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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/24 in all areas

  1. Stevie Ray Vaughn - In Step
    7 points
  2. https://www.discogs.com/release/2515188-Christopher-Cross-Another-Page
    5 points
  3. The man turned 70 today... Joe Jackson - Body And Soul Url: https://www.discogs.com/release/10181962-Joe-Jackson-Body-And-Soul Shared from the Discogs App
    5 points
  4. Estate sale find. Was a Saturday not long ago. The night before I was working on something else and looking at an older Dual that I’d set aside. So I said to myself. “Self! Don’t buy another one. They are such a pain to get working.” I told the story as I paid for it too, but here we are.
    5 points
  5. That's what happens when you snort ants and bite doves heads off
    5 points
  6. I sold the UJ with a heavy heart. But we will be moving to a new smaller apartment in the next two years, all the children are grown up and two of the three will still be with us for another year or two until they have finished their studies. Because it is incredibly expensive to rent your own apartment as a student here in Cologne. But they have their own life here (and Diana and me as well😀) because it is really plenty of space for everyone. After that, I won't be able to set up the UJ anymore. I've had so much fun with it since 2008...which is a frighteningly long time, OMG, time flies and I will never forget the answer from Roy @Chief bonehead to my request that I wrote in 2008. "I will see how to get you a pair of Jubilees". I have kept the mail from Roy. It was not just speakers, it was an absolute event to acquire the UJ. @mikebse2a3 helped me so much back then with all his knowledge and all his unconditional warmth, just as he is now helping Melvin @Flevoman with his AL5 and the UJ (ok, I do a little bit too). Mike from Tennessee had suggested to Roy in 2008 that I should also be included in the UJ group, and so it was that I was in Hope AR in September 2009. The acquisition of the UJ was far more than the purchase of loudspeakers. I found a very friendly company in Hope, even though some people initially thought... what does this guy from Germany want here. In the end it was very, very warm. I am still in a very fruitful exchange with Mike from Tennessee and the other Mike from Chicago @DrWho here in the forum, has become a friend for life, who has been with us a few times, who came to Germany especially for my 60th birthday five years ago and whose wedding in Portugal two years ago my wife and I were invited to. That is so much more and very emotional what the UJ means to me. Once again, I am delighted that Melvin has taken over. @babadono At the beginning of June, I bought a beautifully preserved Khorn from 1973 in Italy. It's my baby at the moment and I'm restoring it little by little. I'll open a thread about it when I've reached the first stage. Please do not reply or ask about it here. This is Melvin's thread. I thought it was better to give the UJ to good hands now than to wait until the end. It makes me happy to know that Melvin is a successor who appreciates it.
    5 points
  7. Don't understand why anyone would listen to Dead Zeppelin
    4 points
  8. & for years after folks were still saying that was the greatest Live R & R album ever put out!!
