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Covid19 redux


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5 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

I hope a few as possible become infected. But, and you know this already, science is working on treatments and vaccines for this virus. The longer it can be kept under wraps the better. I do think it will be with humanity from here forward. But if we get treatments that work it will be just another disease that medical science will have conquered.

 are there any chances we may not be able to find a cure ?  -----the reason , I am saying so , is the fact that it does not look like the big boys in the pharma -industry are in a hurry  ,  or am I wrong to think this -

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30 minutes ago, Jeff Matthews said:

At least we're beyond the politics of hydroxychloroquine.  That whole episode was a joke on voters.

POTUS latched onto that French study announced and followed up by FOX and maybe others. Guess I would too, if that was all that showed any sign of hope.

Speaking to which, the Remdesivir

Is looking possibly much better.

Preliminary results per couple of posts here. Thanks!

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11 minutes ago, wvu80 said:

It was Andrew Jackson who supposedly said that, but we know what you mean.  It has long been acknowledged that Lincoln did not have the constitutional authority to free the slaves in states in rebellion against the union

Acknowledged by who? You need to be more precise. Read the Emancipation Proclamation, what it says, and under what conditions. In addition to scorching their earth he could cripple their economy


 It was all rendered moot by 13th Amendment.


German, Italian and Japanese citizens, born in USA, were rounded up and put in concentration camps and that was deemed acceptable by SCOTUS during wartime. 


You can lock up people for merely opposing the draft (Debs). The list is endless.



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More to the point, is it Constitutional to require someone to get vaccinated?


Yes. (Smallpox inoculation), about 100 years ago, when you had a very small chance of dying from live ca


Is it Constitutional for a state to issue temporary emergency safeguards for the health and welfare of its citizen during a pandemic?


Yes (Spanish flu)



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23 minutes ago, 000 said:

----historically speaking and not politically   -what he should have he done instead , and could he have avoided the Civil War all together ---and all the loss of lives ----

Quoted Horace Greeley “wayward sisters, depart in peace”.

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5 minutes ago, dwilawyer said:

Acknowledged by who? You need to be more precise. Read the Emancipation Proclamation, what it says, and under what conditions. In addition to scorching their earth he could cripple their economy


 It was all rendered moot by 13th Amendment.


German, Italian and Japanese citizens, born in USA, were rounded up and put in concentration camps and that was deemed acceptable by SCOTUS during wartime. 


You can lock up people for merely opposing the draft (Debs). The list is endless.



You are correct to point out other questionable acts of usurpation.  Still, in that era, slaves were property.  The 5th Amendment should have applied.  


Despite the usurpation, it was still for the better.  

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16 minutes ago, 000 said:

 are there any chances we may not be able to find a cure ?  -----the reason , I am saying so , is the fact that it does not look like the big boys in the pharma -industry are in a hurry  ,  or am I wrong to think this -

There’s a storm of people working on a range of treatments for covid19 and the gov’t is fast tracking them all. When they find a workable vaccine there’s a firm in India already set up to produce massive volumes of the stuff. Just read about a new UV light application that in 12 seconds will decontaminate the exposed surfaces of a human of all pathogens. There’s research at the base level too. One group is looking at the metabolic pathways of ocean wood works (that are actually specialized clams) seeking a potential treatment. They will find something better than we’ve got. Lots of irons in this fire.

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46 minutes ago, 000 said:

the only ones  to be exempted were those who served in the Military  -

Japanese in Hawaii were, for the most part exempt; as were most German & Italian Americans.



Edited by Sancho Panza
Bold most part
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5 minutes ago, Jeff Matthews said:

You are correct to point out other questionable acts of usurpation.  Still, in that era, slaves were property.  The 5th Amendment should have applied.  


Despite the usurpation, it was still for the better.  

Exactly. The states who seceded, and all of their residents, forfeited their right to property, forfeited their right to vote, forfeited their right to to engage in interstate and international commerce . . . In short, they forfeited their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

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On 4/29/2020 at 6:58 PM, Sancho Panza said:

Japanese in Hawaii were, for the most part exempt; as were most German & Italian Americans.


some italians -Germans were in concentration camps in WW2 ,

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Remdesivir has been shown to improve outcomes in covid19 by 31% over placebos. It will become SOP for treating covid19 and the manufacturer has already stockpile 140,000 doses and it is ramping up production. The drug was originally formulated to treat the Ebola virus.


Oddly researchers think certain llama antibodies might be effective in disabling the covid19 virus. Just another treatment method in the works but still not proven.

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1 hour ago, wvu80 said:

I missed that.  I've been MIA from here while for a couple of weeks while trying to buy an EXTAR Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC) to deal with the zombie apocalypse created by the zombie pandemic.

It's a cool gun   ,  did you get it to protect you , from rising crime due to covid 19

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