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Everything posted by babadono

  1. BTW black is a color and none is a number, A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall.
  2. +2 that's from both of me.
  3. the purpose of solder and soldering in electronics is to make an intermetallic bond between the solder and the surface being soldered so electrons can flow between the 2. Yep solder ain't glue.
  4. If you're fretting it, how's about something like this: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/WSA350/WSA350-ND/1130559?WT.mc_id=IQ_7595_G_pla1130559&wt.srch=1&wt.medium=cpc&WT.srch=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_dPr89nQ2AIVkK_sCh3yZA7rEAYYAiABEgLCNvD_BwE We use all types small to big around here at work to exhaust the fumes. Sorry don't know your kitchen
  5. Lead vaporizes at 1750 C. If you're vaporizing lead your soldering iron is too hot That said ya those vapors are not good to breathe. And wash your hands, that's where the lead is after you work with solder.
  6. "The old man had his stuff together"... Roy Delgado Luv it!
  7. Soldering is NOT welding. Do not use a soldering "gun" for electronic assembly/disassembly. Use a soldering "iron". If you can control the temp of the tip all the better. And remember flux is your friend.
  8. Pachamama... gotta be fine Peruvian flake.....er.... ah...... I mean coffee
  9. Moderators get "special" pages Anywho... how was I to know my post would be the first on page 1701...its a conspiracy I tell ya!
  10. A much cheaper and better spec subwoofer splitter cable: https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=6261&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_uTAiKPO2AIVEdtkCh1SHg_-EAYYAiABEgKKFPD_BwE
  11. Psychoacoustically the directional information will be coming from frequencies higher than the subwoofer boom i.e. through your mains or surrounds. Or am I full of doo-doo?
  12. Just don't do this. That would tie 2 outputs together. Two outputs tied together = BAD.
  13. babadono

    This is it Guys

    I don't know but i sure want to find out. That's me talking about me. Few more years for me too ..... Congratulations George.
  14. Who's the doofus on the boat?
  15. 1700 pages of drivel, er .....I mean coffee, cables and cocktails. Love you guys and gals
  16. Copied image and it says something about a "recording truck" But who's and where don't know.
  17. babadono

    What I Got Today!

    How much soldering(hours in a row) ya gonna be doin'? Just dampen the sponge and proceed
  18. babadono


    @Trey Cannon I hate it when that happens. Rock On.
  19. So is that real veneer on that 12"? Or vinyl? I noticed it goes around some tight radii on the top to side transitions.
  20. We're finally going to get some rain here, today, tomorrow and possibly Wednesday. It's been like 8 or 9 months since the sky leaked.
  21. You read my mind. It do look weird. "Put the grill on that thing quick"
  22. There would just be TOO MANY people there if the public were allowed. That said you can get in as others have stated, but you have got to jump through the hoops.
  23. Shhhhhh... we've been keeping that a secret. But seriously Welcome.
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