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Everything posted by tigerwoodKhorns

  1. Dr Gundry is insane, do not follow him! I read some of his recommendations and he is nuts, Removing seeds from tomatoes, don't eat eggplant, drink a liter of olive oil ... If I tell you to buy a nice amp and speakers and set them up, but you have to listen naked with your feet soaking in buttermilk, you will get good sound, but you also will be doing some things that are not necessary (up to you to figure out which). Same for this wack job, the results are from getting rid of processed and refined foods, not his crazy recommendations.
  2. Good info in "The China Study' on the corruption behind the food pyramid. I followed that ridiculous thing for years. One major flaw in the China Study, he used milk protein as a proxy for all meat, so if milk protein is bad all meat is bad, poor logic.
  3. I keep telling my wife that we need to start a youtube channel. Today we had coffee and a bannana with real peanut butter (no emulsifiers - the stuff you need to stir). We have this every day for breakfast. She is making green beans with brown rice for lunch. She cooks the veggies in a cast iron skillet with garlic, onions, organic soy and a bunch of spices. She also has fried tofu in olive oil (it is sooo good!) and is making Tofu Sea sig. She also makes it with meat, but uses minimal amounts. Really tasty lunch. I like a salad at dinner, but with good ingredients, spices and olive oil and Chinese black vinegar. Then maybe some fruit and some pistachios because they set in your stomach and hold you over. Heavy protein makes you eat less.
  4. Mark, Great to see you posting again, I always was grateful to have your knowledge available and input here. On the diet issue, I cannot agree. 'Food should be as boring as filling your gas tank.' My wife and I both love to cook and eat an ultra-healthy diet that is delicious. Just need to learn how to use spices and some cooking techniques. My mother stayed with us after having a stroke and was amazed that she felt like she was eating a lot (not really) and loved our cooking AND was losing weight. We even got her obese dog nice and trim. On the fasting, I am currently reading 'Lifespan' by David Sinclair. He is a top researcher and yes, fasting does put the body into certain beneficial modes. I am naturally doing 14 hours (handful of dry roasted Pistachios after dinner really satiates you) and can bump to 16 or so with a little modification.
  5. For $8500 an older TT with no parts availability is scary, especially a 'high tech' 80s unit and not a more simple mechanical devise with a motor, isolation suspension and belt (meaning easy to fix). If it is heavily appreciating then maybe I guess.
  6. Anyone every heard of the Nakamichi Dragon CT Turntable? Seems interesting but overpriced. https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/ele/d/henderson-nakamichi-dragon-ct-turntable/7524033801.html
  7. I see original Jubilee clones.
  8. I need to check but the varnish is likely shot. I will try to use it with a disposable on a scrap of wood. I just checked and my 'good brush' that I use for polyurethane is an old Wooster pro that I bought years ago. I don't see it anymore, but which one do I need for poly as I'd like to have a second and third to put on additional coats while the first one is drying. The poly seems to flow well. Is this what I need, a very soft one for a smooth finish? I'd like to get a few more brushes and at this price it is a no brainer. https://www.amazon.com/Wooster-Brush-5221-2-1-Silver-Paintbrush/dp/B000W7CNBU/ref=psdc_282486_t1_B000IKQSI0 Is this one worth twice the price? Still affordable. https://www.amazon.com/Wooster-Brush-4170-2-1-Lindbeck-Paintbrush/dp/B000IKPSE0?ref_=ast_sto_dp# OK, I keep editing this and have to go to bed but I just read the Yachsman is for oil, marine or urethane. Only $10 each. Should I just buy a bunch of these? https://www.amazon.com/Wooster-Brush-Z1121-2-Yachtsman-2-1/dp/B002YC6FMY#
  9. $13 on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Wooster-Z1120-3-Paintbrush-3-Inch/dp/B00002N908/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2NQAMP5SUNTST&keywords=china+bristle&qid=1661044762&sprefix=china+bristle%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-2 What can I substitute for mineral spirits? Can I use paint thinner? I have quite a bit. No go on the disposable brushes? I checked and I have a lot of them.
  10. I have been using water based polyurethane to refinish speakers and like the cleanup. I want to refinish a record cabinet that I made years ago and have several old cans of varnish. The thought of cleanup with mineral spirits sounds like a lot of work, maybe not, have not done it in years. What do you use, bristle brush or disposable foam brushes? Does the varnish flow well enough to come out smooth (I know, sand between coats)?
  11. It always amazes me how the law can make anything, even really interesting topics, so boring.
  12. Yes, but it is audio grade and will improve soundstage, provide better separation and air, cure hemorrhoids, and prepare your taxes.
  13. The factory gaskets are very thin. Does the 3/16" foam compress enough for the drivers to mount flush?
  14. His hand gestures remind me of Joe Cocker and John Belushi imitating him.
  15. Nice, Is this your place? Lots of nice speakers there.
  16. Nice website - my anti virus said 'multiple suspicious content blocked' - My kind of sellers!!
  17. What is under the hood? What did you build for filtering / protection?
  18. Check the end of support for the version that he installed
  19. Also, be aware of the shelf life. But if you are going to just use it for some word processing and internet, just pun linux on it.
  20. Does it have Win 10 pro and if not what will it cost to get a copy?
  21. I have a T7400 and a T5400 that I have been using since 2015 with Win 10 pro. I love these computers and will be very sad when I need to put them out to pasture, especially the & 7400 as it has a built in server and five hard drives. 32 and 16 gigs of ram, eight processors and the cases and internals are just built so well. Just nice to look at. Bad news is you cannot install Win 11 and Win 10 Pro ends in Oct of 2025. If they are still alive I will look at linux but I will need new PCs as in my line of work I must have Office (which I hate).
  22. When I want to get rid of something I put it at a good price and stay firm. When I buy if the price seems like it is priced to move fast I don't haggle. If high I will but I just don't have the appetite like when I was younger. Not fun, just annoying and wasting my valuable time. I remember selling some leather couches at a community garage sale years ago. This foreign woman was determined to get a lower price on an already really good deal. She left and made these big hand gestures throwing her arms in the air like she was somehow damaging me. It was a cultural thing but it was really funny. We were talking like $450. She should have been able to see that this was not going to change my life. I sold the couches for more later on. You need to know when you get a good deal. I was selling a camper shell to a guy for like $125 once. I asked him what it was actually worth because I was getting so many call. He was reluctant and then finally said about $300 or so. I said cool, then you are getting a good deal aren't ya. On you last point, I do not care how low someone's balls hang, so long as they keep then in their shorts.
  23. Eh, not in my 20s anymore. I had a guy show up at my house to buy a dirtbike and he tried to do the trick where he showed me the cash. I think that he should have known that I have seen $2500 before and will not get too excited. I told him that I assumed that if he drove in from out of town, he brought enough cash to buy the dirtbike.
  24. The rough sawed wood would cost more than $400. Before planing, jointing etc and building it.
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