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Everything posted by JBCODD



    Dang 120 again today. Still schvitzin'. 112 at nine PM.


    A hunnert freakin' twenty degrees in parts of the metro Phoenix area today. Schvitzin' hard. Third day inna row at 120. Hope this ends soon......
  3. If you do a search "rf-7 comparison" from the home page of the forum, there are a bunch of threads comparing the two models (II v/s III)
  4. Not a poor model, just superseded by the RF-7 III, so the retail value of the II has dropped.

    What I Got Today!

    Just got back from my latest grandsons baptism in Kansas City and what do I find in my mailbox? Some liquid deliscious, courtesy of @oldtimer. Both are quite zesty and tasty. The Mordor Mud is fruity and fast acting, with a smooth finish, while the Soltice Scream wakens the whole palate, with a building finish that concentrates on the front of the tongue. 👅. Thanks @oldtimer.
  6. Could be a sauce, could be gravy. Depends what part uv Nooo Yawk yer from, or what part uv Sicily de grand father Iz frum. I pretty much did. Nothing was measured, but I'll estimate: 3 dozen small tomatoes, diced (been pretty hot, so the termaters are small) 4 figs, diced 2 jalapeños, 2 banana peppers, diced 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 small onion, diced 1 -2 tbsp balsamic vinegar dash of chipotle powder simmer to a suitable viscosity. Mangia. Note: browned hamburger or sausage may be added to taste about halfway thru the simmer. oh yeah, 1/2 tsp oregano as well
  7. Been a garden kind of day. Picked sum termaters and 🌶. Diced said veggies, added four diced figs, garlic, onion, and balsamic vinegar. Also a dash of blood orange olive oil, from a local orchard, the Queen Creek Olive Mill. https://www.queencreekolivemill.com/ In a few hours I'll have about a quart uv deliscioso. Me Gusta.

    What I Got Today!

    Two to three pounds of fresh black mission figs still warm from my tree. Now to deliver them to my wife's co-workers at the hospital......
  9. Now yer cookin' wit gas....... I prefer gas over electric, and not just fer de expressions.
  10. JBCODD


    Easily topped. (Or bottomed?) But this Iz the wrong place for such shenanigans.
  11. Ahhhhhhh yes. The shitstorm reference in the "Thread Crapping" thread. Wether intentional or not, the irony is most appropriate. Well played, Mr. Smith, well played.
  12. 26 years old, in Frankfurt, West Germany Heresy 26 years old, in Frankfurt, West Germany Heresy Fast forward 32 years, five children raised, got a pair of La Scala. Schweeeeet. Still have the Heresy. They provide tv sound now.
  13. @Schu Does George Jetson know you have his tables? I had some similar, but my oldest daughter took them when she got married. They were quite worn, as my three boys were hard on furniture ( heh heh heh.....I said hard on), but my daughters father in law refinished them very nicely. I like that style.
  14. @muel enjoy! @rplace thanks for the generous offer. It is things like this which make the forum a great place!
  15. I second the motion. If Muel does not care for them I'll give them a spin on my Victrola.
  16. I think so. I listened to my Heresy 1 for over 30 years before moving up. They are quite good. Just be sure all the driver are functional.
  17. JBCODD

    Arena concerts?

    I saw Ana Popovic at the Musical Instrument Museum last night and I couldn't agree with more. The MIM hall has about 340 seats and should have had great sound, but it was much too loud, so the sound was very muddled. This was very unfortunate, as she is a prime guitarist and played with a good set of backing musicians. I did find that a set of foam earplugs (free from the MIM staff) made everything sound much clearer.
  18. Excellent decision. You will not regret it.
  19. Welcome to the forum, Chewy. You will probably need some sort of amplifier to do them justice. When I was waiting for parts for my amp, I powered my Heresy with a boom box. I detached the speakers the box came with and hooked the bare wires to the Heresy. They made sound, but were not anywhere as good as they are with a decent amp. With a proper source they are fantastic. What are you using for a source? As to value: Roughly $200-500 depending on cabinet condition and serviceability of the innards. Again, This is a rough guess. Other more expert forum members may have a more precise estimate based on relative rarity or desirability of a particular model.
  20. JBCODD

    What I Got Today!

    A new grandson: Issac Robert, 8lbs 15 oz. Now for a trip to KC to see the nipper.
  21. Beginning at 1600, PDT, and lasting for 24 hrs you can sign up for a chance to win an 8th gen Intel desktop chip. This is the chip only, so being able to build a computer is a plus, but these days that is easier than building an amplifier. Follow the link below to register. And yes, I did perform some of the manufacturing of these fine products. https://game.intel.com/8086sweepstakes/ Good luck.
  22. Hope ya feel well soon. There is a savage virus in Phoenix now. Rest, lotsa fluids , and the NSAID du jour.
  23. As you wish. One of of the best movies ever.
  24. Prolly not near as well as you. Knowing where yer grub Iz frum Iz unusual and commendable. Growing up in NYC, the only thing I could be sure of was the termaters, cherries and peaches frum my yard. Also some zucchini. Enjoy the fruits uv yer labor. 💪🏼
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