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Everything posted by Deang

  1. Why thank you Mike. I really didn’t want to have to try and explain that, lol.
  2. You write English very well. What country are you in? 1) What year are your Klipschorns? 2) What parts did you buy from Michael (Crites)? You do not need to split the network. All parts will fit on one board. This method is simpler and actually preferred.
  3. I’m no carpenter, but these guys can help with the woofers. https://reconingspeakers.com
  4. More detail would be helpful. Are you rebuilding an existing pair or a new pair? The schematic doesn’t have the DCR values of the coils, and even if you had them, you would not find exact matches, especially for the coils in the high pass section. You also need the T4A autotransformers. I stock all of these Klipsch parts. How experienced is your assembler? This is not an easy build.
  5. Contact Klipsch “support”. They will probably just send you a replacement speaker. https://support.klipsch.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024356652-How-To-Contact-Us-for-Support
  6. Looks like the D20GB is for the PD-5VH and the PD-5VT, while the D20IB is for the PD60A, PD60T, and PD60AT.
  7. Yikes. Will be a lot of fun tearing that mess apart.
  8. Where are located? Also, what about them makes them 1.5’s?
  9. Sounds like you need a new boat.
  10. The III also had steep slope networks. The III and IV use different midrange drivers. The horn may be different too.
  11. They may look like Klipsch designs, but don’t worry, he also isn’t affiliated with Klipsch in any way.
  12. Thanks for not sending it to me, I think I’ve had my fill of those. Don’t beat yourself up. Those things are a bear, even when you are used to doing them.
  13. They sent you a schematic with the kit, right? You will need to trace everything out. It sounds like the tweeter is being shorted, so start there and work backwards. Make sure none of capacitor leads are touching each other.
  14. Well, doing nothing isn’t exactly an option. Deb is my rock. I know where you’re at.
  15. Please share the link as you go out into the wilds. Craig hates charity but will just have to get over it. https://gofund.me/3a8539c7
  16. Start getting names from that group. ‘They’ also tell people there is no repair service for the old networks - which means they don’t know about Jim or me. They routinely send people to partsexpress when they don’t know what to do. There is some real irony here, but I am going to let it go.
  17. At the bottom of the page, after all of the analysis, John states: “A comparison between the round magnet frequency response simulation and square magnet is shown for Lcec =0.1mH. The model predicts that the low frequency response of the horn is extended by using the SQ magnet driver and, given the difference measured in the compliance between the two drivers, a result that should not come as a surprise. As the suspension compliance of the RD magnet driver increases over time by use (i.e. the so-called break in), the low frequency response should improve. It may also suggest that the factory response plot shown above was taken with a new, high compliance, RD magnet K33E.”
  18. Try not to over-think it. You’ll go nuts. I mean, look what happened to @John Warren https://northreadingeng.com/Klipschorn_model/basshorn_model.htm
  19. This thread/page has some measurements of the various drivers.
  20. Another user stated in another thread that Klipsch Parts said they had no K-33’s and sent them to Parts Express. You can get them here: https://reconingspeakers.com/products-page/klipsch-k-33-e-woofer-121501/ Klipsch only makes one model of the K-33. Current model supersedes the older model with the lower fs.
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