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Everything posted by rockhound

  1. Interested but will be at least a week before I could get over there.
  2. That zircon looks promising. As others have mentioned I primarily use low tech gadgets like high powered magnets, electric razors and my hand to tap and listen. a quick YouTube search anyone tried any of these? https://youtu.be/7GYVuwzcU5s
  3. Cool I was next in line to get them nice score!
  4. Dave A did you get these in Arkansas?
  5. Guys I have seen and heard all of this gear Ray takes good care of his stuff and is a first class member. Buy with confidence GLWS!
  6. I prefer the black and white ones myself. There are a couple ebay listings for some black and white ones (generic) I may order a pair if no one has any for sale.
  7. No clue. So who has some badges for sale?
  8. FYI I called Klipsch today an was informed that they do not sell replacement pro badges only reference or the jubilee badges.
  9. Does anyone have any spare large klipsch pro badges? I would like to install some badges on my kpt-904's and 684.
  10. Seen it thought it was great, no spoilers here but I think it's worth the price of admission.
  11. I love mine as well, love them even more when I put some watts to them!
  12. I also have a PT-100 great Pre for the price.
  13. Hohohohohohhoho. I’ll take it, shoot me a PM with PayPal info please.
  14. Those 530's don't match your 590's so you should sell them to me!
  15. Nice looking setup you got. Thanks for the review I have wondered what these sound like compared to the "modern" Klipsch offerings. I typically buy what I like not just a certain brand so I may pick these up on the next sale rotation. I have been looking for a pair of 530's for a long time they rarely come up for sale, except for the price gougers on eBay. Anyway congrats and enjoy those new toys!
  16. 1. KPT-904 2. Epic CF4 3. Khorn 4. Chorus II 5. Heresy 3
  17. Buy with confidence Jeff is first class!
  18. You might find something here. I have used it in the past with my Mac to stream music all over the house. I think it has a remote app but can’t remember. https://rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/#satellite
  19. I bought the Samsung smart things hub. Works perfectly!
  20. Dave I say go for it my wife loves it and anything that makes her feel safe while I'm away is money well spent. That kit looks good to me I didn't go that route only because I wasn't sure we would implement this system. I bought the hub by itself and then these outlets for the lamps and other misc lighting. I plan on buying the light switches next. So she can control the outside lights as well. https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=11995&gclid=CjwKCAjw7MDPBRAFEiwAppdF9ASuZXHre4eqPlJon1RX_XJAkKkU0iY5rKPsqr73BZCsf3cvIix59BoCtuQQAvD_BwE
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