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Music to bomb Bagdad by


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" i think we should go over there and do the neutron dance , then in a week or so send our engineers into the refineries to start pumping oil for us , the great white satan . or whatever the f%$$ they call us. i expect hate mail from this post , thats OK. I believe in freedom of speech "

And some people still don't understand how The Holocaust could have happened in a civilised country ??

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I find it rather interesting how you cybergeek seem the need to call me ignorant. When it is YOU who is so close-minded it borders on the ridiculous. I am always open to suggestions and do consider other possiblities. Just because I don't agree with your beliefs gives you no right to critize me or anyone else. You don't see me going around calling you names or continously refering to your political preference as "stupid" or "retarded" do you? NO you don't. I have better things to do with my time then sit around on an internet board getting all worked up and resorting to name calling. Apparently Cybergeek, as your name implies you do have that kind of time. You need not bother telling me I have not insulted others in this thread, I know I have at times but it was always in response to something someone else said. Try showing some respect to me and others on this board. Without it you just show your own ignorance and immaturity time and time again.

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On 2/5/2003 12:57:23 AM cybergeek wrote:

SJ, Try showing some respect for the dead and murdered you Liberal brainwashed twit.


Thank you for once again proving my point.

You need to expand your one track mind. Don't think I lost anyone I knew in the WTC? Think again. Your totally misinformed if you think I don't respect the dead and those who have been murdered. Glad to see you acutally took the time to read my post and possibly COMPREHEND what I was trying to get across. I did once have respect for you, but your recent posts have proven otherwise. Guess you think your so "cool" to constantly rant about politics here and everywhere else. Spread your ridiculous propoganda someplace where people actually care. Have a nice day.

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Geez, playground or no, rude and insulting posts make me sorry that I created this thread. Although I cant find the source, I always thought it was Aristotle who said:

There will always be war, because there will always be young men to go to war, and old men to send them.

But perhaps it was Albert Einstein instead: So long as there are men there will be wars

You silly goons are proof of that. Maybe it was George McGovern: "I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in."

Herbert Hoover said Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

Aristotle (Nichomachean Ethics, 384 BC - 322 BC, Greek critic, logician, naturalist, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist) did say: We make war that we may live in peace.


Lynm, I think that the repressive, fascist, slave-supported genocidal state created out from one of the Wests most advanced industrial democratic republics, in modern times, with modern communications the Hitler regime is one of the most fascinating phenomena in history. No matter much I learn and study the brown-shirt Nazi revolution, from economic, political and sociological perspectives, it remains a head-shaking and mouth-open disbelief to me how such a radical political, social, moral, technological, military and economical change could sweep through such a country. So that all of its institutions and values are upended and re-arranged; that so many could blame and persecute so few. What was the Edmund Burke line?

The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.


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Colon-blow said---- "But brings up another question, one which perhaps will end this perpetual thread: who has been to, or in, any of the collapsed World Trade Center buildings?

"Did the buildings shake? Do you experience any lower frequency hum? How was the sound?"


Colin, You should regret ever starting this thread and each time you write/type I am amazed at your comments.

Are you actually making light of 9/11 by your comments above??????????? I actually got sick to my stomach that you could find any remote stretch of humor or amusement about 9/11. I pray to GOD for people like you and I am appalled that you find it a source of amusement or the least bit funny.

Your comments are beyond comprehension. Please enlighten us to your implied meaning.

Cattleprod- You will need that Tae Kwon Do with that piehole of yours. I wish you luck in the future. READ MORE, STUDY MORE, and most importantly THINK before SPEAKING!

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This thread should die. All the posturing. All the insults. All the asinine political theories and almost rabid need to blame it on "liberals" or "conservatives." We, as a country - make that continent since the Canadians wish to participate - have learned nothing. Many are too ignorant to realize there is no one group responsible for anything. This need many have shown to classify individuals into one specific group is no different than the Terrorists equating American with evil.

