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Everything posted by wuzzzer

  1. Will they sound ok? Probably. Will they sound like a Cornwall II? Definitely not. Personally it would be a hard pass.
  2. wuzzzer

    Thanks! & GoodBye

    Very happy to have seen them twice in concert. They put on an awesome show. Aerosmith is definitely in my top five favorite bands of all time.
  3. This probably would have been beneficial information over 15 years ago when the thread was started.
  4. My Sony ES receiver has worked fantastic for both music and movies.
  5. If this is yours, repost in the main Garage Sale section. As you can see from the description of the Alerts section, it’s for giving people a heads-up regarding items you’re not affiliated with.
  6. How exactly are you bi-amping them? Have you tried running a single set of speaker wire to each speaker, installing the jumpers and seeing how that sounds?
  7. They haven’t been on the forum since January 2021.
  8. Good question. Your Yamaha doesn’t have sub outs so it isn’t a question of bass management. If I were you, I’d use a y splitter for each pre-out, running one cable to your Rotel and one to your sub for each pre-out.
  9. Heresys are small. Unless you live in a studio apartment you have room for them.
  10. The phono preamp on your receiver is for connecting a record player. Do you have the gain turned all the way up on the Crown? What is the subwoofer output level set to on your receiver? The Crown should be connected to the subwoofer preamp output of your Yamaha.
  11. Did you try to forget the device on your phone then reconnect it?
  12. 19 years, 11,000+ posts. Hopefully I’ve helped some along the way.
  13. Sounds like a great plan!
  14. The second 5 is probably an S in each. Disregard G and look up When an S serial number was made and that should be the year.
  15. Actual height or in-ceiling speakers are far superior than ceiling bounce speakers.
  16. If you’re going with Atmos, wide dispersion speakers for surrounds such as the 502s aren’t recommended. Bookshelf or floorstanding speakers are what you want for surrounds. I’d return the 502s and get another pair of 500sa or a bookshelf like the 500/600m.
  17. I used a quarter wrapped in a thin cloth.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/share/tgVPVFR26J4wit7i/? 🤷
  19. I would highly suggest a 5.1.4 setup. 5.2.4 would be even better. 🙂
  20. Either go with proper rear surrounds as far as placement or just do without. It makes no sense to have surrounds and Atmos above you. There needs to be height separation between them.
  21. I have no experience with computer audio cards so I’m no help there.
  22. You said you were using Apple Music so I assumed you were streaming audio from that app. If you’re using a PC, a USB DAC connected between the PC and whatever amp or receiver you decide on is the way to go.
  23. All this Young Frankenstein talk made me search for the movie on my Amazon Firestick the other day with no luck finding it. Then I remembered I had it on DVD so watched the whole thing. Hadn’t watched it in years. Lots of laughs in that one!
  24. The Alerts section is for notifying members of items you run across that you’re not affiliated with. If these are yours, repost in the main Garage Sale area along with pictures.
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