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Everything posted by Khornukopia

  1. So you already are rich ! 😄
  2. Plywood and MDF. I like it.
  3. Many "beginners" already own a device that will perform a hearing test and then Adapt their personal playback device to their hearing characteristics. It can also modify the signal to "Simulate the soft timbre of a tube amplifier".
  4. The Wide Dispersion Surround Technology of the R14S could work out for your room. I would try them out, but for ceiling mounting, I would want to add a more secure mounting system. The one screw, keyhole mount is enough for the wall mounting, but converting to overhead mounting should also have another bracket, strap or chain. Let us know how it sounds.
  5. I would be inclined to use the L+R output from the MX-110 feeding a third amplifier, even if the extra amp is not as "good" as your MC30s.
  6. The phase graph looks good, but I was wondering, does the PEQ applied below the crossover point introduce any phase altering characteristics that you were avoiding by using a shallow slope, lower order crossover filter?
  7. Thanks to @jwgorman for letting the forum know about the sale price on the ESS AMT tweeters, and thanks to Chris A for testing the AMT, which helped persuade me to buy a pair of the tweeters that have intrigued me for a long time. Another thing I have wanted since my very first K-horns is tweeters that can be aimed, and since the AMTs don't have a typical mounting flange, I assembled some tilting brackets. My plan is to install these inside the top hats. They work really good on these tri-amped Klipschorns. Compared to other tweeters, the sounds of cymbals and chimes tend to shimmer for a moment longer, with very fine detail.
  8. I also have an AV8801. I like its features and good sound.
  9. Chris A is the expert, and shows the measured results of his tests. I also think he can hear the differences better than I can, so I recommend following his advice.
  10. The remote control allows me to change slopes with a tap of the screen. I think I like the steep slopes in spite of the stated dis-advantages. Maybe things just work well enough together with my speakers in my listening environment.
  11. My imaginary sine waves are different pretty colors so I can tell them apart from each other.
  12. Measured 110 db at the listening position, to test the AMTs. Don't think I will do that to my ears again. The AMTs are fine.
  13. On my tri-amp Klipschorns, the high pass for the AMT is presently set at 2000 Hz. Cranked the music to louder than what I consider tolerable rock concert levels for 30 seconds and the AMTs were fine.
  14. The AMTs are an excellent match-up with the Cornwalls. Next, I am going to try these with my active crossover Klipschorns which will allow me to adjust the gain to the tweeter. I modified some 2" horn brackets given to me by @Emile. The bracket is turned down onto its face, a piece of plywood is attached and the AMT is secured with 8" TimberLOC screws. Directly behind the tweeter is a piece of #703 rigid fiberglass insulation, pushed down onto some thin nails sticking up through the plywood.
  15. That is good news to read about. Did you send in a picture of your existing set, so they might be able to try and get the wood grain or color similar, if remotely possible?
  16. This website is sponsored by people who build many fine speakers with MDF cabinets, and also many speakers built with plywood cabinets. I have several pairs of 30 year old Klipsch speakers of both types that are still good as new. Please feel free to buy your favorites and continue supporting this forum with your POSITIVE and FRIENDLY comments.
  17. It reduces the amount of reflected sound. This can be adjusted by using different thickness pieces. The fiberglass insulation behind the tweeter is easier to put in place, rather than covering the wall. I use it because my install is close to the wall. I can add pictures when I get home in a few days.
  18. I placed a block of Owens Corning 703 fiberglass insulation on top of the Cornwall cabinet, directly behind the AMTs. You can experiment with something like a down or poly-fill cushion or pillow.
  19. I think it is woven with a metallic finish vinyl thread.
  20. The K-55-V driver, threaded into the 1" to 2" adapter mounted on the 10" X 18" horn is a good sounding combination. This is using the stock passive crossover, so it is a fairly low cost modification. Next I will be listening to the pair of 2" drivers on the 10" X 18" horns.
  21. Maybe that could be about my install with the passive crossover?
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