To simplify the situation as merely being the Muslims wanting us out of their country is simply absurd and the individual uttering it would do well to get a little more life experience before proclaiming such nonsense.

To simplify the situation as merely being the US's attempts to gain control of Iraq's oil is just as ignorant and ignores history. Thankfully some politicians are smarter than the half-wits who offer up this asinine theory. Today's lesson: To the victor goes the spoils but not in America's case. We would not have half the problems we do today if we retained control of all we have fought over. America does not gain control of anything if we killed every person in Iraq. The other middle eastern countries and the World would immediately object. America would be fighting a much larger war and a war we couldn't possibly win.

To offer a rationale for the terrorists' actions should immediately result in the stamping of "treason" on one's forehead - right next to some suitable adjective.

The situation with Iraq and arguments over how we should react remind me of the activists in this country who have managed to largely make corporal punishment a sin, i.e. don't spank your child. You have had twenty plus years doing it your way and the results speak for themselves. The situation is worse than it ever was before - both with today's children and Iraq.

To those who would advocate a peaceful solution: let's just withdraw, let's leave them alone, let's stop supporting Israel, whatever - this quote nails your position perfectly (thanks Colin).

The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

The time has long since arrived to do something and that something, while in itself introducing new problems, is to eliminate those who would do evil and we should do so with no remorse and no mercy. Forget responding in kind: they kill one, we kill thousands. Prisoner of War? Not a chance. The new problems? At least we won't be dealing with the same old problems. The dead don't fly planes, manufacture chemical weapons, or ignite nuclear weapons.

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Oh yes,

To work within the original intent of this thread and to pay homage to those folks who ARE simply war mongers AND to sicken those folks who are pacifists(I believe in equal opportunity and am willing to offend all), I offer this wonderful piece of lyrical content:

Killer, intruder, homicidal man.

If you see me coming, run as fast as you can.

A blood thirsty demon who's stalking the street.

I hack up my victims like pieces of meat.

Blood thirsty demon, sinister fiend,

Bludgeonous slaughters, my evil deeds.

My hammer's a cold piece of blood-lethal steel.

I grin while you writhe with the pain that I deal.

Swinging the hammer, I hack through their heads,

Deviant defilers, you're next to be dead.

I unleash my hammer with sadistic intent.

Pounding, surrounding, slamming through your head. Yeah!

Their bodies convulse, in agony, and, pain.

I mangle their faces, till no features remain.

A blade for the butchering, I cut them to shreds.

First take out the organs, then cut off the head.

The remains of flesh now sop under my feet.

One more bloody massacre, the murders' complete.

I seek to dismember, a sadist fiend.

And, blood baths are my way of getting clean.

I lurk in the alleys, wait for the kill.

I have no remorse for the blood that I spill

A merciless butcher who lives underground.

I'm out to destroy you and ,I will, cut you down. (Cut you down)

I see you, and, I'm waiting ,for Black Friday.

Megadeth - Good Mourning/Black Friday.

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Saddam is too "mad" to understand Mutually Assured Destruction

He is AD

If he wanted to rule in peace he should have given up his arsenal.

THe Jimmy Carter pacifist crap only works with people within that frame of reference.

He lives the premise that fear and death insures his rule of his domain.

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" How Did Iraq Become a Threat?"

I believe it was 9-11-01. It was real and not an action movie. Massive destruction and over 3000 innocent people murdered. With it came the realization that these terrorists will not hesitate to use means that kill thousands or millions of US. These means are what are referred to as WMD or WMT, Weapons of Mass Terror.

To exist and acquire such weapons, terrorists need harbor, funds, development, and support for such weapons. Most land on earth is contained within usually what we call countries. These countries consistently have some form of ruling body with enforcement capability. We usually refer to these ruling bodies as government.

