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Okay, so who's bringing what to the Arkansas par-taaay?


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I thought this question needed a separate thread!

I'm definitely bringing my Cayin TA-30 and the Cambridge Audio 540C, but what is everyone else bringing?

And, should I bother bringing my RF-7's? It would be a really big hassle, but if enough people want to see/hear them, I can find a way to get them there. My biggest hesitation is that I'll be moving them out of my dorm the very next week after graduation, so I'd hate to move them twice within 1 week. But like I said, I'd bring them if enough people really wanted me to.

I'm just happy that Dee's K-horns will be there (I'm super interested in hearing them with my Cayin), but what other goodies will be showing up?


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Hey guys and gals,

I've got the first two of Al K's Extreme Slope crossovers for my Klipschorns and one for my center Belle Klipsch.

I'm upgrading all three to the Altec 511B, 811B and the Beyma C-25 tweeters. If I don't have the mods finished by the "gathering", I'll bring the crossovers to connect to Daddy Dee's horns.

I live and work in Conway which is about 45 minutes from Little Rock. If there are any of you who need cheap (as in free) overnight accomodations at my home, I can probably handle three or four. I can also provide shuttle transportation to the Little Rock airport the next day.

The Klipsch museum in Hope opened recently. That's quite a drive and might be a good destination for The Gathering II in the fall.

If you think you might want to stay at my home, please e-mail me a week or so from the gathering. Thanks.



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I assume you'll be flying in the company jet so I am sure the gang would enjoy hearing a 7.1 HT setup of Khorns !

As usual I gotta give the meet a pass - I am sure a good time will be had by all.

Hopefully you'll be able to pass around some Bull**** buttons.

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OK, nine, maybe 16 guys, one to three pieces of equipment each, times 2 or 3 discs that we can all tolerate (better decide this in advance?), means what? 18 to 144 different tests, so lets see, that would mean a 12, or should it be, an 18 hour day, which means each guy in the sweet spot for 7.5 to 40 minutes enjoying each change/test, or three guys on a couch and three standing behind which is six guys per test, about 20 minutes for each test, OK, great, Daddy dee, please set up a schedule of equipment changes, lets see,


8:15 meet and greet

8:30 set up Cayin TA-30

8:50 Cambridge Audio 540C

9:10 JFL 2A3 monoblocks

9:30 Cary SLP-2002

9:50 Test CDs & SPL meter (no talking please!)

9:10 Coincident Technologies CST-1 cables

9:20 group exhausted after marathon listening sessions, breaks for drinks and smokes

9:30 AlK Extreme Slope crossovers installation (only one screw driver allowed) Question: how many tweaking audiophiles does it take to install Khorn crossover? Answer: nine, one to screw down the driver leads and eight to talk about it.

9:40 break for rest after arguing about crossover installations, caps and crossover orders

9:50 ALK test

10;15 mid-morning break

11:10 speech and dance (in a kilt, no less) from Trey, the Klipsch Cannon

11:20 anyone still left will listen to MP3 files shunted over from Treys laptop (tentative itinerary NOT sure of Treys music tastes)

11: 30 late morning break

11:40 Gary MD shows off his CDs; argument ensues with Colin over using the same stupid Test CD tracks over and over again insists on playing 5Hz T-Rex foot stomps from Jurassic Park - Colin will pretend to lose graciously and stomp off to lunch crowd joins him, only beer drinkers are left

1:20 Extended lunch hour; system has been completely changed, well sort of, some parts are still missing

1:40 parts still missing, DeanG takes matters in hand

2:00 QUAD II-forty monoblocks

2:30 afternoon break

3:10 QUAD QC-24 preamp

3:20 break

3:30 Colin tries to sneak in objective listening tests

3:34 He is forced to retire face first in garbage can

3:36 another break

3:56 break for early bird special dinners

7:30 some dedicated souls return for listening tests

7:35 break for after dinner drinks

8:15 group settles on bland mediocre music that no body loves but nobody hates either

8:30 break for evening drinks

9:00 problems of the world solved, break for drinks

;) just kidding

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The schedule will have to be left to somebody other than me. I'll be busy serving tea and crumpets. Besides that I'm one of those persons whose idea of a great vacation involves little enough planning to drive most people crazy. If we need a schedule, Colin is in charge of that... of finding someone to do that. 1.gif Seriously, we should and will consider the gear we've got and the length of the day so we get to hear what folks have brought. Just as long as it doesn't become work we'll be in good order.

From noon on, we'll have an additional large listening room just nextdoor, so we can set up gear in two places and be jamming simultaneously. Should ease a little bit up on the schedule.

It's close enough to wander across the driveway and back in very short order.

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Yes, I especially like the part about having the world's problems solved before the last break for drinks.

O.K. Here's a single question from a longer multiple choice exam for the purpose of testing one's "guy quotient".

Hypothetical: You see a UFO land in your yard. The occupant gives you a football size device and tells you it will be able to eliminate war, disease, and famine on your planet. What do you do with it?

A. Give it to the President of the United States...

B. Give it to the Secretary General of the United Nations...

C. You take it apart.

If you answered "C." you add ten points to your guy quotient.

Wish I had the whole test, it's hilarious.

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Are you implying that you could do the crossover work on my RF-7's on that day and I could pay you, or that you could just hook your crossovers up to my speakers so we could all hear the work?

If it's the former, I'd looooooooove to do that, but I don't think I will have the money by that time :( If it's the latter, then I'd love to hear that, as well as let everyone else hear that. That would be a perfect excuse to bring the 7's.


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