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Everything posted by minermark

  1. 'Debate the legitimacy of someone's opinions' dam Doc, never thought of it like that. im just a simple workin joe who ran solid state for 30+ years, went to tubes about 10 years ago, learned tubes for the first five, been enjoying tube systems for the last five, and now for the rest of my days.
  2. A man after my own heart, boy what I could do with a few of those! Im just starting my LaSalla collection, so far it's all good. Well done sir!
  3. Screaming deal there 'J', if I was 2500 miles closer this would be a done deal. You will have little problem selling them for that kind of scratch. If however your future plans include moving out west, maybe we could work something out.
  4. Bet it sounds absolutely flawless. Nice system! I just read your system specs, yeah your tube spoiled, you know already..........
  5. Hearing the artist fingers sliding up and down the strings, is, well........ heaven. Aint nothing like tubes, 30 years I ran solid state , some of the Bad boy amps of yesteryear, only been into tubes about 5 years. SS has its place, in Bass, anything Bass, tubes however handle mids and highs. just cannot beat them. ---IMO---
  6. Iv got about an hour to go burning these new Crites in, and at mid volume im pushing the neighborhood, although its only 7pm. Thought id be nice and do a little Cello..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHzfD6XLK7Q
  7. Dire Straits - Money For Nothing @ 21 watts, neighbor(s) are here now. I think I spoiled one, class 'A' tube just kicked their azz. Crites Crossovers are indeed well worth the upgrade, Crisp, Dead Clear, sub base feels driven for a change........thanks Bob!
  8. Im one hour out from complete assembly, two hours from a highly probable visit by Roseville PD. As far as conductors? this is a Bob Crites design, know when to NOT ask questions from the master, im not, I trust Bob's work. Taking a min out for dinner, wife comes into the lab and see's a bottle of Lagavulin on the bench, soldering iron in one hand, new "fresh" 12ga wires in the other, all she says is dinner is ready.
  9. Glad im here in highly taxed Calif, short sleeve shirt, temp 70, garage door open. They say we should expect rain in the morning, the last time they said that I counted 32 drops. Wish you well and stay home if you can.
  10. Crites just came in: Taking a breath before the install. Scotch, Guinness, Cigar, and where in the hell did I put my solder gun? At the moment im elated at the looks of these units, and the smell of cedar to go along with it. If these work out as expected, I will be offering the old ones here that seem to still work fine. And no ,the terminal plates don't come with them. just the crossover boards. These are 'Type AL' Asking price will be the cost of my current scotch + shipping that makes it a 'C' note. PM or email me if interested, meanwile, time for the install.......... Funny, don't know how to post a pic here so ill just put them on my Gallery.
  11. Crap, to far. im sure the wife would say when are we leaving?
  12. Today I promised myself I would bring up Craigs list covering everything from Frisco to Reno, (im in the middle), if I see a deal, I WILL post it on the forum. Since my slant is toward Tubes and Klipsch, that is what I will post.
  13. By summer I should be educated on the bi-amping and so far this really looks to be the next cool Mod. I thank the forum members for their wisdom, we have all paid a price now and again for our experiments. The info on these forums have saved me not only hard cash but headaches as well.
  14. I see your running a Yaqin, aint nothing better than tube period. iv been running imports for 10+ years.
  15. I chose to run preamps on both the wife and my system, mainly to have full adjust of Bass & Treble, also P/C Driven.
  16. Exactly the project I will be doing in the future, well done and a dam nice hone install.
  17. Ha, great subject. what are the odds of this ? Looking for the wifes Klipsch on Ebay, scored for $400 Chorus, road trip to Eugene Oregon. Looking for the mancave Klipsch on Ebay, scored for $1100 La Scala industrial splits, road trip, Bandon Oregon. Im outside sacramento Calif, I simply ask the wife if she would like a road trip and she's down for that, does not even care why we are going. She knows if im willing to make a three day trip it's got to be a killer deal. good wife.
  18. RIP buddy, I hate losing the great ones.
  19. My LaScalla splits would be perfect for this experiment. any ideas ?
  20. Welcome, you came to the right place, don't spend another dollar until these guys chime in here. they are experts. Im also a newbie here, but im a tube guy and there are experts here. just hang tite.
  21. My hobbie(s) will dictate my next abode, with room and more room, and the wife understands this. good wife.
  22. minermark

    New car time!

    My Dodge one ton Dually will FINELY be paid off by april. that frees up five bones a month. Come summer the wife gets her last 'new' car, Lexus is the only way im going.
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