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Audio Android

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Everything posted by Audio Android

  1. I hate seeing people being taken advantage of like that. I'm sure the guy was nice when they met, why else would the owner let the guy take his amp home to test. Makes me sick, I can't stand that $@#........Obviously most people know that you should never just let someone stroll out without paying even if they seem like a good person. But there are some very nice trustworthy people out there and they are usually the ones being taken advantage of........I do believe though that if you continue in those circles of deceit....Karma can be a real B!$%#.....[6]
  2. Cool trip....Thanks for sharing the pics...[Y]
  3. I've seen pictures from this show......Hope it went well for you and everybody there. Great cars all lined-up on any "main street" is a always a beautiful sight....[au]
  4. Finally watched one of the Indiana Jones BluRays I got for Christmas. Sound and Image are spectacular!!!!..........Movies don't get much better, do they......Classic...[ip]
  5. Love SPA as well. The 24 hour race there is on my list of things I must do......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xWL0wCfIFU......Moss and Fangio in their "Silver Arrows" around the old farm roads of Spa, Belgium.
  6. The Doobie Brothers and Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA.......Cheers my Droogs......Remember to smell the head.....
  7. Seriously......Thats insane......Farts smell bad enough, I can only imagine the horror this little beauty provoked from said rectum. Not to mention the awkward moments on the medical table when he pulls it out and your @$$hole is actually smoking, "There you go, all better"....toot,toot!!!......Somewhere, sometime, somebody has used this at a party to great effect.......
  8. Those little engines are magnificent, thanks for sharing. I was stuck for 2 hours in YouTube-land looking at all those small working engines about a month ago........Amazing work. I need to replace a rocker arm in my LS2. It's an SLP 1.85 rocker, I can't begin to imagine how small the rockers in those tiny motors are..... Let alone grinding your own tiny custom cam for it. Amazing...[*]
  9. Nice Cornwalls Reference_Head, verrry nice.....[H]
  10. That fan looks great, nice work!!....[*]
  11. That's a hell of a rough time to go through......It is really good to hear she is doing well.....[^]
  12. This is kind of a weird thing I found awhile back.....If you notice a lot of static in your house or a hotel room or wherever your sleeping for the night. When you get in bed and shut the lights off, let your eyes adjust for a minute or 2. Then as your laying in bed separate the comforter from the sheets and watch for small lightning in-between.......I've had some spectacular results from doing this....weird I know.......but when it works......It's amazing!!!...
  13. Please feel free to post as many pictures as you want.....I know it feels a little ridiculous posting a lot of pictures when you have to do it one at a time, but WE LOVE PICTURES!!!!..[8-|]....And in the end they might help you and everyone on the forum figure out whats wrong.
  14. WOW never seen damage anywhere near that scale from lightning hitting a tree.....[li].. A scar on the trunk from top to bottom and a limb down is about as much as I've seen. Never blasting the tree apart.....Very nice to hear nobody was hurt...[Y]
  15. OK you guy's are freaking me out.......So I put all my channels to 0. I ll do some testing tomorrow to see if it sounds any better at volume. And run the MCACC.....Again...and I'll use the link that Swapface gave me and the PDF you just sent me Derrick Thank You......
  16. Sorry guys haven't been on here in a few days. Diminata nice to see your getting your system ironed out. Thanks for the link Swapface....Looks like that might do of some help. I checked my setting again and it's ....0 fronts...+8 sides.....+12 rears in my main EQ. All my channels are at +12 except for the sub which as I said changes with each movie or album....These high settings keep the white noise down when playing at loud volumes....which is often. I found that on my receiver if I kept the EQ levels at MCACC recommended settings I would get a lot more white noise in the background. With these high settings at least for me, I get a much darker/quieter background at reference levels. I never see higher than -15 on my volume, EVER!! Which honestly at that level I need my fingers in my ears. And yet no distortion coming out of the Forte 2's at a volume you should not subject yourself to without protection in my room..........I only occasionally enjoy those volumes when I'm showing my system to unsuspecting friends and family. I enjoy watching the huge smiles on their faces with their fingers in their ears. Don't we all..[8-|]
  17. I got an RSW-12 a few months ago....I haven't had a subwoofer in my system since 95' and it has enough juice to make me question my room's structural integrity........2 DTS-10's must be F@#$ing crazy......................In an apartment no less.....Ear to ear smile.......check.[].
  18. Also look for Colonel Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade..........Saw them in their first lineup at the House of Blues in downtown Disney around 2000 I think???.....walked in and they were all wearing crazy costumes playing "Shine on you crazy diamond".......with their saxophone player....."Skerik" playing through a peavey guitar half stack and BLOWING MY MIND.... never seen a better sax player before or since......SKERIK..[Y]......The Frog Brigade has had a lot of different players in the group....I liked their first lineup....Drummer and keyboardist from RatDog....have to look up their names.....Todd Huth on guitar......Claypool on bass and Skerik on sax.........Amazing band...[8]
  19. My auto MCACC EQ settings are terrible in my system/room. For some reason after a few months I run it again because I'm curious, and it has never come out sounding good...... I have spent hours and hours filling all 6 of my EQ channels with all manner of different settings. And after all that fiddling I found the best sound with a....totally flat EQ.... with channel levels set to +6db fronts and +12 for all surrounds.........I change my sub levels with each album or movie I play......I literally change my sub channel level every 5 to 10 minutes.....For "War Volume" I just set my X-Curve to -2.
  20. I have been trying to figure out where I saw Klipsch.......I knew they were in a film I recently watched. I even paused the movie when they were onscreen, went online to I.D. them, found which speakers they were, then finished watching the movie went upstairs and went to sleep. Days later I was on here and was thinking, wait a second I spotted some Klipsch....Hmmm..... I couldn't remember what movie it was that I saw them in and have been racking my brain ever since.......Thanks for the memory jog..!!
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...Rick....I love when people share their weekend road trips with good pics......Thanks for sharing.
  22. Those look spectacular!!........mmmm Walnut, I love walnut.
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