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Everything posted by JBCODD

  1. Heh heh heh......... he said hard on.........heh heh heh.......

    What I Got Today!

    Yield has increased since I hung the bird net over the tree. Have gone from two a day to a dozen. The freeloaders will have to go back to hunting worms.

    What I Got Today!

    There was an estate sale in my neighborhood and I saw the "Live in Paris" cd. I have read in many threads that Ms Krall had a voice made for Klipsch speakers. My wife and I have a few trips planned for this summer and she is tired of mY usual playlist. She likes Adele and I figured she might like This, so I invested the two bucks. Played it while driving to the church to set up our monthly food bank. My wife sez: Yeah, I can listen to this. I sez dayum, she has a great backing band! I take a closer look at the cd case. WHAT?!!??? She plays the piano as well? Holy talent, Batman! Anyway, cruised the local Goodwill stores and got three more cd's for three bucks. Why have I not seen any comments about the music she plays, only talk about her voice?


    Prolly when I wuz serving overseas........

    What I Got Today!

    The growing season starts early in the Phoenix area. I typically plant the termaters at the end of February or first week of March. The fig tree shows leaves about that time as well.

    What I Got Today!

    Indeed they are.

    What I Got Today!

    A few figs, finely diced, makes an excellent addition to a fresh home grown pasta gravy. Adds texture and flavor, not to mention vitamings and anti oxidants.

    What I Got Today!

    First fruits uv de season: a few termaters and some figs. Had more uv each, but my wife enjoyed a few. The fig tree has responded well to the vigorous pruning I gave it over the winter, and is producing more and larger fruits this year.


    The price is firm, but as yet, unknown.
  10. 106 in Phoenix yesterday. 72 in Colorado Springs. Yet another reason to inflict myself upon the grandkids here.
  11. Yogi Berra gots ten. It's baseball season!
  12. Back to fold or crumble, are we?
  13. JBCODD

    Property Boundry?

    Gots ta love de Carhenge. Used to stop there whenever we took the kids up to Mt. Rushmore and Wind Cave. If you are reasonably nimble you can get most of the way around the sculpture without touching the ground.
  14. JBCODD


    Tru dat.........
  15. Here is one in Texas. Don't know if it is close to ya, as Texas is pretty big. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1-only-Klipsch-LaScala-Vintage-awesome-center-channel/142724188287?hash=item213b06487f:g:ng0AAOSwQXBaq-Qk By the serial number they were made in 1979, and have the same "AA" crossover as yours.
  16. You could contact dese guys. Don't know if they will have one for sale or if it will fit the budget. http://legendaryamps.com/faq.html#FAQ4 They do seem quite proud of their service, as restoration runs ~$400, not including parts. What is the average cost of restoration? ::Stages of restoration and cost:: First: The amp is thoroughly cleaned (that includes removing Sony bonding glue). Second: Speaker terminal conversion. All old speaker terminals are removed and replaced with new 5-way terminals. Third: All pots are checked and lubed. Amp then brought up to normal operating temperature and output millivolts are adjusted to factory specs. Class A-B millivolts are checked and adjusted; Class A millivolts are checked and adjusted. Amp is then placed on power amplifier analyzer and checked for total output watts and distortion levels. Forth: We replace all the incandescent bulbs with LEDs. Meters are tested and properly adjusted Fifth: Adjust millivolt output. Sixth: We replace the speaker terminals with heavy duty five-way binding posts. Seventh: Exterior surfaces are reconditioned/painted. Glass is replaced/restored. This above is a minimum requirement for us to accept the amp for restoration. The total for the above items (excluding capacitors, transistors, resistors) is $397.50, plus shipping. THIS IS ASSUMING THE AMP IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL. The amp is then checked for any weak components. The above cost does NOT include any weak capacitors, transistors, or resistors found. The cost of any replacement part is approximately $26 a piece (that price includes labor).
  17. JBCODD

    HIP in Az

    I did that just fer you, as I often feel the same.
  18. JBCODD

    HIP in Az

    Kinda pricey, no affiliation. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/ele/d/klipsch-heresy-hip-vintage/6531907783.html "Price Firm. This is my "I really don't want to sell them" price. It might be low, it might be high. I can't find any comps."
  19. Me in the backyard, harvesting palm leaves for today's festivities. Captured by my wife with her IPad. ("Hey Joe, look over here.")
  20. Unless yer buying a schweeeeet pair of la Scala speakers on a Sunday, such as I did.😀
  21. If you search "Cinems F-20 Build" in the Subwoofer section of the forum you will find a lot of info. There are many forum members who own and swear by this sub. I don't remember if there is a lot of comparative data posted, but others may chime in with their experiences. I tried to post a link to one of the build threads, but can't figure how. Any hints from the gallery?
  22. @mike stehr, @dirtmudd thought dis might amuse youse
  23. Oh, and welcome to the forum, John. What part of Co is home. Before Intel transferred me to Phoenix, I lived in Colorado Springs for 14 years. Loved it, and will retire back there. (But I may do the snowbird thing)
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