After 9-11, the President wisely changed US policy against terrorism and it's threats. Instead of going after the terrorists themselves, we would now go after those countries that harbor and aid terrorists, AND those that do not actively capture and arrest these terrorists, i.e., aid instead in the fight against terrorism. This is important as an indicator of that government's intent to actively fight terrorism.

I suggest you read the text of W's speech directly following the attacks of 9-11, & his State of the Union for both 2002 and 2003.

The Iraqi government does not arrest terrorists nor in any way, shape, or form participate in the fight against terrorism. To the contrary, the Iraqi government rejoiced in the murders of over 3000 innocent people and the destruction caused to the USA and other countries in the attacks of 9-11. Statements to that effect were official.

The Iraqi government harbors and directly aids terrorists. They have links to Al Qaeda. They have vast amounts of Weapons of Mass Terror. They are ruled by a proven mad man and murderer.

It is time for the Iraqi people to advance into the civilized world. The only way for that to happen is by the backed threat of force against Saddam Hussein and the dictatorship of Iraq.

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Hi mdeenan,

I do not believe you can apply conventional definitions of 'strategic threat' in these cases. Terrorism defies all conventional wisdom and frankly is a piss-poor strategy but those carrying it out are in no danger of joining MENSA.

Iraq is a threat because of US meddling; we gave Iraq the ability to create these chemical and biological weapons. Hell, we encouraged the concentration of power and madness of Saddam Hussein but...the prick turned on us. He decided to pursue his own agenda. Isn't this how it always works out? Hussein, Castro, the a$$hole in Haiti, et al.

Ok. Failed policies notwithstanding, the fact is, none of these jackasses think they can win a war with America. That is not their goal, either. Their goal is simply to kill, to make America feel pain. To break our spirit, because we know the American people have more important things to do like participate in overconsumption than concern themselves with the problems of the world and endure any extended suffering themselves.

Conventional arms do not protect against terrorist activities. Terrorists aren't particularly keen on using conventional arms either so measuring their ability to hurt us with convention arms is not very prudent. Conventional arms DO eliminate terrorist threats by putting them in body bags. If Saddam is allowed to continue, he will place the Middle East in a stranglehold because frankly this guy is a little Napolean. Allowing him to continue unchecked will result in his having nuclear capabilities in the near future - could he wipe out America, hell no. Could he deter us from getting involved in Middle East conflicts? Yes and that is his aim. This is the first time we are actually utilizing ANY strategy and are basically involved in what is a preemptive strike. God bless.

I would prefer sending no troops into Iraq but the alternative is not very pretty; small tactical nukes which wipe out the country. The loss of life would be enormous and the backlash...well, the backlash would necesitate the nuking of a few more countries. In the end, we would be no better than Hitler's Germany - one point, I think we already have demonstrable evidence that similarities already exist.

We could of course just tell Saddam if he rounds up and executes all terrorists within his country, we will allow him to wreck havoc on his Middle East neighbors and not get involved. That should promptly lead to some public executions and then we could wait until they wiped out each other and then clean up the pieces. Of course, Israel, once released from America's shackles would likely have eliminated any and all threats in the Middle East.

The media is selling us a story and our government is perpetrating a myth along with reality but...in the final analysis, it is time to remove him; if for no other reason than to allow our government to turn its attention to someone new so we can stop rehashing the same old $hit.

We need to put Saddam behind us so we can go finish the job in Vietnam and Korea. When you economic policies aren't working well, the best thing you can do as a politician is find another war to participate in - keep Americans employed replenishing war toys.

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"We have taken the LEAST likely cause (Iraq) and turned it into the only cause."

Thanks for the admission. "We" is the likes of yourself and the Liberal Mainstream Media. I'm sure the Bush Admin certainly doesn't consider it the "only cause".

"Cause" also implies something that already happened. It's about potential and highly probable dangerous threats. It's about proactive thinking. Liberals just don't get it. They choose to remain doomed in the failings of the Clintonism mindset. No wonder they lost their asses in the last few elections. LOL

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