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Everything posted by Schu

  1. Tony TS McPhee... The cream of British blues.
  2. if that surface has Micro perforations or slats, then yes... it is probably some form of sound absorption.
  3. all direct radiating Subwoofers are more alike than they are different...
  4. I think I cross mine even lower than that... or I raised the bass bin cut off as opposed to letting roll off naturally. its been a while since I've look at the settings.
  5. Ancora Qui (Ennio Morricone)
  6. how many channels are you trying to achieve?
  7. flanks? do you mean First Reflection points? if so, that position is the most important point, with the back wall being second. your room looks as if it could use some sound cloud panels because of the low flat parallel ceiling layout. this is my next room mod if I ever get around to it... my room has only four parallel surfaces as the ceiling is slanted in a couple angles and is also very tall at 9' in the front and over 13' in the back... like an inverse stadium. once again, I am not a fan of absorption on the front wall because of first hand experience of using panels in that placement and what happens to the sound stage and the center image. to my ears, it is effective at reflection reduction, but it also flattens the image and removes dimensional aspects of that center image. It does clean up the transients though. overall you have an extremely good start, and I am sure you are very happy.
  8. Like the body of a acoustic guitar, or other hollow bodied acoustic instrument, a room is part of the sound signature... and the tone woods used do indeed change the timbre and sound. I am also open ended on one side like your room... it's not ideal, but it works.
  9. it is a matter of personal preference... I prefer a room that is more alive than one that is overly dampened. I have been in a number of rooms (including my own in the past) where they were overly damped, and it can kill the 'life' of a system. in my space, I dont have issues with HF, I have issues with LF.
  10. diffusion on the front wall... absorption or combination of absorption/diffusion everywhere else. the thing is, you need to target specific frequencies with absorption, otherwise you can exacerbate existing issues. Absorption needs to be at least 25% of the wave length you are targeting at a given frequency... so, in terms of bass absorption, you need a VERY thick panel just to be even remotely effective. also, research 'phase coherent' diffusion.
  11. I will take those...
  12. they don't call it 'Holiday' in Nederland?
  13. you're contributing to phase cancellation by separating your LF source like that... Low frequencies below a certain point are increasingly non-directional, so when you separate them like you have them, they cause comb filtering and phase issues. In addition, the placement appears to have timing issues because the drivers are not aligned.
  14. it's the same signal...
  15. Yolandi and Ninja Song from their Documentary film ZEF
  16. more like Interdasting...
  17. I really liked the difference in the Kappa 15 on my CW1's... that portion was better.
  18. Schu

    Thanks! & GoodBye

    I saw them one time during the 'Drug' era... worst concert I have ever seen. In Santa Monica with the stacks all turned up to 11, the distortion was painfully unbearable that I actually left the concert... and I was Sitting in the Loge.
  19. if the money is in your account, you are good. if the seller is fraudulently using someone else's account to send you payment, you might be liable in that they may claw back fraudulently sent funds and you'll have sent the item. you could ask for a grace period of 7-10 days... that is no guarantee, but it does provide a window to hear back any bad news. in NO WAY should you return any monies.
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