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Another Youthman Deal....Hooking Wakejunkie Up with Some Near Mint RS-7's


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Two days ago, I contacted the guy about these RS-7's several hours after they were posted. 








He replied saying he had a buyer lined up and I was #3 in line and that he "Kinda promised to sell them to the guy who responded first. I'll let you know if that doesn't work out."  I told him to keep my number and if the guy didn't show, I would be willing to pick them up that night or the following night.

Yesterday the ad was still up so I emailed him back and said I was still interested.  Last night, I receive the following email and I immediately responded.


Hello Bryan, Michael and Ed:
My first "buyer" did not show up, so the Klipsch speakers are still for sale.   Let me know if you're still interested.
I want to get them sold tomorrow or Saturday at the latest.


Within seconds of me sending the email, the phone rings.  It was the seller saying they were still available.


Guy was a super nice older gentleman and his wife.  He said he isn't into audio but he moved into a house and these were on the wall.  He needed to paint the walls so he pulled them down and listed them on Craigslist. 


They are near mint except for a very tiny scuff in the bottom of one speaker.  Original owner likely purchased them new, mounted them on the wall and never touched them. 


I always thought the white vinyl looked cheesy but these look very nice in person and probably have a much higher WAF.


These will be given to @WakeJunkie to upgrade from his RS-3ii side surrounds.


Here are some photos of them in the back of my Expedition to give you an idea of the size of these beasts.




















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If you haven't seen Wake's room pics, you can see them here.  He has an incredible HT and now he has the largest surrounds he can accommodate.


One speaker will go above the fireplace behind the speaker grill







One speaker he will refinish in black so that it goes better with the wood panels on the opposite wall.  Oh wow, I forgot he used to have the RF3's up front.  Now he has (2) RF-7ii and a Horizontal Custom RF-7ii Center.



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2 hours ago, Youthman said:

Here are some photos of them in the back of my Expedition to give you an idea of the size of these beasts.

Great score Michael! They are beast and Wakejunkie will love them. They blend great with RF7II's and are one of my favorite Klipsch speakers in my set up.

Makes you appreciate having to angle them down as big as they are.

Rf7II Mount

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Yet another example of what is known as a "Youthman Deal."   :emotion-21:


I'm only surprised the seller didn't have a pristine McIntosh amp he wanted you to haul away for free.  You'll just have settle for pristine Klipsch surrounds at $25 a piece. 


Pretty nice of you to forward those to Wakejunkie.  I think I speak for the Klipsch community when I say we never tire of hearing those kind of stories.  :)

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9 hours ago, derrickdj1 said:

If Wakejunkie wishes to paint them black to match the other speaker.  I'm sure it will be a tough job for him, lol.  We all wish we had the talent that he has.

Yeah, he could build a new cabinet for them if he wanted too but I believe he is planning on painting them and replacing the grill cloth with black.


8 hours ago, Tasdom said:

They are beast and Wakejunkie will love them.

He is so excited...said he couldn't go to sleep last night.  Funny thing is I couldn't either because I was excited for him.


7 hours ago, wvu80 said:

Yet another example of what is known as a "Youthman Deal."   :emotion-21:

Yes, I have truly been blessed with a few "Youthman Deals". 


7 hours ago, wvu80 said:

I'm only surprised the seller didn't have a pristine McIntosh amp he wanted you to haul away for free.  You'll just have settle for pristine Klipsch surrounds at $25 a piece. 

So far, I've only been able to score ridiculous deals on Klipsch speakers....no McIntosh gear yet.  I would take it.


7 hours ago, wvu80 said:

Pretty nice of you to forward those to Wakejunkie.  I think I speak for the Klipsch community when I say we never tire of hearing those kind of stories.  :)

You guys know, Wake is pretty much a brother to me.  My kids call him Uncle Shaun.  Our families have gone on a cruise together, we visit each other about once a year and I even take my graduating high school seniors on a senior trip to Shaun's to take them wakeboarding, tubing, cliff jumping etc.  Because we are family, we literally are willing to do anything for each other, each of us expecting nothing in return.


When I first began building my HT, I got stuck on building my riser.  I called Shaun for advice and he asked what we were doing 2 weekends from now.  He loaded his family up for a mini vacation and drove 600 miles to help me finish the riset.  He spent 6 straight months after having 3 strokes building my new front wall in my HT.  He only charged me for the $3166.00 for the materials.  It was his passion to build something that he would be extremely proud of.  I believe he exceeded that goal. 


I can't build squat but what I am good at is finding awesome deals to hook him up with....like the free website I developed for his photography business.  After buying this complete 11 Speaker RF-7ii System for $2000, I told him to sell his RF-3, RC-3 and RS3 and whatever he got for them, give me the cash and I would give him a pair of RF-7ii, an RC-7 and RS-35's.  He gave me $750.  I found him some free LaScalas, gave him an Onkyo TX-NR1008 receiver and now free RS-7's). 


Neither of us are keeping score...when we see something that would benefit the other, we jump right in and try to be a blessing to each other.  That's what true friends do.

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Speaking of how large the RS-7's are....this should give you some perspective on scale for those that have never seen them in person.


My apologies in advance for quality of the pics....my tripod broke so I took these with my iPhone.


RS-7 vs Theater Chair





RS-7 vs LaScala






RS-7 vs RSW-15






RS-7 vs RS-6ii






RS-7 vs Bar Stool



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10 minutes ago, Tasdom said:

I hope you give them a try before giving them to WJ. Pop in the Master and Commander blu-ray......amazing!

Well, he just found out he has a hole in his heart.  Dr wants him to have some test run in Daytona, FL near Thanksgiving so he and his family will spend Thanksgiving and probably a few days so we will likely try them out.  It won't be a direct comparison with the RS-62ii since we will likely put them on barstools and extend the speaker wire from the RS-62ii to the RS-7's but it still may be fun hearing them here.


8 minutes ago, teaman said:

Dang, those are huge. I actually really like them in white.

Yeah Tim, I was really surprised how nice they look in person.  Previously I had seen them online and thought they looked horrible.  I was wrong.


9 minutes ago, teaman said:

If you find another pair for $50 I'll give you $60 for them.....lol!

$60 + shipping + a Starbucks Mocha Frap and you have a Deal!  :D

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Awesome...I'm in...when you have them ready for me send me your Paypal info.....hahaha!


Sorry to hear about his health issue though, my buddy just got diagnosed with that...plus an irregular heartbeat...plus a leaky heart valve. Not something to mess with. Wishing him all the best. 

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