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USNRET last won the day on June 20 2018

USNRET had the most liked content!



  • Birthday 05/14/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    On a beach in South Texas
  • My System
    Family Room:
    Jubilee L&R
    KI 396 Center (HF horn mounted horizontally by factory)
    IC-650-T surrounds in ceiling
    SVS PB4000 x2
    McIntosh MX160 processor
    McIntosh MC8207 amp
    Xilica 4080 DSP
    Oppo UDP 203
    Bluesound Node 2i streamer
    Sony XBR 77-AG9
    Butcher Block Acoustics rack

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Klipsch Ultra Fanatic

Klipsch Ultra Fanatic (7/9)




Community Answers

  1. I’m alive just busy as an old man can be preparing for the kiddos to come in for thanksgiving. I hope to start listing prices of some articles tomorrow. my pricing will be aligned with an average of sold items on available web sites minus a discount to forum members, bundles, etc. The jubilees will be priced by what i want for them.
  2. Retired USN 1996. Retired Lockheed Martin 2020. Now just gonna quit.
  3. Added price for Oppo 11/26 4:33 PM my rule which I think is fair. After price is listed the first time stamp public or private that meets the advertised price wins. Texas time. I still to get to pc to reduce size / post pictures. Not smart enough on iPad House going on market and still working at this moment so busy but I am starting to list stuff as I have been meaning to for a while so needed to at least start. I know details, price pictures, yada yada. Location 78414 Pair Underground Jubilees in walnut with DSP: no speaker boxes, $10,500.00 (8:10 PM central 11/25/23) Cornwall IIIs in walnut. I have three but a buyer is on the hook to buy a pair if I move the single.: no boxes $1000.00 each buy all three or the single (8:10 PM 11/25/2023) McIntosh MX160 processor: $5,500 have factory crate and all accessories (8:10 PM 11/25/2023) McIntosh MC8207 7 channel / 200 wpc amp: $5,500 have factory crate (8:10 PM 11/25/2023) Sansui Integrated amp AU-5900 Sansui tuner TU-5900 modded by RadioXtuner other stuff SVS PB4000 pair of in piano black with isolation feet Bluesound node 2i nVidia Shield pro Oppo UDP-203; $900 + insured shipping Parasound A23+ two channel amp Klipsch IC-650T in ceiling speakers, pair, white NIB Stay tuned
  4. Single walnut III but in S Texas $1000 Pair of walnut jubs $11,000
  5. I have a pair of walnut Jubs with DSP which I could be convinced to let go. No boxes. 78414
  6. I have a trio of Cornwall IIIs in walnut. Located in 78414 Corpus. $3K or a pair of KI 396s or a pair of underground Jubilees
  7. After requesting an approximate delivery date over and over with zero response I decided to live with my undergrounds. Was ready to write the check. Our other member that has them on order either needs to be knighted or labeled a fool. APOLOGIES MY FRIEND.
  8. http://www.purewatergazette.net/blog/the-mysteries-of-mip-and-fip-august-13-2013/
  9. Niles SPK-1 to switch between VRD tubes and McIntosh SS as long as one of your amps has a 12 volt trigger
  10. Or quicker than a DWI’s lawyer to have witnesses ”dis-reminder”
  11. Da, the person who posted the time span I copied; you know the post just above mine. And you are correct taking that long to reply to a purchase order from any company is acceptable to no one
  12. sent an order on the 26th of November and I got a response on Dec 7th so 12 days to simply acknowledge a purchase is acceptable to you; not me and this is to purchase not support…..sad
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