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Your last post is EXACTLY what I am talking about!! Don't you get it????? There is NO PLACE for that kind of thing on this or ANY FORUM!!! Do you talk to adults in real life like that???? Do your parents condone it???? Do you think the majority of the members of this BB are impressed by it????

Here is the really BIG question...though:

WHY DO YOU CONTINUE IT????? Wake up, smell the cocoa, and if you are gonna converse with adults, then at least make an effort to act like one...OK?? This forum is NO PLACE for Gansta Rap inspired carryings on!!!! Save that kind of language for when you are around your peers...NOBODY HERE IS IMPRESSED BY IT!!!! GET IT??? SHEEEEESH!!!!

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dude, they did both of the things you just said to me. I am not the fucing criminal here. I don't see why you retards don't see that! ranger and forest started the damn argument in the first place, and he is continuing it just as much as I am. I don't see how the hell they're acting any more "adult" than me. they ahve exchanged just as many insults as I have, and in forest's case, even more. are you so blind that you do not see any of this stuff happening? if that is the case, you are stupid as your profile suggests. go lift some heavy things if that helps you to feel better.

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Well, prodj101, I missed the part where you told your age... so all I had to go on was your line of reasoning and the regard you have for your prose as reflected on this board. Since I am a good deal beyound fifty... I would like to say on behalf of some of us oldsters that, in the main, you are welcome here and we strive to give you feedback that will help you be more of the person you are bright enough to become.

Just because a dish lacks seaoning doesn't mean it was built without reasoning. Sure some of us found ourselves between the rock and a hard place that battlefields seem to create. We have seen the bloom of youth explode before our eyes to sink into nonfunctional dispair... or worse yet... too many pieces to collect for the body bag. As years go by, you may think back to this thread with the realization that insight can be difficult to implant in a mind bursting with ideas... and the talent to make a sax speak better than a recent president could may open a whole new career field.

If we thought you a real disaster, we would not take time to participate in this thread. But, putting forth ideas in a creative and succinct way without resorting to language skills beneath your talent level... or laced with primitive bantering that demeans not only the person that is the object of your scorn... but yourself as well... is not your best suit.

Frankly, there are a lot of us lurking about that have seen too many young men of your persuasion become fodder for less-than-candid recruiting personnel... as a prelude for being cannon fodder on some far flung shore. A flair for the dramatic without a sense of the pragmatic tends to win medals that are sent to one's family... and we all would want a better life for you then that.

You, prodj101, are not only your future... but in many ways, you and your generation are a part of what future we older folks may have left. I grew up in a family run by an autocratic father who secretly hated me for my intelligence... and I didn't find it out from his own lips until a few years ago when he made a deathbed confession of the fact. I grew up in an era when the draft was as real as a heart attack... and I joined the Army as a volunteer so I could have a bit more determination as to what my role would be. Actually, if I were better informed, once the GT scores were in (that the General Technical score that served as the Army equivalent of an I.Q. score)... a whole panoply of upscale options were available... whether I had been drafted or enlisted. I stayed more than twice as long as required, because the Army gave me access to some intellectual stimulation (beyond kill or be killed) that became a predicate for a successful life as a civilian... even leading to building my own think tank that served Fortune 500 companies and government.

Now that I know by your own admission that you are a young man, I will share with you that by the time I was 19 I managed a division of a land development company in San Francisco... and it wasn't my family's company. I did not volunteer for military service until after I was 21... and that was probably more to get the "draft" out of my future than anything else. Sure, I loved my country... and would make statments similar to yours in my eagerness to defend what I thought my country stood for. But, as time went on and I did consulting stints with high ranking American politicians in both parties... my youthful idealism was tarnished by the practicality that the real political arena extracts from all who would survive as politicians.

Since I was just writing about DVD's, I am reminded about the picture "Lawrence of Arabia" that reflects the life of a bright young Brit thown into the maelstrom... only to be shunted aside when the real decision makers carved up the fruits of his labors in their own way. Our comments... even some marginally good natured ribbing... are more in the interest of giving you a leg up in a far more complex world than we had at your age.