    4 points
  9. I bought t.o.t.t. and w.&.w. As new opened vinyl just because of the album covers. There rhino reissues 1/2 speed They sound incredible!!! Wish I had a much larger room I would put the la Scala as a three speaker stereo aray
    4 points
  10. One thing I always really enjoy about this forum, besides all the help and useful information, is reading about other people's experiences.This time, I thought I’d contribute my part; I’m on summer holliday and have some time, so here’s my story about the Underground Jubilee. For those who aren’t interested in a lengthy (because it will be) ramble, this is your chance to spend your time in a more meaningful way. For those still here, welcome... I hope my writing is at least somewhat enjoyable to read. **Background:** Let me start with a bit of background to clarify where I come from in terms of audio. Many years ago, I began with the RF3, which later became the RF2. After hearing the Forte 2 and a La Scala, I knew for sure that I needed to own the La Scala as well. However, these speakers aren’t exactly common in the Netherlands, but I managed to find a pair of AL3s in Belgium. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to enjoy them for very long. My passion for audio and Klipsch faded after a failed upgrade of my Dynaco ST70, which dulled the sound. At that time, I didn’t have the resources to solve this, and as a result, my passion for audio and Klipsch waned. The La Scala went into the garage, and I spent years listening to a Sonos system (shame on me). But as they say, blood is thicker than water, and after years of treating music as mere background noise, the desire for more immersive sound returned. I managed to get a good deal on a pair of Heresy 2s, and with that, Pandora's box was opened again. 😁 The passion came back, Klipsch remained my kind of sound, and soon I followed up with the Chorus 1, the CW3, then traded the AL3 and CW3 for the CW4. Of course, it could always be better, so hop, onto the AL5... and now, for the past few weeks, my endgame speakers, the Underground Jubilee. **Acknowledgments:** Now I’d like to take a moment to thank two people for making it possible for me to own the UJ. First, @KT88, for his patience in providing information and assistance, for facilitating the deal, and for not selling his UJ to the highest bidder online, but instead offering them to me at a very fair asking price. And @mikebse2a3, who greatly helped me with his knowledge, patiently answered all my questions (and there were quite a few), and provided insights and knowledge. Thank you, gentlemen! **The Purchase:** The UJ first came into my sights when I purchased someone’s 45 SET amp. This person also had the UJ, and half-jokingly, I said, "If you ever decide to part with them, please contact me first." Knowing how rare these speakers are in Europe and how unlikely it is that they would ever be sold. Months later, I received a message offering the UJ due to the purchase of other speakers. Naturally, I was super enthusiastic—this was a unique opportunity. What I considered to be a once-in-a-lifetime chance... But it was also quite daunting. My knowledge is still at a beginner’s level, and these are definitely not plug-and-play speakers. What if I couldn’t get the DSP box set up correctly? What if I didn’t receive help through this forum? What if I couldn’t get the speakers to sound right and ended up losing my passion again? I had already experienced with the AL5 that a better speaker in the Heritage line doesn’t automatically mean it will sound better in your home. Eventually, I managed to get the AL5 to sound amazing, but it took some work. So, what if I couldn’t get these working in my living room? Could I sell these speakers if needed without suffering too much financial loss? As you can see, I had many uncertainties. I saw a lot of obstacles... but the UJ!!! Come on, I couldn’t pass up such an opportunity because of a few doubts! This is unique... I wasn’t going to walk away just because I didn’t dare take a gamble! **Research and Decision:** What followed was a lot of reading and researching on the internet and reaching out to forum members with questions. How does the AL5 compare to the UJ? Is the UJ really better than the AL5? How difficult is it to set up the DSP box? Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to listen to the AL5 and the UJ side by side. Due to uncertainties and other factors, I hesitated to close the deal—too much money was involved, and for me, there were too many obstacles... Shit... However... KT88 was busy in the meantime and had acquired a Khorn somewhere. Now, owning the La Scala, Khorn, and the UJ apparently gave him enough motivation to make a choice. Suddenly, there was a message from KT88 asking if I might be interested in taking over his UJ and its accessories. He knew about my previous interest in the other UJ and understood that my interest in these speakers was still there. And so it happened that I was presented with a fantastic offer, both in terms of the package and the asking price. The UJ, TAD 4002, Faital drivers with passive X-over, original K69 driver, and the Yamaha 2060 DSP. An offer I simply couldn't refuse—truly a unique opportunity, in my opinion. And so, after some waiting, a German van drove into the street with KT88 at the wheel (he even delivered them) with his van filled with goodies. It was great to finally meet KT88 in person after weeks of communicating via PM. He’s a very calm and friendly man who did his utmost to leave everything in perfect condition, connected, and set up. He spent a few hours working on this, and I was immensely grateful, as I think it would have been a tough job for me due to my lack of proper knowledge. Shout out to KT88 **The Experience:** And then, suddenly, they were in my room. I always thought the AL5 were very large speakers, but the UJ makes the AL5 look small. These speakers are visually imposing. Pffff... I still chuckle sometimes when I see them standing there. The UJ with TAD 4002... how much better could it get?? Wow... And now that’s in my house!! But somewhere, I also miss the appearance of the AL5. I really thought they were beautiful speakers with their veneer finish and design. I saw them as pieces of furniture in my living room, eye-catchers... Often, I would walk by and let my hand glide over the top of the speaker, making contact with my love for audio and Klipsch. I was also proud to own them. These were, in fact, my endgame speakers. Maybe I would add a Heritage sub next to them, but they weren't going anywhere. And now this stands in the living room!!! Ok, I knew in advance that they have a different look, and I had also planned to work on the UJ's appearance if everything sounded good. My idea was to recreate the HJ look but slightly narrower. But until then, they are enormous black boxes that do nothing good for the aesthetics of the living room... **How Do They Sound?** So, how do they perform? How does the UJ sound compared to the AL5? First, I want to say that through my experience climbing the Heritage ladder, I’ve noticed that each speaker has its own unique sound. At first, I thought the Chorus would sound like a Heresy, just with more bass. Now, I have to say that I found the tonal difference between the Heresy and the Chorus the least noticeable, apart from the fuller sound. But for example, the CW4 or the AL5, I find to be really different tonally. You recognize the Klipsch roots, but the CW4 sounds bright to me and has a more modern sound, whereas the AL5 had a slightly darker sound, with a huge midrange that also has a delightful kick and punch. The UJ, again, sounds very different from the AL5. Somewhere, it was quite naive of me, but I had assumed beforehand that the sound would be somewhat like the AL5, just with more and deeper bass. No... the UJ simply sounds very different. This took some getting used to for me. I had become very familiar with the AL5 sound, which I loved. And now, suddenly, it was gone. I could tell that these speakers had much more potential than the AL5 in every way, but because the amplifiers were not yet properly matched, and I was initially using the wrong amplifiers, and because I still had to get used to the different sound, I didn’t immediately get that WOW feeling. Well, I did have a WOW feeling because these speakers can create an enormous amount of sound and a grand soundstage. They were definitely impressive. But the sense of being drawn into the music, which the AL5 did so well, was missing. I caught myself skipping tracks in the first few days rather than listening to them all the way through because I wasn’t being drawn in as much. The UJ made me feel a bit restless, whereas with the AL5, I could just zen out in pure bliss. Gradually, with a lot of help from Heinz and Mike, they started to sound better. First of all, I’m convinced that despite my large living room, I have a lot of acoustic issues. Initially, the bass sounded boomy and dominant here. After finding a better amplifier combination, properly adjusting the balance between the amplifiers, and using the DSpeaker anti-mode 2 (which made a world of difference for me), the UJ started to sound more musical. Gradually, I also began to get more accustomed to the different sound, and soon came the first evenings where I was really enjoying myself. There was even one evening where I was so emotionally drawn into the music that I started to tear up... something that had never happened before. **Final Thoughts:** Now, several weeks later, I can give a better comparison of the UJ vs. AL5. I’m still not completely there, especially in terms of the holographic imaging, which I believe can still be improved, but the UJ sounds grand. It sounds grand and full of energy. It’s truly impressive. The UJ can create a real wall of sound. Additionally, the speaker sounds very clear. Much clearer than the AL5. I really had to get used to this clear sound, as the AL5 had a somewhat darker tone (at least that’s what I think). You also hear much more detail. Electric guitars, cymbals, they sound rich and full. The bass is much more present than with the AL5, which also took some getting used to for me. I’m not a basshead, so at first, I turned down the bass a bit in the DSpeaker settings. But the bass is full, has punch, and goes deeper. After getting used to it and fine-tuning, I’m very happy with how the bass now sounds compared to the AL5. The UJ outperforms the AL5 in every aspect. The only thing the AL5 did very well in this living room was giving the feeling that the band was really in front of you, that they were live in the living room. Unfortunately, I still get this feeling less with the UJ. However, I attribute this not to the speaker but to my acoustics (which is still a subject I need to work on) and further fine-tuning. Sometimes, I still get some sharp/harsh edges in the music that are annoying. But that's not a deal breaker, something that should be solvable one way or another. I also feel that a bit more warmth in the midrange would be more pleasant. This could very well be the result of my adjustment to the AL5 sound, but for now, it would be welcome. I still have a way to go to get these speakers to sound just right. I knew this beforehand—they aren’t plug-and-play speakers, but that’s okay. This is part of the hobby. As long as I don’t hit a wall due to lack of knowledge and skill, I have every hope that I will get there. For example, I’m currently working with REW and a Umik 1 microphone, and I think there’s still room for improvement there as well. I consider myself incredibly fortunate that this opportunity came my way and I’m extremely grateful, just as I am for all the help I’ve received. To those who managed to keep reading until this point, thank you for your interest, and I hope it was somewhat entertaining to follow along with my journey. Flevoman
    3 points
  11. AAAHHHH Mike that´s lousy 😂First of all, you shouldn't leave the car on the screen all the time, drink two or three more wiskey´s and you'll have a steadier hand 😅
    3 points
  12. So buddies ...time to say goodby for a while , a couple of weeks or maybe some month, I don´t know yet, depends on my recovery after the tuesdays first surgery. We may meet up in the YouTube spinning thread . My last vinyl spinning today were Carolyne Mas " Mas Hysteria " followed by Mothers Finest Debut than one of the best albums from Lenny Kravitz " Let love rule " because of this man´s birthday to day @AndreG. Joe Jackson " Big World " and right this minute one of my " island records " WAR Live recorded 1972 at the Chicago´s High Chaparral
    3 points
  13. Those corner horns want to jump out and shake you up
    3 points
  14. Just bought KLIPSCH Heritage Series Heresy I. sounds awesome. The blended sounds from the KLIPSCH R-52C is incompatible. The sound ghosts. It makes you think the sound you hear isn’t actually there. Very nice. aiwa receiver avdv75 decent wattage. The amp I am looking at is 200 watts per channel. See, if it works out. anyways. I got a Heresy I set of speakers today. thanks guys.
    2 points
  15. Hang in there @JohnJ someone's gonna get it all figured out. Hopefully sooner than later. Been about a week since my eye surgery and the big black dot in the eye is slowly going away just like my eyemama said it would. The older you get the more you just stare in disbelief at today's technology. Freaks me out totally so can't imagine what you're going thru. Keep the faith cause you're not goin anywhere!
    2 points
  16. Wishing you a speedy and hopefully pain free recovery
    2 points
  17. Very nice story, the whole UJ thing was different the way it all started and became popular, although not surprised at all.
    2 points
  18. They're sneaky mofos
    2 points
  19. I need a flashlight at 9:30 here. Believe hills towards the west block it out sooner! Can't walk to the dock now so I'll drive down there with my schedule all topsy-turvy!
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Aerosmith was the very first concert I attended in my life. I was probably 17, maybe 18. Open seating. Essentially got up to the rail at the front on the floor. Tyler threw a towel "to me" (though I have no clue but it was coming towards me) I reached out to catch it and either next to me or a person over, was "Brutus" Some dude with arms the size of my thighs.... grabbed it, I had my hands on it.... and frankly it was no contest, I lost that contest. Earlier in show, as I was maybe 2-3 people back (verses front) there was a very beautiful group of gals in front of us. They were dancing....well...maybe not dancing, but jiggling. The crowd was pushing towards the stage, compressing all those up front (us) so now, the gal in front of me was essentially pressed to my front. It didn't stop her dancing (jiggling) I got to say, teenager....hormones raging....first show.... pretty gal in front of me jiggling during the songs.... A most memorable show...
