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Everything posted by dodger

  1. I can see 5 pages now. Apature, Vampire Wire are two that cost less I'll stop.
  2. Yesterday I did a piece on being properly Insured. Today, I f you put new locks in and you see a numeric code, have some replacements made. While it is advised not to give your house key along with your car key to valet service, mechanics, etc., many do. That number is the cut code for the key. All a dishonest person has to do is copy the code number down, go to a locksmith, give them the code and the have a key to your house. After the duplicates are made, go home, test them, then return to the same locksmith ask to have your key registered and the one with the code number stamped "Do Not Duplicate." By registering, you will be able to have copies but no-one else. The two section key ring that separates is good as you can keep your vehicle key on the one half and detach the rest, including your house key.
  3. In theory the floorstandstanding will produce a better bass response. But as you can see from the answers here, it's up for grabs. Can you a/b them? Then you can feel comfotable in your choice.
  4. Well, We've had UPS, (u Pack Slam) DHL (Don't Handle Lightly)- Was this FedEx Air of FedEx Ground.?
  5. Since the late 1980s the prices have risen dramatically. Status. Nothing has really been reinvented. Some fine tuning. But prices have simply gone through the roof and put them out of reach of the even above average audiophile. I would love to hear how they truly justify the prices.
  6. Hey thebs: Are you up for trying to make dust covers for zzmczintos MC-60s and 2 - NC 240s" Thanks, Win
  7. Can I have a set of K-Horns? The only gifts I ever received fro all of my Graduations was a Doobies Brothers LP and $20.00. On another note, the tulips my ex planted 26 years ago are still coming up. There's a joke about roses on your piano, but I can't finish it here May is Amy spelled differently. Am I bored, MAYbe.
  8. As with Royster, I have gone along on raids for dog fighting. I have seen Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Cocker Spaniels (yes I did say that), Dobermans, even mongrels. About 60 % are in such a state that they need to be put right down. The others, we have people in the area that will work with them former Academy trainers or after the time allowed they are killed. No nicey words. The owners - a couple hundred dollar fine and 50 hours community service. A main reason for the publicity of the pit bull is the strength in their jaws. Once they bite. But even if you banned all dogs, you still have cock fighting and they will follow you down the street also. I sympathize, maybe a change can come about for more responsibility by the owners. It isn't just one dollar bills that the particpant owners are holding.
  9. No offense, I just don't envision Amy as the Pimp type.
  10. This looks kinda neat clearish brown, is good as any I 've tried Apature theater Master made in the U.S.
  11. For those thar feel they are in safe neighborhoods, have heard low crime rate compared to City, Check Population density. Also it can take a thief approximately 2 - 3 minutes to break in. From there if you have a minitored system there's a good chance the minitor station is not in your town. They will make an 11 (incliding i) digit phone to your residence to make sure it's not accidental. Then then have to make an 11 digit phone call to your Emergency Services. In phone calls that can eat about 3 minutes. If they bring wire cutters, as a good number do - cables are not high on the want list - Unplug unit(s), cut interconnects or speaker cables and exit. No matter where you live, it can happen.
  12. A smoked glass would be good for both. If possible make sure it's tempered or safety glass should it get knocked off.
