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Everything posted by boom3

  1. from the grid. Just for back up
  2. Thanks Duke. The stock A-7s were designed to speak through perforated theatre screens, which is why a "naked" A-7 sounds shrieky. With the screen in place, the response is "reasonable" but has not been SOTA for about 70 year, in other words, since Klipschorns hit the market..
  3. The solar industry, (and I wish I could afford a solar installation, but read the fine print below) is rife with scams. The current one is "net metering". Door to door salespeople (we had 10 last year) try to convince you that "net metering" is part of solar, and they will try to sell you solar as well. Their real product is a third party metering system between you and your power company at about $10/month, and the purported benefit is that it helps you to sell power back to the power company. What they don't tell you is that these are two separate purchases (metering and panels) , and too many people have wound up with this third party metering at $10 a month doing nothing. So after the first 6 visits, I'd see strangers coming to the door, and I'd say "Solar Panels?" If they said "Yes" I I'd say "No thank you, we already had X this year and some from your company." Felt sorry for them. As we were recovering from Hurricane Michael, I listened a spiel about solar panels (not net metering) The upfront cost to take the house off grid was $54K, which I didn't have. The salesman told me that a $1,000,000 liability policy was required by FL law to start the installation. And yep, that's true. The power company wants that to protect themselves and enrich their friends. And, OBTW, your insurance company may raise your rates for fear of the panels flying off and taking the roof with them in a storm. If I had the resources I'd buy a whole-house battery system. More wind-resistant than solar, and no pernicious insurance racket.
  4. I checked Clean My Mac and I can't find anything that would affect Mac settings.
  5. boom3


    strictly speaking not a joke, but "lost in translation" from the website of a Taiwanese capacitor manufacter: "the OFC oxygen free copper pins, commercially available low MTP (MXP.MKP) capacitors generally adopts aluminum feet or iron feet, M.D.L. capacitor sale of the company all use OFC oxygen free copper pin production, scratch coating, can distinguish between true and false" if only all buyers of audio could perform that last part...
  6. I will check Clean My Mac...thanks!
  7. I use a Mac at home, and my partner is a Mac Fan Boy, which normally is good thing since it means I have built-in tech support. From time to time, I have noticed that Mac settings (not third party apps) shift without any apparent intervention from me. The Finder loses its Side Bar and/or Toolbar The Wallpaper shifts, and not just when a new OS is installed. Drives disappear from the sidebar without my ejecting them. We have all the security stuff in place and I run Clean My Mac frequently to purge system junk. When I show these problems to my tech support, he usually can't reproduce them and I get the distinct impression that I don't deserve to use a Mac. Any other Mac users experience these shifts?
  8. "The Glory and The Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972" by William Manchester. Picked up both volumes at a used book store and keeping one in my car as a "waiting at the doctor's office/garage" book. ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0316544965 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0316544962
  9. I've seen this before, and I *think* it was a Klipsch custom item for use with electronic organs; PWK did say that Klipschorns were great speakers for that application.
  10. My partner built this. A second after I took this pic, the cat flipped the Shuttle off the table. Put back together, it is now safely in a shelf.
  11. I'm a member of that forum, however, it''s been so long that my password management system doesn't hold my PW or the account I used. I e-mailed the webmaster early this week asking for a reset but got no answer. I know that there are members on this forum that also have accounts there, so if anyone has a better address for the webmaster than: webmaster@classicspeakerpages.net I'd appreciate knowing it. Thanks in advance
  12. maybe she's listening to...Def Leppard!
  13. I've seen metal and plastic. Given its function, the phase plug is usually so sturdy that resonances are not a problem, and even if they were, they'd be swamped out by resonances in the horn. What really matters is the precision with which they are designed and manufactured.
  14. Our ears are much cleaner thanks to our ear camera/removal tool, our model is by Suear but apparently the same device is offered under many names. No connection with the sellers. Because this allows you to have direct vision of what you're doing, it is far safer (IMO) than just sticking something in your ear "in the blind". This is just an example: https://www.amazon.com/Removal-Cleaner-Camera-Otoscope-Android/dp/B09NDGHV2K?crid=8VURZJI7JV2F&keywords=suear%2Bear%2Bcleaning%2Bcamera&qid=1671975095&s=hpc&sprefix=suea%2Chpc%2C94&sr=1-1&th=1
  15. James Dale was the organist at the time (1989) and I have a CD of his
  16. Thanks, very interesting article.
  17. A weighted, slow response in my study at the loudest volume I care to use, 96 dB peaks. Interesting spread of dynamic range: "Tramsta Chunky" techno vid: 88-96 dB (8 db spread) "Jupiter" on pipe organ, 80-96 dB (16 db spread) "Kansas City Kitty" 1929 via YouTube: 86-90 dB (4 dB spread reflecting the equipment of the time and the desire for uniform volume level) In my primary listening room (with the Klipsch equipment) I found that 102 dB average with 106 dB peaks is the outer limit.
  18. I had the Stereomaster 333B Tuner some years ago. I had it professionally serviced but the engineer could not find an IF transformer for the AM side, so it was defacto FM only. Even with rabbit ears indoors it was very good. I'm attaching the test report my engineer generated after servicing it. 333B edit.pdf
  19. I forget that not everyone has Apple privileges. If you can read the article, please do so. There is a picture of some engineers using the chamber in the 1950s. One of the men is Arthur Janszen, who was a pioneer (at least in this country) of electrostatic speakers. There's also an interesting digression about the Guinness Book of World Records.
  20. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/23/magazine/quiet-chamber-minneapolis.html?action=click&module=Well&pgtype=Homepage&section=The New York Times Magazine
  21. "Stop looking at lower powered tubes and forget solid state. Nothing beats the nearly religious experience of seeing and hearing a glowing pair of tubes in your system."
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