    2 points
  23. 1 point
  24. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be watching. We are starting to get dark here around 10 pm.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. https://www.discogs.com/release/2519936-Dream-Theater-Six-Degrees-Of-Inner-Turbulence
    1 point
  27. I saw them one time during the 'Drug' era... worst concert I have ever seen. In Santa Monica with the stacks all turned up to 11, the distortion was painfully unbearable that I actually left the concert... and I was Sitting in the Loge.
    1 point
  28. ‘Thanks Dave ‘That hit the spot 🤘
    1 point
  29. May as welll take a lil ride.
    1 point
  30. im lookin to buy a new sub i was looking at these subs but it figures that the wife likes the last one wats should i do http://www.svsound.com/subwoofers/ported-box/pb13-ultra http://www.svsound.com/subwoofers/sealed-box/dual-sb12-nsd http://www.svsound.com/outlet-specials/view-all-outlet?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=178&category_id=5
    1 point
  31. its ok i found someone else thats willing to let theres go
    1 point
  32. i dont care if i was in a 5x5 room i would get 4 83s and the rc-64 with each speaker having its own amp but thats me
    1 point
  33. I've got the whole system with the DA-A15DC amp, DA-P20 pre-amp, DA-F20 tuner, DA-M10 meters and the original rack that holds it all. It's one system I will never part with. Real sleepers for sure. Supposedly inside those cans there are two smaller caps under each, not one large one but it still looks cool.
    1 point
  34. Bernie what vintage is your DR? How's my baby doing?? Craig, Your baby's doing just fine and giving me a lot of enjoyment. Best purchase I've made in audio gear so far with no regrets. Still running it with the Penta KT88SC's and using some 1958 RCA black plate 12ax7s and 12au7s I got from a Lowrey organ. My DR had a date of 1978 in purple ink on it.
    1 point
  35. Congratulations on a great find. Sure sounds like a pile of Georgian guts! []
    1 point
  36. Do you already have a pre-amp? If not, then you'll need an integrated amp or a receiver.
    1 point
  37. What is the differance between these and the ALK Trachorn 400? Just curious?
    1 point
  38. Hi Bruce! Things are good here. How about you? I'm glad you're still enjoying the LaScalas, but then how could you not, especially after getting the AL's out of there. Bernie
    1 point
  39. I started with a utility version bass bin only, that someone had put an oak plywood face on with some edge moldings. My father and I then built the 200 hz wooden horn that houses all the mid-bass, mid-range and hf drivers. We used the plans and diagrams from the "How to Build The PatricianIV" book that EV put out back in the 50's. Then I just used my Klipschorns as a model and built the top section that houses the 200 hz horn. They are bigger than the Khorns naturally, but the look and design and spacing etc are just copied from taking measurements of the Khorns. It's really the first project like this that I have ever done so that tells you it wasn't at all hard to do. My crossover was made by Bob Crites according to EV specs and that's what really made a huge difference from using the tired out old original crossover. The sound now is amazing, probably what they sounded like when they were new.
    1 point
  40. You are correct, it is an 8HD horn but the driver connected to it is a T250 mid driver. The same horn used with the T25A and the T10A which all crossover at 800 cps using the 8HD horn. The Patrician IV uses a 6HD horn for crossover at 600 cps. Any of those drivers can be used with the 6HD but should be crossed at 600 cps for the best sound.
    1 point
  41. So sorry to hear about the loss of your buddy. It's never an easy thing. I lost 3 dogs to old age a few years ago and my third generation "puppies" are now going on 14 so the two of them are nearing the end also. I also have a cat I found in 1992 that's really starting to show his age. Getting a replacement pet is one of the best ways to honor your deceased pet. It shows that you loved having them around, caring for them, and being loved by them so much that you can't think about living without that kind of special love in your life. It says a lot about your old friend.
    1 point
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