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Good Riddance


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Too bad the greedy coca-cola company decided, subsequently to this commercial (i.e. 'new coke'), to sweeten their sugar water with HFCS which is the beginning of two full generations of obese consumers in the USA.


Thankfully, in most countries across the planet, many featured in that commercial, coke is still sweetened with sugar.

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Just another hijack of an honestly held spirit of togetherness that was growing at that time. 


Anything interesting, or profound, or helpful, or creative, or different or just about anything will be hijacked, beat to death and/or exploited for the betterment of the bottom line. 


Hey look what happened to the internet.

Edited by thebes
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<snip> exploited for the betterment of the bottom line. 


Hey look what happened to the internet.

Agreed, but what's the solution? If not (insert company), then the competition will. 


Correct.  So let's jump off the cliff before they do.

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<snip> exploited for the betterment of the bottom line. 


Hey look what happened to the internet.

Agreed, but what's the solution? If not (insert company), then the competition will. 


Correct.  So let's jump off the cliff before they do.


Cut costs, raise profits or go out of business. Export, then offshore, now nextshore. It's all about the $. 


I want to hear solutions. 

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Growing up a coke was a rare and wonderful thing.  The bubbles leaping up when opened like fireworks, a peppery and sweet aroma, and a taste like nothing else.  My mother gave me coke when I was sick at my stomach and even when I couldn't keep water down I never threw up coke. 


Sugar is bad for you?  No, it isn't.  Excellent food and near perfect fuel.  What's bad is excess.  And regardless of whether HFCS is better or worse than sugar it tastes nowhere near as good as pure cane sugar.  We're keeping Pepsi around now as they are making the real thing (no offense to coke intended) again with sugar. 



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Yes sugar is bad for you.  Look what happened to the Hawaiians when sugar as a crop was introduced.  Sugar is empty calories as much as alcohol.  Sugar has destroyed as many cultures as alcohol, and/or disease.  Sugar is disgusting and unnecessary when you can get all you need from fruit and unrefined sources.

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We are evolved to have a preference for sugar, because it was rare and helpful at the time----like you said, it's bad in excess.  The problem is it is abundant now and always used in excess.  The Brits (your favorite foreigners) created sugar plantations to feed their addiction, (they put it in everything) which led to a massive amount of economic slavery (not to mention actual slavery) and to this day put sugar in everything, which is a major cause of English teeth syndrome (lack of).  At the same time there is the US sugar subsidy which protects our own industry and causes the price of sugar in the US to be sky high compared to the rest of the world.  Therefore we get HFCS because of a different subsidy.  Corn versus cane, and everyone loses except the corporations who profit from whichever is cheapest.

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