well aware of Rob's disdain for LP's and reading many of his old posts I come across one where he said it was the Led Zeppelin Box Set that convinced him to make the transition to CDs.

RIP Rob. Your spirit and love for your fellow man will live on for the life of many of the members of this Forum. I wish we could've met in person but we had exchanged a few emails.

So take some time and be thankful this Thanksgiving Holiday for family and friends. And raise a toast to our friend Old Buckster.

It's hard not to tear up a bit whenever I hear "Wild Horses"

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  • 1 year later...


This came up again and I had to pull my glasses off, wipe my eyes, and can't swallow.

Rob's passing left a hole in me.

I've lost a lot of friends in my life and this is as hard on me as any as I've lost.

It's still not easy.

Barb and I still send silly emails and I just got some new pics of the family a couple of weeks ago so it's not like he's totally gone.

RIP buddy. Save me a seat up by the band, order me up a long neck on ice. I'll see ya soon enough my friend.

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I miss Rob as well...wonderful forum friend.... We shared many conversations via the computer...To show his impact, years later people that never met him still remember, talk about, and miss him....That's a good legacy..... RIP Rob...(all the periods between thoughts done in honor of OB)

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I miss Rob as well...wonderful forum friend.... We shared many conversations via the computer...To show his impact, years later people that never met him still remember, talk about, and miss him....That's a good legacy..... RIP Rob...(all the periods between thoughts done in honor of OB)

Yes it is a good legacy.

I can't hear "One Love" or any Rolling Stones song without thinking of him, but that's a good thing.

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Yes it is a good legacy.

I can't hear "One Love" or any Rolling Stones song without thinking of him, but that's a good thing.

Any Rolling Stones makes my eyes start to tear up a bit especially "Wild Horses". Same thing with the Neville Brothers' Live On Planet Earth Rob said one of the lines is "We are all Neville Brothers" and I'm not sure I've heard that line but I hear "we are all God's Children" everytime I listen to that CD. And almost always crank up "Sister Rosa" a bit as Rob said the bass line was incredible on his Scott powered Cornwalls.

I feel a bit bad that I was late this year but our neice and/or nephew visiting from Texas were on my brother in law's computer when I was home and then our youngest neice went to bed.

I hope I remember this thread yearly and hope that it isn't too hard on some who knew Rob much better than I.

RIP Rob and make sure the Lord's band keeps rockin'

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One thing about Rob, he stood for what he believed in. He loved his music, and he loved his muscle cars from the 60s. He was a great guy, warm and supportive of all.

I think of him often and especially when I get up into the Lake George area of NY where he lived.

He was a wonderful man. We should all die having touched so many lives.

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