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Everything posted by CWOReilly

  1. Opposite wall from my CW and LS is a pair of Polk Audio SDA SRS. I also have Infinity RS3b in storage.
  2. Mine are fiberglass and I’d like to not change the texture. I’m thinking satin black lacquer for the face and a flat white for the logo. As for the midhorns if they are aluminum has anyone ever polished them? The paint is coming off mine anyway and I think it’d look good with SMAHLs and the trim. Thank you for your help and advice.
  3. Pretty much what I had in mind. Still debating on how far I wanna take them right now. I’m starting to like the patina, but going to refinish the HF face in “fauxtina” or just the logo. They seem to be the most worn. What sort of paint should I use on the face and logo? Lacquer? Are the midhorns pot metal or cast aluminum?
  4. I’m doing my “vacation job”…. Herding 300+ vendors out of 4 floors of convention space. www.dragoncon.org
  5. Mine has 6ca7 iirc. I know it’s less watts, but haven’t compared.
  6. I can’t speak for the Jolida, but I have the Yaqin MC-13s and thoroughly enjoyed it with my CW I.
  7. I think finding any large ADS is pretty lucky. Good ones at least.
  8. I’ve had 420, 780, 1090, 1530. The 1530 were in really bad shape so I didn’t get to really enjoy them. Liked the 780 for size and the 1090 for sound. All of them now in other homes since I got in to Klipsch.
  9. The ADS for the win! Nothing against the JBLs. Never heard them, but owned many ADS.
  10. Latest update: Starting cold set to .15v. Let sit about an hour. .26v. Slight tweak to .29v. Play a few songs .32v. I’m gonna let it be there for a bit and keep a check on it. Thanks for the help! @captainbeefheart
  11. Well it’s more a middle Carver. It’s a tfm-35. I was using it with Polk SDA2 then moved those out when I got the LSI Splits. Was waaaay to much for the LSIs in my space. It is going in for a recap very soon then probably gonna run my Polk SDA SRS. As for the ACA Mini case. I am undecided. I have a cigar box that’s almost perfect size. Just not sure I like the look. Leaning toward leaving it nude or maybe something with LEGOs.
  12. That makes more sense than the “manual”. More patience. Thank you!
  13. Ok. I’ll start over and see where it goes. Seems I’m looking for a max of .35 after warmed up. Thank you
  14. So just sitting at idle it will reach .30 to .35? The .39 I was getting was after a few songs. I’ll go back to it tomorrow. Thank you!
  15. So far it’s enjoyable. I’ve connected it to my LSI splits and it’s plenty. Despite low power seems to still have headroom. I’m listening to songs I listened to days ago running a big Carver and the biggest difference is it’s only 5 watts. Anyone know about making adjustments? The bias current value need to be hot or cold. At start up I was at .21 once hot .39.
  16. It’s alive! Still tweaking, but it’s doing just fine. Proves I need solder practice.
  17. I think $1000 pair is a good deal. $500 a few years back maybe, but right now I don’t know.
  18. Don’t change your budget. Be patient. It took me 2 years and I’m outside Atlanta GA. The right pair will come along. Happy Hunting!
  19. It will increase in value if box is sealed. I keep saying myself. Just no where to display them or build them. Need a bigger house.
  20. At my other house my nearest neighbor is over a quarter mile away. I can’t wait. 😉
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