  13. For some reason the mid '70s LaScalas were better with bass. IMHO. But after having owned two pair, I needed room, thus they were sold and Cornwall IIs took their place. Bass is better but the trade is in mids. Just for clarification, the LaScala seems to have a long throw. In a small room or up close the sound is not ehat most buy stereo speakers for. The bass they have can ruffle your shirt. The Cornwall II has more kick inside or in a small room. The mid does not seem to be as clear as the LaScala. It would be interesting to hear Bob's CornScala or what Dean could do with Corhwall IIs via their crossover. Win
  14. A quick primer on documentation and target hardening. Fist, we all have a good deal invested into our systems - 2 channel, HT, Computer, etc.. If you have an $80,000.00 dollar house, even with replacement cost, the average Comapany will insure your contents at one half of the home value - $40,000.00. Total up the cost (replacement if you have it) of your Components, additional "tweak" equipment. Then add cables, tubes, LPs, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, Television(s), collecible mugs, cleaning chemicals - ANYTHING audio or video related. Then add the rest of the contents of your home going from knick-kncaks to towels, to furnure to apllicances. Don't forget clothing, jewelry, tools - every item in your house or apartment. Exceed $40,000.00? Plus you must have your house insured for at least Eighty percent of its value or they start deducting. To start, gather all manuals together. Staple or paper clip sales receipts to them.. For a lot of equipment go to Audio Classics and see if they have a listing. If so, print and save, do the same with eBay the best quality. Go through each room and take still photographs of each wall. Then using a cam corder, go back and do a slow sweep of the room, stopping at each valuable item and speak the serial number. Note Vintage or new. Rent a safe deposit box. Store the information fro Audio Classics and other sites that give a positive price in that box along with tax returns, it then becomes deductible if you can itemize. Do not add your Social Security Number to units for easier return. In 99 percent of the cases the SS Administration will not give an Agency a name. The Agency contacts the SS, they contact the person requesting permission to give the information, then they send it to the requesting Agency. By then usually enough time has elapsed for the items to be auctioned. Use your Driver's license number or if you can find out the N.C.I.C. (National Crime Information Clearing House) of your Agencey, use that plus a 5 digit code after. Have a stamp made up. Use Manufacturer's Ink and stam the items in two places - one obvious, the other a hidden. but be consistent with placement. If things are stolen, an NCIC number is a give away as to where the item came from. But I have seen $50,000.00 houses with $65,000.00 worth of stereo related gear. If the house burned, there would be a lot that would come out of the owner's pocket. I'll do a section at a time if people desire. Most come from Articles or books that I have authored and have had published under copyright. For the value, time and labor people have put into their systems, the copyright to me does not equal. One last, some insurance companies that ofer the replacement cost option, will purchase a similar item and deduct it form your benefit. Who wants a stranger picking out their equipment? I don't. But you can raise the interior content value at not a high cost. DISCLAIMER: I do not, nor any family work for any Insurance Company, nor is any benefit derived from this Post.
  15. ---------------- On 5/10/2005 3:50:11 PM hurdy_gurdyman wrote: ---------------- On 5/9/2005 11:57:07 PM DrWho wrote: You could get a nice pair of heresies for under $400 if you're patient, but they would be really lacking in the low end. A really good deal would be a pair of Forte/Chorus for under $600-$700 (After lots of work getting them to chicago from florida my Chorus II's ended up costing me $500). You could probably find a beater pair for less too. As far as specs go, the 45Hz is a -3dB point which means the bass is already starting to roll off there. That said, the speaker goes low enough such that I don't think you would never tell the difference until you've heard information below those frequencies. The boom from a kick drum is generally in the 60-80Hz region, with 40Hz being real low. The lowest note on a 4 string bass guitar is 32Hz. ---------------- Actually, the lowest note on a standard 4 string bass guitar is typically 41.2 Hz (low E). Lower tuning is available with different strings/alternative tuning or going to more than four strings. Dave ---------------- Agree on the low E spec. But even going to a five string you still have the low as low E. In the 5 string bass. Low B, about 32.
  16. ---------------- On 5/8/2005 6:17:21 AM colterphoto1 wrote: I agree wholeheartedly on the banishment of this horribly violent breed. But I have another issue with owners of dogs of all types. How can I say this gently, will all dog owners kindly train their animals to 'SHUT the F@ UP!' I paid a small fortune for my home and am entertained nightly by the yapping and howling of various breeds of dogs, sometimes very late into the night. Are owners deaf to the racket of their own pet's barking, which can be heard all the way down the block? If I played Ozzie at the same volume and for the same time over my Industrial LaScalas the police would be here in 5 minutes! Have you ever been accosted by a neighbor who expressed displeasure at your pet's noises? What would be an effective and neighborly way of registering a complaint? I'd really like to do this without alerting the police or becoming a vandal. Michael ---------------- Hi Michael: This is for you and others dealing with barking dogs. In most states there is a provision that one is entitled to the Peaceful, quiet enjoyment of there homes. Civil Law, Small Claimss,bring a couple of neighbors. But first call Animal Control, there is usually a reason and most likely an abuse. At the least call and even if your city handles on a priority basis, it will still be documented. You can then contact the Commanding Officer of your Precinct, Section and request something be done. Disturbing the Peace is one strike. The calls can stay anonymous if you request so.
