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Any need to burn in new speaker cables? Does it make them sound better?


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OK, I've been dieing to ask this:

Marty, are you REALLY a painter?

And where did you get your degree?

Must be a helluva program...


You dont need a degree to be a painter,,,just a bucket of paint and a big brush.
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For those interested in delving deeper, I have white papers dealing with burn-in for Sunday mornings after going to a Mexican restaurant Saturday night.

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Question [6]

What happens if you turn a cable around (end for end) after "burn in", or for heavens sake halfway through "burn in" ?

Is it more balanced, ruined, edgy sounding for life, should we rotate our cables every 5000 songs. Or just run some pink or white noise through them to balance them back out every 6 months ?

Does breaking them in with white noise make the range of frequency they cover greater ?

Just wondering

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For those interested in delving deeper, I have white papers dealing with burn-in for Sunday mornings after going to a Mexican restaurant Saturday night.

That's more like burn out! I almost lost an O ring once that way when stuck on the Pittsburgh trolley after a long night out. Local Mexican restaurant called Jose and Toni's gave me the worst case of Jose hole as it has been referred to ever since. I used to ride the train to work daily, but this morning was going to be different than any another. It started with a small stomach growl, like the Mexican food was saying adiós your done. I played as if it was nothing, sure, I could handle it, I've been here before I told myself. Well the birth pangs lead to one after the next until there was no end in sight. I pinched so hard you could have put nickels into that slot and had them come back as quarters. I stood up, pulled the emergency stop cord on the train and told the conductor if he did not stop the train immediately he would have a tragedy on his hands. He exclaimed "Dude, can you hold it until the next stop"? " I'll floor it!" - HE DID!- I never knew a trolley could move like that. Needless to say, he spared all 60+ on the train. Getting off the story get's even better. No bathroom no nothing.... .....but 20 more passengers boarding and a steep inclining hillside. Well, 4 strides into ascending that hill I started to lose it by the 5 stride the grip of that Mexican dinner stopped me dead in my tracks. As the trolley pulled away I know there was a sigh of relief for the conductor and the unsuspecting travelers. As I remember it, the sun was shinning but all if not most on the trolley would agree that they witnessed a Full Moon on Monday at 8:15AM!

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Why what?

Indeed. Please pmail me the name of your supplier...must be really good stuff.

Standard Boilerplate: That's a joke, no offense, etc, etc.


Oh, Dave, no offense taken. I just woke up from that trip....... thanks for the thumbs up. What were we talking about...?

I believe it was two or more examples of the undistributed middle not supported by available research. Coulda been cookies... Yeah, it was cookies.


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Why what?

Indeed. Please pmail me the name of your supplier...must be really good stuff.

Standard Boilerplate: That's a joke, no offense, etc, etc.


Oh, Dave, no offense taken. I just woke up from that trip....... thanks for the thumbs up. What were we talking about...?

I believe it was two or more examples of the undistributed middle not supported by available research. Coulda been cookies... Yeah, it was cookies.


As time passes, my stereo sounds better to me.

Burn-in takes time

Therefore Burn-in makes my stereo sound better to me.

it depends what you put in those cookies, good idea to make one batch
"with" and one batch "without" just in case you cannot keep yourself
from eating a lot of cookies.

--Odd Planner Chips

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Still burned up about how much money is wasted on cables? I know I am.

Your right, thinking maby there was something to all of this I took my cables outside to burn them in and now all the insulation is gone. I have two choices now, replace them or try the little wire elevators to lift them off the floor and keep them separated so they don't short out.

It never ends

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Some will say it's the dielectric that is being conditioned, because wire is wire, comparing apples to apples.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not the dielectric that's being conditioned, but the dialectic, the conversation, that is being ignored.

As part of that dialectic, I will posit that cheap speaker wire performs equally well as high highfalutin speaker wire, but costs a lot less. It is possible that a manufacturer can screw things up to the point that speaker wire will sound worse, but it can never, ever, sound any better.

Sometimes, however, I eschew dialectic discourse for intuitive reasoning. When I'm in that state, I would agree with the need for a break in time. I would propose that if you spend 10 hours running Marvin Gaye's "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" your cables will have a funky soulfull groove added to them that will stand you in good stead in the coming years.

Thebes you completely ignored apples in your reply. Apples are apples right? No of course they aren't. Grannie Smiths are way different from Golden Delicious, but neither require burn in, unless you are making a pie. Then there are those who swear by a combination of the two, or purists who insist on using only Jonathans. But comparing same variety apples carmelization is preferred to burn in if you have to get technical. Just as with wire in aircraft applications, fresher is better.

I've been binging on Honeycrisp apples lately. Expensive buggers but I can't stop myself.

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