Being confrontational is easy... and one of the earliest strategies that a developing human uses to test the limits of his abilities. Some folks get stuck in that mode all their lives... and, frankly, it steals so much from their ability to experience human potential that none of us gray bearded products of yesteryear would wish on anyone... especially not you who has so much demonstrated potential to step beyond the sophmoric (sophmore can be traced back to "wise fool" as you probably know) traps that lurk in the halls of knowledge.

Be wise, use this Forum as a tool to increase your knowledge and insight... and it will be far more valuable to you that any confrontational victory that some glib "put down" might bring. And a word to some of those who have responded to you in this thread... communication is a two-way street... and sometimes we need to remember what caused each of us to turn a deaf ear to otherwise good advice when we were body slamming the world with a younger man's logic. Sometimes cheap shots are a lot funnier momentarily than they are useful long term... and I may be the worst offender. Seasonings Greetings to one and all. -HornED

PS: Since I do not proof or spell check my entries... I am aghast at what occurs at times like these when I am not getting enough blood to my brain. Fortunately, by the time you are my age... such maladies will be long fixed. At least, I would hope so.2.gif

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my question simply is this: why am I the scapegoat and ranger and forest walk away without so much as a word against them? they ARE the aggressors in this situation, not me. the point that this threat turned ugly is when they showed up on the scene. And ed (no offense, I admire your insight), but it is pretty damn hard to use this forum as a "learning experience" with people like ranger and forest on it. All me, and several others did, was state our opinion, none aggressivly, and forest and ranger jumped in and started with the insults. I am only defending myself, and I will not back down until someone realizes this.

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Actually, I slam Forrest and Ranger all the time. I'm still waiting for an audio related post from either of them.

Forrest is a Fascist, and likes to call some of us fools, dimwits, and *******. Ranger just wants to see lots of dead people, and will probably be in the thick of it here soon enough. But Prodj101, you -- are simply foul.

Seriously, you all need to chill out a little.

I'm glad for all the varying points of view, and though I don't agree with bombing Iraq back to the stone age, I do agree that he needs to go.

It's just that before we send people like Ranger over -- we need to make sure we got every angle covered. It is not a part of the world you want to screw up in.

Anyone know the history of the 'Fez'?

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In fairness, I did not read the whole thread. Hey, and I know that some folks can get abrasive... and I have certainly been on the butt end on many occasions. The question that looms is what is better... to save face with a snappy off-color retort... or to pull yourself up higher than you presume your adversaries may be seeing you... and crank out a little humorous wisdom with your retort.

By your own admission, you are a bright person... and, certainly, some of that shows through the knee-jerk rebuffs. The important thing for you to realize that very bright people almost automatically become targets... and it is just not worthy your time on this planet to spend your life in the "bigger *** for shoddier tat" world. It will not only be a better reflection of your intellect but will better prepare you to take on life and win!

Sure, prodj101, you can always chose to be a victim in a virtual body slamming contest... after all look what it has done for all the trouble spots in the world where one side's "right" to exact the next attrocity is established by revenge for the last attocity done by the other side... in an endless trail of retrobution. I would like to think that the bright young people of today can come up with a beter solution than that. See what you can do. -HornED

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prodj101: All me, and several others did, was state our opinion, none aggressivly, and forest and ranger jumped in and started with the insults. I am only defending myself, and I will not back down until someone realizes this.

Let me refresh your memory (page 9),

My initial post:

prodj101: That way maybe you'll get the idea that war isn't the answer to everything.

Hmmm I seem to recall someone else feeling that way also.

N.Chamberlain (Sept 1938): Peace in our time.

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prodj101: In Tae Kwon Do, or any other martial arts class, the first thing they say to you is "choose your fights, know when to stay and fight, and when to walk away". Now is not a time to stay. We should pack our bags and get the hell out of there before they execute all of those inspectors. We have no business in there at all.


prodj101: "We have no business in there at all."

