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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. They are '89, wih rectangular terminal cups. A bit of a pain, but came up with a way to finish the second one more easily. They sound great!! Will see after a couple of days. Thanks to Dean for the caps! Super appreciate the help.
  2. The first crossover is back in place and this one will be reinstalled in a few minutes. Then I'll listen to some tunes.
  3. That's what I was thinking. I'll have them finished up before the weekend is over.
  4. I've got the new caps put one if the crossovers. That wasn't very hard at all. The two short wires that go from the PCB to the tips of the 5-way binding posts, however are a pain. The traces are on the bottom side of the board. Anyway, one is done but I need to get some adhesive under the single larger cap. I also needed to extend one lead on that cap, as the PCB normally has a radial lead cap, but I have an axial lead. I appreciate the help, though. Trying to decide if I do the second before having a listen or do a comparison. I'm probably too deaf to hear the difference anyway.
  5. I have other house projects going on. Also trying to decide if I want to put the first one back in place and listen to see if I'm deaf yet and can tell the difference. Also had to work today (Sat.). That stupid short wire from the PC board back to the binding posts is a PITA!
  6. I recall that a lot of luthiers use CA as a pore filler.
  7. I really like this, kind of a teaching session of Molly Tittle and Tommy Emmanuel. Amazing to hear them talk about the styles they use and hear examples.
  8. Molly T. doing the Stones - She's a Rainbow
  9. Those are vertical Cornwalls placed horizontal. Nicely done, though.
  10. That image with the 3 port Cornwall is squished vertically.
  11. Also noticed that a least the front and back panels are plywood, not mdf as I thought they were.
  12. I'm replacing the caps in my '89 Heresy IIs. Kind of a pain getting the board and caps off of the pcb but making progress. No real rush. A tip to add, though. I bought a cheap bottle of bright red fingernail polish. When you are sure of the positive connection.
  13. I'm always ready for some Paul Brady. If I have already posted this I'll replace it with something else.
  14. Actually, it is Macassar Ebony https://www.wood-database.com/macassar-ebony/
  15. Wife is headed to Canada to visit older son and we're headed to the Philippines for Christmas. The budget is a little tight. I'm going to give Chuck a call this weekend. We do keep in touch, but it's been a month or so. He sends me a CD of his new music every once in a while. He runs a jazz club in San Diego, so he doesn't get out of the city much.
  16. Once you get past the introduction, the performance is really nice.
  17. I wouldn't ship them. Those would look great on the Snails, but the budget it just too tight. We have other house projects to finish up first. I even have 2 inch throat drivers.
  18. A friend from Australia posted this of her FB page. Mayber @Full Range has tried it. Friend is in Tasmania which is kind of a different place.
  19. I'm glad my wife just ignores all the cables and wires I have strung around the room. My late wife was the same way. I've been a blessed man.
  20. https://roanoke.craigslist.org/ele/d/roanoke-klipsch-kg-42-loudspeaker-pair/7712669117.html
  21. I imagine (don't know for sure), that Klipsch isn't expecting you to open your Heresy IVs and make adjustments on the crossovers. The original poster bought 3rd Prty crossovers made for adjustmemts.
  22. I'm pretty sure that's what the 85 in the sn means.
  23. If you like the way they sound that's all that really matters. You can easily go down a rabbit hole if you start chasing better or improved. Beautiful cabinets! And a log home as well.
  24. I've missed his posts and will now miss him. Rest in Peace! He must get added to the long list of departed members of the forum.
  25. Acoustic Solutions carries a lot of the Guilford of Maine fabrics. https://acousticalsolutions.com/product/guilford-maine-fr701-acoustic-fabric/?attribute_pa_color=medium-grey&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_-_Main_-_Google&utm_content=Panel Fabric&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5-uuBhDzARIsAAa21T83pxD_2hR2qrXvFUwEkXHQNU9PQVOs1rHwy7Yv9QGypnonGaOPSYoaAuGuEALw_wcB These are also fire retardant (FR701). You can get 6 in. samples free (I think 6in squares). I'm looking at the dark blue on the top of the link I posted above.
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