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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. Landed on this old Axpona vid today. 😀
  2. I'm sure you're all happy to know that the ship that blocked the Suez canal for the last week, has been freed. "The spice must flow" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9413209/Ever-Given-FREED-Suez-Canal-ditch-attempt-using-supermoon-king-tide.html
  3. I too use a Crown K2 on my front speakers- Epic CF3's. I also think it a very nice amp, whether at low volumes or turned up a bit. 👍
  4. Are you running the k2's bridged, one per KLF-30?
  5. I land on this guy's vids from time to time. Here, for those who care or are mildy curious, he takes their temperatures. One tube showed a temp of over 300 degrees.
  6. Sometimes, I like the visuals of peaceful nature scenes, while listening to music.
  7. Agreed, a great center and with original box. That's got to count for something.
  8. Time to open the gates and let the herd in I guess.
  9. So, how did Jimmy Page come up with the great guitar work of Kashmir?
  10. Shiva

    What I Got Today!

    Haha, deleted it, as it was a tad dusty. 😀 New pic. My new DAC/ preamp. The SMSL SU-8 v2.
  11. Shiva

    What I Got Today!

    Anyone got any Beeple on the wall?
  12. Humans. Wherever we go, we seem to make a racket. On an otherwise silent world, the Perseverance is on the go.😀
  13. It seems the First Watt amps are a bit popular here. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisa98gc-first-watt-f3-solid-state
  14. Just a little something floating by the window.
  15. Smoke on the water, little flame in the sky.
  16. Sweet Smoke is great, never heard of them before.👍 Sounds like Spring time.
  17. There are stands like these, from Sound Anchor, that will do the job you seek with ease, though not cheap. http://soundanchors.com/products/2079/adjc
  18. Yeah, its a bit confusing. Doing a quick google search, I read Tidal's mqa files are typically at 96 kHz. yet further reading says the unfolded files are 192khz. https://www.google.com/search?q=tidal's+mqa+files+bit+rate&source=hp&ei=uCdVYKTrAe2T0PEPx9WnwAQ&iflsig=AINFCbYAAAAAYFU1yFUo-rXdkQuqHxFg2TX1UBKxWSii&oq=tidal's+mqa+files+bit+rate&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyCAghEBYQHRAeOggIABCxAxCDAToLCC4QsQMQxwEQowI6BQguELEDOgUIABCxAzoOCC4QsQMQgwEQxwEQowI6AggAOggILhCxAxCDAToICC4QxwEQrwE6BQgAEMkDOgUIABCSAzoOCC4QsQMQgwEQxwEQrwE6AggmOgQIABAeOgcIABDJAxAeOgYIABAKEB46BAgAEAo6BwgAELEDEAo6DQguELEDEMcBEKMCEAo6BAguEAo6DAguEMcBEK8BEAoQAzoGCAAQDRAeOgYIABAWEB46BQgAEIYDOggIABAIEA0QHjoFCCEQoAE6BQghEKsCUMgRWNNhYINjaANwAHgBgAHHAogBzhmSAQg3LjE4LjEuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwikp7_qtb3vAhXtCTQIHcfqCUgQ4dUDCAw&uact=5
  19. Speaking of DACS, just got this one the other day off Ebay. An SMSL SU-8-V2. I have not read of it doing MQA, but when I'm playing MQA music streams on Tidal, the Dac shows 96kh in its little window, so I assume it does. So far, so good. A couple of reviews. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/smsl-su-8-version-2-balanced-dac.5433/
  20. Heard this group on my cars radio for the first time today. I dug it "The Bamboos" Hard Up
  21. DTS-10- built by Danley. You can just see it, tucked in by the chair. 😀 https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649583679-danley-dts-10-sub-with-crown-k2-amp/
  22. I just ordered a pair of these today off of Amazon, for price ideas and a direction to look, though untried at the moment. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LL9W85Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  23. Whoa, a tough little boat, in the wrong place at the wrong time. No sound.
  24. So, have you picked up your stash of Epics yet? 🤔 Pics are welcome.
  25. These two with the single in the other ad, would make a nice front stage for a home theater, music room. All for less than $1500 bucks. 👍
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