RangerSix: Let's try to discuss this intelligently. Why do you feel that way?


prodj101: incase you have noticed, I have said why I feel that way on many seperate occasions. I don't feel like repeating myself for a illiterate like yourself (you obviously are if you haven't read why I feel the way I do previously). Go back and take the time to read.


You built this minefield, now you feel sorry for yourself because you can't find a way out.

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uhg, I was speaking of issues far before that. page 2 and 3 I think. jeez, getting senile already are ya? I don't see what you mean by "you built this minefield and now you feel sorry for yourself because you can't find a way out." That doesn't make any sense considering I'm not cornered. And no, I dont' feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for you, who are still thinking in a way that was a good answer in the time you come from, but no longer the best solution.

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I have to say, it is just a little one-sided to say that prodj is the only one who "bashes" people. He, nor I were the aggressors to begin with, but apparently by stating our opinions we become the victims of the bashing and therefore we return the favor, and so it continues...

So, while I don't think it is prudent to use the type of language that has been used here from time to time, sooner or later it is going to happen if people just can't except that peoples views vary from person to person and if they did'nt this thread would'nt even be 12 pages to begin with. There is no sense in going and bashing people just because the don't agree with what you think.

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prodj, the fact is you worked yourself up into a frenzy of anger and resentment. Look very closely at what has taken place between the two of us within the last 24 hours. Also, closely examine the cause and effect relationship between the posts. Your posts refer to me as illiterate, little girl, and puss*, but now you call upon the masses to appeal to them that forrest and myself are the real source of your forum angst.

uhg, I was speaking of issues far before that. page 2 and 3 I think.

I wasn't involved in the conversation that early. It wasn't until page 6 that I responded directly to two of your posts. Both of those posts, while critical of your argument, was not inflamatory to the point of name calling.

jeez, getting senile already are ya?

Huh? What did ya say? I can't remember.

I don't see what you mean by "you built this minefield and now you feel sorry for yourself because you can't find a way out." That doesn't make any sense considering I'm not cornered. And no, I dont' feel sorry for myself.


Exhibit A:

even though my opinions are supposedly as valid as anyone else on here, I don't get why the hell I always get blamed for everything, when forest and ranger clearly started the argument


Exhibit B:

dude, they did both of the things you just said to me. I am not the fucing criminal here. I don't see why you retards don't see that! ranger and forest started the damn argument in the first place, and he is continuing it just as much as I am.


Exhibit C:

why am I the scapegoat and ranger and forest walk away without so much as a word against them?

I never wanted this. I just wanted to discuss the issue of going to war with Iraq.

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Head for the roundhouse, cluless, he/she/it can't corner you there! 9.gif

Wow, thanks for the invitation to hoist a holiday glass in your honor. My favorite has a pewter column stem with a smiling winged gargoyle pearched on top to hold the opalescent glass with a straight cut edge... really gives the opportunity to savor a fine wine.

Or maybe I'll do a pint of stout in a hammered tankard with St. George fighting the Dragon for a handle... and a forest nymph on the top of the hindged cap to keep the swamp nasties from bathing in my beer.

I was so busy today that I clean forgot to eat lunch... hmm, maybe concentration can be good for the waistline... except now I am so hungry the resort cats may be in for a surprise BBQ. Uncross those eyes, cluless, I was only virtually catnipping! -HornEd

PS: Do the crossed eyes represent "clu" or "less" in your cute avatar?

PPS: m00n, I think that clu's idea of a glass half full... but less' idea of a glass half empty.

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Those sound like some sweet steins, Sir Ed.

I too, have a few steins decorated with arcane creatures.

I love that kinda of stuff.

Along with a vast collection of pewter minitures, I have a growing sword collection.

My passion for that genre stems from role playing some 15-20 years ago.

Although I only have 3 such steins, I always keep my eye open for them.

I've found estate sales to be the best place for that kind of thing.

Cheers everyone!

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