  17. As I know of mOOn's concerns with things, I would agree with enforcement, with my concept. But where mOOn lives there may be a disproportion of in-bred dogs used for fighting. Thus only the strongest, i.e. most aggressive and meanest survive. If there is no leash law, petitions should be taken around to gain one. Note if safe and possible, where you see residents taking PitBulls on runs while they ride a bicycle. If you see one loose, do not hesitate to call 911 for Animal Control. There have been raids on homes for dog fights, the neighbors hear the noise, yet do nothing. Apathy toward a lot of things needs to be changed. If this forum is a way to help achieve some of those goals then start. NOW. Pro-Active. mOOn, if there are many around you that are problems - call the Huane Society. Start the call with " I don't want my name address or phone number given out" then describe the problem. The Humane Society has Sworn, Law Enforcement Officers. To the offender the gun is a give away. If you think there are dog fights, do not put yourself in harm's way, but if you can get license plate numbers. You could event turn that information over to a Crime Stoppers Program if you have one. The floor I was on had a tap for every line but the Crime Stoppers, even the *## would not work. If it is like the floor I was on, you will be anonymous. An answering machine is used - no voice mail as that spits a number at you. When I was younger, my neighborhood had a problem with Dobermans, we got it taken care of. They were used for fighting. I was bit by one. But I'm too stupid to show fear. If there is a local problem that I can help you with, contact me. You know I'll help. But keep the onus on the owner.
  18. After my GrandFather sold the Funeral Busines my Father went to work for Delco. That said I have owned American and Japanese Cars. A Nissan was a lemmon. Dodge Challenger - wish I still had it - made in Canada - you can tell by the adjustable headrests instead of the one piece seat. Chevy truck - not bad. Wife had a '94 Corolla, some idiot in a 25 ft. panel truck pulled in front of her turning left. Accident reconstruction figures her speed 28 - 31 (35 mph zone) air bags deployed, when I arrived on scene, Medics were tending to her. I talking to investigating Officer then photographed vehicle. You would never know that she had AC, a fan belt, engine moved. You could see the crumple zones. All glass intact, all doors functional. Bought a 2001 Corolla with more features, paid less than the '94. I'm driving an '85 Toyota Pickup, one problem due to moisture in gas. Bought a lifetime warranteed exhaust system - all one piece. Replaced twice, not even a labor charge. The original was only 25.00 more than Monro. They only guarantee muffler I would have had two or three pieces and a muffler. Car gets 26 mpg - City, 41 on the road. Truck gets 19 City 38 on the road. Paid $6,000.00 for the truck. $16,325.00 for the car with Cruise, AC, larger engine, Auto w/overdrive, carpet - everything but sunroof and side impact bags. While I can understand having to justify your job the salaries even the others mentioned are obscene. And Health Care? How about having Rochester's War Memorial renovated adding about 3,500 seats, separating the Arena and the War Memorial and having Blue Cross / Blue Shield pay over one Million dollars for naming rights - sick building, needs healthcare.
  19. I just read page 4. Royster: I heve seen what you have seen, I'm not ignoring you. There was a quote, can't remember by whom and I'll probably mess part up but here goes: What separates Humans from the rest of the animal world is the humans ability to hold a grudge, let that grudge fester then plan on how he is going to attack, where he is going to attack and what weapon will be used. Also a human can decide that he is going to kill, choose a weapon, choose a stranger and then kill. Some of this non-provoked, all for no food benefit and all using methods beyond hitting, biting but in the very vast majority of cases knowing it is wrong. Also the human can gain joy or gratification out of hurting another human. Author unknown.
