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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. An album that was often on the turntable, back in the day. Robin Trower's- Bridge of Sighs and In This Place.
  2. Michael Hedges is not too bad either.
  3. Shiva

    Max Volume!

    It also doesn't hurt if you have some giant horns to blast ones music. I would like to stand in front of this system one day and play some of my favorite tunes.
  4. Shiva

    CF 3 V1

    here is a clickable link to the ad page. http://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649387605-klipsch-cf3-v1/
  5. Shiva

    Max Volume!

    Any love for Uriah Heep here. They got quite a bit of play during my teenage stoner days. The Wizard. The lead singers voice was not too bad either. .
  6. Shiva

    Max Volume!

    Though I don't listen to REO Speedwagon now, the song I most listened to in the day was Golden Country. loved the great opening guitar work and solo on this song. A good song to crank the volume on.
  7. Shiva

    CF 3 V1

    They look very nice. A pic of the serial # is often a good thing. I am a bit curious as to what speakers you have in the corners.
  8. Shiva

    WTB: CF-4s

    So, if you guys come across a nice clean pair of CF4's in a natural wood, you would pass on those Epics because they are not black?
  9. For those who are in Arizona, a great price for a pair of Forte's, pick-up is desired. $300 bucks for the pair. http://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649386774-vintage-klipsch-forte-speakers-in-walnut/
  10. There are several vids on Youtube with the Paragon in action. Kendrick sound likes to update them. Here is a decent vid to give a taste with a decent pair of headphones of course. One more, as this one also sounds quite good. In a decent sized bedroom, tv on top, it would be stellar.
  11. Glad you liked it. If you haven't seen his show before, he has quite a few classic bits where he just trashes areas of modern life. Check out his bits on weddings, diamond rings, and jaywalking, to name a few. Funny stuff.
  12. Your post reminds me of this bit. Adam Ruins Everything.
  13. What I remember when Star Wars came out was that of simpler days. Our movie theater was about 4 or 5 miles away. My friends and I, in the suburbs by Detroit, hopped on our little banana bike 5 speeds and rode to the theater, where there were about 500 other bikes parked. Hey Mom, taking my bike to the movies with some friends, see you later We added ours to the pile, locked them up with our cheap combination locks and headed in to be blown away by that first movie. Fun times. For me, they are all hard to watch now.
  14. Yeah, a great deal. Version 1's it appears as well.
  15. Was roaming Youtube, did a search for a group my friends and I started to listen to as teenagers, back in the 70's, as we moved from Rock to Fusion Jazz. This is one song I played a lot. for those who have a taste for a little Fusion Jazz. Brand X- Euthanasia Waltz. Bring the cursor up on to the top left of the vid and tap on the lines and you can choose the songs from the list. nice. On a side note, Phil Collins on drums for this song.
  16. 5905 voices singing together in a virtual choir.
  17. First saw them on Jools Holland singing this song. The Unthanks singing Magpie. Their vid is a bit cheesy, but it is the best recording I found.
  18. Shiva

    Elon's "BFR"

    Shooting things through tubes is nothing new, I don't see why it cant be ramped up in size, though it doesn't appeal to me to travel that way.
  19. A nice review of Sophia Electrics new EL34 design. I like the new curves for that tube and how it is on display. The reviewer also has some nice horned speakers to test with. https://positive-feedback.com/audio-discourse/sexy-blue-tubes-the-sophia-electric-el34-st-and-aqua-274b-vacuum-tubes/
  20. Your statement in regards to horn size reminds me of this home system which I first saw about 15 years ago and would love to hear. Notice the bass horns built into the house itself. Very cool.
  21. That looks great and I'm sure it sounds impressive too. I also plan to put a CF3 between my pair one day. Definitely an impressive center channel for the price one can get it for.
  22. Sounds great. How about a pic of your Epic front stage. Is your center Epic upright or on its side.
  23. A guy on AVS has 2 pair of black KLF 30's at a nice price. Pick-up in Northern California. http://www.avsforum.com/forum/209-audio-gear/2909676-lots-random-speakers-klipsch-chase-mirage-outlaw-axiom.html
  24. Perhaps, one can get Steven Tyler to give talks against the wussification of young people. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4876732/Steven-Tyler-wears-dress-charity-event-girlfriend.html
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