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Everything posted by AndreG.

  1. AndreG.

    The Other Discs

    Made me listen to my "Holy Diver" again, it´s been some time. RIP Dio...
  2. My Heresies sit on three bricks each to raise them a bit (but still level) as i sit on the floor and listen. When i lean back on some cushions i have tweets and squawks at ear-level. I´m content with the sound. My RF3s sit next the Hs, on rubberfeet, flat on the ground, good listening too, although the tweeters are above my ears.
  3. Come to think of it. Every now and then i see RF3 popping up for sale, but RB3?
  4. Welcome to the forum! As You can see in my sig, I have RF3s instead of your RBs, but tweeters and woofers are the same. You won't be dissapointed. Good for both, music and HT. Take a good listen!
  5. Sorry, i was a bit misleading there... I don´t want to putty over the access-screws, just the ones that fasten the braces i put in. For sealing the ports i was looking at foam-tape like the stuff You suggested. I have also been looking at the Crites tweeters. In the future i might go down this path, the real problem are german customs that make this very expensive... Thanks for Your input!
  6. @mustang_flht As You restored Your Heresies, did you replace the gaskets in the mid-drivers? If You did, did you buy them on the Crites site?
  7. Welcome to the forum! WO would be walnut oiled, yes. People could help You even better if you would post some photos. Usually some rejuvenating oil will help. You bet me to it, BillyBob ^^
  8. Happy birthday Mr. Klipsch! Thanks for giving us Your speakers!
  9. Wish i could Shu. Don´t have the bucks, and most important, the space... But i hope that other european members might see them, France or Belgium. But there is a pair of Heresies that i´m looking at. They are reserved until later in the week. And there i was, didn´t want to buy any more speakers...
  10. 1981 Klipsch Horns, oiled walnut, 1.410€. No affiliation. https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/klipsch-walnuss-eckhoerner/1693055455-250-1629
  11. Hey Peter, You forgot to mention the option seen in Your sig. The OP could try to get KG SW, it was meant for speakers just like the Heresies. Downsides would be: 1. No powered sub, so you can´t crank up the power on it. Just provides the "missing" lower Hz. 2. Maybe hard to find these days. But it could mitigate the problem of having receivers/ amplifiers without sub-outs.
  12. I´ve seen a post here somewhere, somebody had speakers staked that way... i think ist was Epics or Legends.
  13. After my re-cap of my Heresies is done, this is/was one of my test-tracks: The recording on my CD is better though.
  14. Well, at least here in Germany one can see a lot of gear popping up on ebay lately. Many want to change gear, but i suspect a lot is related to covid as well and people sell. I really didn´t want to buy any more speakers, but today a pair of HBR 1 turned up and i may go for it (it´s still marked as "reserved". Those stains are easily fixed, but if You feel like waiting, something will come up for sure. 600$ really is a bit steep...
  15. Yes, i wanted to put a seal on the back-panel eventually. Haven´t thought about that gasket inside the squawker yet, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Being more than fourty years old, it´s probably time to change these too.
  16. This is a german supplier who also carries Jantzen: https://www.lautsprechershop.de/hifi/jantzen-capacitors_en.htm
  17. I bought these from a guy who had them left over from a project, he was on german ebay. These eight were all he had left, lucky me.
  18. Same here. Set-up looks great Wuzzer.
  19. Old out.... New in - pretty straight foward and no flopping around, thanks to the zip-mounts. Some people just hot-glue the capacitors to the board, i like it better this way.
  20. Next were the crossovers. I´ll upload pics tomorrow since i´m already at my upload limit. I haven´t done much listening till now, but somethings definitely changing. There is more happening on the right side now, sound is brighter, but not harsh, and i think details have improved. Could be that famous "veil-effect".
  21. So the zip-tie-mounts came in earlier and i could start work today, finally! I started out with the right speaker and first i did the bracing. First i made some markings for the spots where the pilot holes would go to then drilled them. On the outsides i sunk in the holes (is that how you express it in english?), so i can putty the the screws over later and do a nice paintjob to the back panels as well. I was just a tad bit too fast... to screws went through the label... Can´t be helped now, maybe i can do something about it later on and it´s just cosmetic anyway.
  22. I´m really happy i found the badge i thought i lost, so no replacement laser badges for me on my Heresy.
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