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Everything posted by Chad

  1. Paging some of the folks who made it out to the recent Reference Demo Day (and got to hear the new soundbar), maybe they can chime in with their opinion: @BLSamuel @colterphoto1 @jimjimbo @beeker @ClaudeJ1
  2. Nah, t'was a copywriting mistake. It's been fixed.
  3. Try clearing your browser cookies... Could be a rare case of cookie mismatch. http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/clear-cookies-installed.html
  4. Guys, nobody is asking more about our ongoing arm wrestling tournament between the klipsch marketing and engineering teams. This is the real tragedy of this thread.
  5. The problem has existed for a long time. this solution is something that we've wanted for a very long time. Well within your right. However I should point out this was a company decision, not just something we goons in the marketing dept dreamed up one lazy afternoon between arm-wrestling the engineering department, napping, and playing tiddly-winks..
  6. Everyone trust Alex. That will be the only time I ever say that and mean it.
  7. Just a quick note: I've been working on an application (that will live on the Web initially, with the potential to be in store kiosks at some point) that helps the consumer decide "which reference is right for me?" based on some input. It's something that Klipsch has needed for a long time anyway, but this presents the perfect opportunity to make it happen. Look for that sometime in the near future. My point is, we aren't just going to say, "Hey, here's a bunch of Reference speakers, it's a crap shoot!". There is a method to our madness, that isn't quite spelled out 100% in the press release, because we aren't ready to announce everything at this time.
  8. Almost. In other words, many products will be released, starting in July (in fact, this coming Monday), and extending into 2015.
  9. Relevant Press Release, hot off the internet presses: http://www.klipsch.com/reference-unity-strategy-press-release
  10. Chad

    Guest_" "_* ?

    He asked me to delete his account, which WOULD have changed his posts to be by "Guest_speakerfritz", but before I had a chance to delete it, he also changed his display name to " " (just a space). So that's why it ended up like that. In order to preserve the posts of the deleted, the system changes the "posted by" to Guest_blahblahblah, because a posted-by name is required.
  11. Please let us know what store this was and approximately when you demo'd it, so we can possibly look into it.
  12. We used those "horns" in swag bags last year. Funny stuff, actually kinda works. Goofy as all hell though.
  13. Chad

    Trust in Thebes

    Come down off that ledge
  14. We have just launched our new Klipsch blog at http://www.klipsch.com/blog! The aim of the blog is to highlight some of the things we are passionate about, and hopefully educate customers, new and not-so-new. We have lots of exciting content coming up, and Alex will be doing his best hype-man impression, hyping the new blog everywhere soon, but since the forum peeps are so awesome, you get to be among the first to hear about it. One of Amy's last heroic deeds @ Klipsch was to author several initial blog posts for the new blog. One of them is an introduction to the blog itself - http://www.klipsch.com/blog/klipsch-joint/. Feel free to comment on this or any of the other posts on the blog, and bookmark http://www.klipsch.com/blog!
  15. We have just launched our new Klipsch blog at http://www.klipsch.com/blog! The aim of the blog is to highlight some of the things we are passionate about, and hopefully educate customers, new and not-so-new. We have lots of exciting content coming up, and Alex will be doing his best hype-man impression, hyping the new blog everywhere soon, but since the forum peeps are so awesome, you get to be among the first to hear about it. One of Amy's last heroic deeds @ Klipsch was to author several initial blog posts for the new blog. One of them is about turntables and listening to music on vinyl - http://www.klipsch.com/blog/anatomy-of-a-record-player. Feel free to comment on this or any of the other posts on the blog, and bookmark http://www.klipsch.com/blog!
  16. ... uhh... she still has a forum account. In fact, she's a moderator now. /awkward
  17. Yep, the reissue has the same exact graphics on the front and back, silkscreen. The short run we did have the design in copper on black. They came out great. Not sure when we will be doing another run if them, but we will of course announce it here too. Awesome pic BTW!
  18. Chad

    Moving on

    Ha! I was thinking of doing this exact thing! edit: ......aaaaaand, done.
  19. Is that server on a network? Have you put any thought into using something like XBMC (http://xbmc.org) instead? I think if the macbook is to bused ONLY as a music/media server, you might want to look into that....
  20. Also, everyone keep in mind we are one of the only major loudspeaker companies who even have a message board on their website. With Amy getting the heck outta Dodge, I'm left to monitor things here myself (with Alex and the couple moderators we have grandfathered in from the old forums). I do what I can to maintain and monitor the forums, but I definitely do not have the time to look at every topic or even every sub-section. If we had a dedicated community manager whose job was to ONLY work with the forums, then I could see something like this existing. I must simply say at this time, thanks for the suggestion (it's not a bad one - it is just one that needs moderation on a greater level than what we have), but don't look for that to happen any time soon, if ever. On the subject of forum moderators - I've been toying with the idea of recruiting a couple more from our user base. Amy's stance has always been you guys are "self-policing", and I will respect that. However moderators on a forum are a necessity. No action will be done on this yet, but I'm considering it for the future. I also hope that by shooting down this particular suggestion, I'm not shooting down the possibility of future suggestions being made here. We will consider all suggestions made regarding the forum, so please keep them coming!
  21. This can't be repeated enough. All will be revealed in due time, peeps.
  22. Hot off the video presses, just in time for 'murrica's birthday. And proof we still are who we are, as much as we can be. Bonus points if you can name the guy behind the voice. (a lot of bonus points because I really doubt anyone would know). Enjoy!
  23. I hope it turns out nice. The reason we did the rustic door is to match the reclaimed wood in our sunroom/pond... Here is a picture of our sunroom/pond... The entry to the HT room is hidden off to the left side of the room. Eventually the floor will be all stone in the sunroom. This a view from the second floor looking down at the pond... Notice the tear drop shape? My wife calls it the "Pond of Tears" due to all the money to make it happen. WOW. Do you live in a hotel or something? This is all quite impressive. Thanks for sharing your HT build stories as they happen too.
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