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Everything posted by Rxonmymind

  1. Been there. Was traveling a wee bit fast down MT. Shasta and my rear wheel decided to blow three or four spokes at once. Unbelievable. Tolerances for those wheels are very tight. So traveling at a high rate of speed leaning hard into the corner ( We riders LOVE down hills. Work hard for them) right there on a bend it decides to blow. Wobble, wobble, wobble goes the back wheel. Down I go. Bike & I skid for a good ways onto the gravel shoulder heading towards the drop off. Between the friction of the bike and myself managed to stop a few feet short of sayonara. Phew. Had a nice patch of "bacon" on my butt, thigh and elbow (What riders call road rash) for some time but miraculously healed up very well. Back then I had tight leather toe straps and maybe that helped me as an anchor to slow down. Who knows. Just glad to be here.
  2. Woohoo. Just came in today. Wife decided to throw some color on the order since this will be *hopefully* our last coffee maker for at least a decade or two. Wife requested that I run it through couple empty brew cycles first. Done. Looks like a mini lava lamp when brewing. Groovy . Anyway, will tinker with it a bit getting the grind, grams and whatnot dialed in. Should be fun.
  3. Will do. I can tell you it's made in... Netherlands!! That made me sit up. I nearly choked while drinking my coffee. Holy cow not made in the east. They had me at that. But yes, after dialing it in I'll report back in a week.
  4. Well folks our coffee maker gave up after 8 faithful years of service. A fancy Mr. Coffee machine. It was a decent cup of Joe. Having said that..... Yes! Wife and I decided to splurge a bit and get the Technivorm moccamaster. Excited to see how good of a cup it makes. Should be here Saturday.
  5. Wow. Another pair. $2k. Good luck to anyone who picks these up. If your local and get these drop me a email. Love to hear them. Never heard Klipschorns. Cheers. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ele/5963521223.html
  6. Welcome! Jealous of all those speakers you have. Great site, kick your feet up & enjoy!
  7. I like Joshua Redman Riverwide tune. Good drums, nice horns. Listening to Brian Blade on drums you can hear him playing just below the horn, not too loud and yet when the horn does go high he matches it. Keeping pace if you will.
  8. This. I've seen too many drummers overpower the band. A GOOD drummer will bring a cohesiveness to the entire band and provide a "rhythm" that compliments others. It's difficult to change pace in a fraction of a second to the guitarist pic, from high to low and still listen to your own beat then speed up immediately all without overpowering everyone. Synergy is a beautiful thing once you see it in action.
  9. Usually when I'm very tired then everything sounds like crap until I find that ONE song or tune that scratches the proverbial itch. Soothing, calming and sonically good. I usually have a couple goto CDs that give me a baseline which starts me off right even on a bad day. I KNOW how their supposed to sound and it's something I know won't change regardless of the circumstances happening in my life. Then I go sit down and chill with a glass of port or wine.
  10. Psst ....your paying for the privilege of having a wife one way or another. I know. I have one and ohh boy am I paying dearly. (Forgot to read the fine, super fine print)
  11. http://reno.craigslist.org/ele/5956960969.html Wow. I wish I knew what conditions were in. Mighty tempting. Love me Bell's though so good luck to anyone who picks these up.
  12. Kinda gives me an idea what can fit in the other room. Didn't realize that the Cornwall's were bigger than the Bell's. Whoa. Anyway, all about proportions. Thanks! Where do the Forte fit size wise in that lineup?
  13. Can someone please show me the thread comparing the various Heritage speaker sizes together. I've looked and looked. Lost the place. Thanks.
  14. Well said. Loved reading about your journey. Thanks. Prior to starting this journey with the blessing of my wife I looked over the entire audio landscape sparkling like jewels with all it's temptations. It can break you quickly if you let it. I decided right quick learning from all of you there isn't a perfect system and many come to the same conclusion. I don't need to hear every detail or get the most expensive equipment to enjoy music. As I write my wife and daughter are in the living room with me enjoying Sunday morning music with coffee and that in the end is the greatest reward. That tells me have the right equipment.
  15. Would have been nice to put in a fail safe IF the amp went kaput one could let's say disconnect it from the amp and go external. That would be a huge selling point imho.
  16. Hey Chris thanks for your efforts in this. A quick question. Reading through the thread is this EQ parameters are for THREE speakers? Kinda confused on the terminology. Tri-amping vs three way active? I'd like to go active on my Bell's and if you know of a link for that I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  17. Good point. There IS something in a name as that is your reputation. Question is does it live up to it? We have to look at materials, craftsmanship, where it's made, who makes it, is it built with passion, are they similar models and above all sound like a Klipsch. If all these things measure up then the apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you get my drift. A son is his father if he carries his name with distinction and he lives up to his reputation. I believe all these speakers were made with all the above qualities and can carry the name. If you deviate from it one iota(for example desktop computer speakers are not Heritage) then full stop. Name it something else. Otherwise carry on.... Carefully.
  18. Be careful what you wish for. Many, many "speakers of today" are made in China. Sadly many of the speaker that have employed today's tech seem to have become to bright, built cheaply and won't have the quality they did years ago before abandoning their country. (There are exceptions) So I'll gladly have a speaker built of quality, employing "my neighbor" while at the same time perhaps be a little bit behind the times in sound. If that were true. There seems to be a formula here that works if looking at my local ads are any indication of Klipsch desirability. I see none. So it's steady as she goes and stay the course. Finally, let's be honest here. There is no perfect speaker. I assure you I can go out and buy that Dynaudio Consequence, or Martin Logan Neolith speaker and "wish" they would do this & that with it. That goes for any live opera, gig, symphony, CD, records etc and as long as were human we'll never be happy with it. Just sit back and enjoy the performance.
  19. 14....K. Wooowzers. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Definitely not feeling this groove. I think I'll go the Forte/Fifteens route.
  20. True. They don't compete. However, the legacy they leave behind can be a HUGE influence on future generations and their purchases. Just look at all the used gear we buy and how it determines our impressions on the quality of that gear and whether we'd buy it again.
  21. Waking my boxer and there in the full afternoon sun was this little drop. The sidewalk and it's surroundings was dry as a bone. Not sure how this drop managed to stay whole. But got on my old knees and took a shot.
  22. Wow. If I didn't already have a pair I'd be flying down there renting a U-Haul back with these. This is a no brainier. Good luck. Beautiful speakers.
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