  20. To expand what I meant by training, first owning a dog like owning a handgun is a privilege not a right. For breeds that have a higher propensity to bite, before bringing the dog home the dog AND the owner should have basic training. The standard Commands: Sit, heel, stay, lay down, halt are worked on first. Then the cute commands: Sit up, shake hands. A necessary command: from whom the dog will take food and the ability of the owner to touch the dog's mouth while eating, take food out. All of these must include the owner and be mandatory. Grooming, shots, walking, other exercise are needed. If the above is required at a sliding scale cost of all owners, there is no discrimination. In cases to make the animals mean, chili sauce, hot sauce is put in and on their food. Anyone seeing this should report it. It is a form of abuse in itself. As you teach your children respect for weapons, respect for animals should be taught. The proper way to pet that does not instill any nervous feeling in a dog. Not wrapping your arms all the way around a dog. These are for dogs you don't know or know little. The Human must let the dog know from the beginning who is the Alpha Dog - The Human. Owning a dog, no matter the breed, can be a positive experience. If the time is taken for training. Parenting classes are given. A dog can be like a child in the Family. They need to know their limits. It's interesting that the Target Dog and the dog in the Little Rascals had much Pit Bull. The in-breeding, feeding conditions and inter action with humans and other dogs have some role to play. I have also seen cats that had to be removed because of attacks. They are not fatal, but they do draw blood.
  21. ---------------- On 5/9/2005 6:27:53 PM BS Button wrote: Well, my PD-5VH's sound just fine...and Woodog thought the sound drastically improved from that of the K52H's, but that's with new cans, so I'm back being confused again. BS ---------------- It's okay to be confused on that point as Atlas is only showing spec in their print material as 110 - 4,100 plane wave. They don't list a full response anymore.
  22. For laughs I thought I would try Atlas again. The person answering this time said that 4,100 was its total high end. It would not reach 6,000 HZ. Does anybody really know what time it is? Or do we go 2 out of 3 isn't bad.
  23. I'm not going to play Devil's Advocate. A number of Homeowner Insurance Companies are raising rates if you have certain breeds of dog. I had a combination Husky/Shepard. Beauty of the Husky, brains and protectiveness of the Shepard. While I owned Him neighbor's found a stray full blooded shepard half frozen, covered with snow. They asked me to take him to the shelter. Iwas sitting on the kitchen floor and as only dogs can read it - he saw SUCKER on my forehead. Came over put his head on my lap and started whining. Named him Whine-oh My other dog came with me when I served legal papers. I didn't carry my fire-arm. But no one gave grief - they figured it would be two against one. They were not going to argue with a 98 pound dog - no fat, trained. When I was a kid almost all the rest had Shepards. Because of allergies, no way. But you didn't hear of the attacks that you do now. It is a shame because my dogs were family. I always boarded them at the Vet's. With each one there were definite physical reasons that they needed to put down. Tumours and resulting paralyzing. We could not have children so the dogs were family members. But they were on long leads even in the fenced in back yard. I would find a deserted place to let 2 Shepard types run. If the mixed breed did something wrong and I had to raise my voice, he would always give me his paw and I had to shake or he would mope. Since they knew to protect I walked them using a leather panic leash that if necessary you just hold onto one part and they're free. Never had to. I've never got another dog. That would not be fair to their memories and my expectations. When alive, I knew they were protective - they would corner you, you went nowhere without a fight. So I felt comfortable when I would go to Crime Prevention Conferences and my wife was home alone. Dogs should be trained, the owner also and leash laws enforced (that includes cats.) Each bite incident needs to be examined. Anyone that tries a cover-up, or allows that behaviour should be prevented from owning a dog. If the dog is legitimately protecting, and it's on your property, someone is trespassing. To change the subject to mention something noted in a couple of posts, INY State if you use a hand gun while in the commission of a felony, that's an automatic one year - no plea bargaining. I have not read of a case where that has been prosecuted.
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